Celebrating 17 Years
On Monday, Ryan and I celebrated our 17 year dating anniversary! I love that Ryan is so into recognizing our dating anniversary — as he always says, “Those were good years! I don’t want to lose them!” — and he surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
I kept things classy with a homemade cookie cake complete with a Schitt’s Creek reference that made Ryan laugh. (We’re on season three and the show just seems to get better and better.)
Ryan and I always love reminiscing about our first date on our anniversary and talking about how we felt and our first impressions and random memories associated with that night is always my favorite part of the day. Ryan was surprised when I told him I remember exactly what he wore on our first date to The Cheesecake Factory but I really do have such strong memories of both of our outfits! So random, right? I’m sad to say I didn’t hang onto the rockin’ beige lace Express top, Abercrombie flare jeans or the pointy cognac heels I sported that night.
Big Kid Bunk Beds for Chase and Ryder
(Note: I know one of the bed rails on Chase’s bunk is missing in the above pic. It has since been added to his bed!)
Our big boys are officially bunked up! Last weekend, Ryan put a bunk bed together for Chase and Ryder and, three hours later, the big kids had a snazzy bunk bed all set up for nightly brother sleepovers! We’ve been meaning to move Ryder into Chase’s room because we needed his crib for Rhett and since Ryder recently began climbing out of his crib repeatedly, we knew he was more than ready for a big boy bed.
Chase and Ryder were SO excited about the bunk beds and think sharing a room is the coolest!! (Insert major mom relief here.) Ryder didn’t seem to care about leaving his room at all and was all-in on sharing a room with Chase, aka his favorite person in the world. Chase immediately claimed the top bunk and we bought a soft foam bed bumper for Ryder’s bottom bunk bed to keep him nice and secure in his new bed.
The transition has gone amazingly well with two exceptions: Ryder’s nap time and early morning wake-ups. Ryder was almost always awake by 6 a.m. before but he’d happily hang out in his crib until 7 a.m. Well, now he yells out for Chase and the two of them are up playing before the sun every day. Yeesh! Thankfully they know that they cannot come out of their room until their Hatch light changes to yellow and Ryan and I are hoping the novelty of sharing a room will wear off a bit and they’ll sleep in a little longer.
As for naps, Ryder was already boycotting them some days and the new big boy bed seems to only further exacerbate his nap strike some days. We’re working through it with books and encouraging “quiet time” for Ryder because I know he still needs a nap most days. There’s always something new to navigate in Kid Land!
Rhett’s Posterior Tongue Tie
On Friday morning, after five months of excessive spit up, we finally got some answers. At the gentle encouragement of my college friend Kaitlyn, a speech language pathologist in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, I decided to take Rhett to a specialist to have him checked for a posterior tongue tie.
Kaitlyn reached out to me about Rhett and, knowing we have a family history of tongue tie, highly recommended getting Rhett checked for a posterior tongue tie which I didn’t even know was a thing! (Chase’s tongue tie was much more obvious. It was discovered during an appointment with a wonderful lactation consultant that I made because nursing was excruciating.) I actually had Rhett checked for a tongue tie by our pediatrician, a lactation consultant and a doctor in the hospital after his birth because of the genetic connection and it was missed by all three.
Apparently posterior tongue ties are much harder to see because they’re located deeper in the mouth and breastfeeding can still continue without pain for the mother. (All things I didn’t know!) My gut told me something has been off with Rhett for a long time so I was on a mission to get to the bottom of his spit up issues and the gassy pain he seemed to be experiencing after feedings. We initially had an appointment scheduled for mid-February with a pediatric dentist known in the area for his amazing work with tongue ties but when a spot opened up with a local ENT (the same practice that performed Chase’s tongue tie release), we jumped at the appointment on Friday morning.
The ENT very quickly told me Rhett did, in fact, have a posterior tongue tie and quickly performed his release that very day. Phew!! I could tell the release changed things up for Rhett because he seemed to be figuring out how to suck on his pacifier and adjust his latch a bit after the release but within 24 hours, he seemed SO much better. We now have some oral exercises we will be performing with him for the next six weeks. Here’s to a happier baby… and hopefully a lot less laundry!
Preschool Returns + A Little More Work Time (And Your Blog Post Requests!)
Chase and Ryder returned to preschool this week and I did a happy mom dance! Juggling this blog and three kids and liiiife with so few breaks is a challenge — and I know many of you feel me on this one, especially as we approach one year of navigating life during a pandemic. I’ve never lost sight of the fact that I’m lucky to be able to work from home right now and fortunate to have a preschool open for the big kids that I trust and feel good about sending them to during these crazy times, but when things change at the last minute and preschool closes for a week or a month at a time to be cautious because of COVID-19 concerns in the area (which I totally get!), it can be a little defeating to have to pivot quickly and chalk all of that time up to a loss on the work front.
Now that Chase and Ryder are hopefully back in preschool on the same day twice a week and I can hopefully count on one solid nap from Rhett during that time, I’m looking forward to a little more uninterrupted work time… which brings me to my next question for YOU! Are there any blog post requests you have for me in 2021? I always like to ask you guys about the content you’d like to see on the blog every year, so please let me know what you’d like to see me write about in the coming weeks and months (i.e. specific blog post series you’ve enjoyed in the past, new content you’d like to see, the kind of posts you most enjoy reading in this space, etc.). I’ll be sure to add your requests to my master list of blog post topics I’m planning to tackle throughout the year.
Question of the Day
What blog posts/topics/blog series would you like to see on this blog in 2021?
Hi Julie! So glad you got his tongue clipped and you trusted your mama gut. I’d love to see a blog post on your postpartum fitness and getting back to pre-baby weight/shape. You look great and I’d love some advice or even just you sharing about your journey for baby #3. I am about 6 weeks postpartum with baby #2. Thanks!!
Would you write a post specifically on all about oats? The different types, the health benefits, mabye the top oat/oatmeal recipes?
Also would love to see a post mabye specifically on games. Family and kid games you recommend.
Keep sharing the day in life posts please!!!
It is always an encouragement to me to read your down to earth honesty and love your sweet pictures of your family!!!
I would love to see a post on activities to do with babies and toddlers while stuck at home!! Also love the day in the life posts!
I’ve actually been meaning to share a post like this for months!! Thanks for the nudge to do so!
Hi Julie 🙂 Happy anniversary to you and Ryan!
I would love if you did a blog post regarding any sleeping challenges you had with the boys after you had sleep trained please. Did they have any regressions and did you have to sleep train again when they were toddlers. Thanks
Awwww happy anniversary! The flowers are gorgeous!
It’s my boyfriend’s grandmother’s birthday (typing that makes it all out makes it seem like a faraway connection haha) this weekend so I think I’ll swing by Whole Foods and get some flowers for her. They usually have wonderful bouquets on display when I walk in. Something to brighten up the week!
As for posts – I love weeknight recipes! I’m cooking more and more. I love the convenience of having Hello Fresh delivered when I need it, but always looking to switch up the routine for healthy/easy/filling weeknight meals on the weeks I don’t get a delivery.
Have a great week!
Day in the life posts and life lately updates will always be my fave! Been reading for 10 years now and still enjoy keeping up with you and your sweet family!
Thank you Hannah!! That means a lot to me!
Would love to see your daily routine with the boys! And daily eats like you used to post in your earlier blogging years 🙂
Day in the life posts, and then any random life/fitness/relationship/fashion/home posts (if that makes sense!). I LOVE all of your posts <3 You have a beautiful family and always seem so grounded, honest and positive that after reading your posts, I typically feel a little happier! I also live in South Africa, so it is interesting to see how you spend weekends, the restaurants you frequent etc. It is so different to here, but fun to see!
This made me smile so much. Thank you, Shelby!
Julie – those flowers are absolutely gorgeous! Is there a florist Ryan orders from that delivers around the U.S. or just local? I love that you and Ryan still celebrate your dating anniversary. In the midst of the chaos of life, kids and now a pandemic, keeping your relationship a priority is key.
So happy that you were able to get Rhett in with the ENT and he was able to fix his tongue tie. I’m glad you followed your mom’s intuition.
So happy Chase and Ryder were able to resume preschool. I’m sure they were excited to see their friends and teachers.
I’d love to read a blog post about various blogs you follow. I’m always looking for more inspiration.
Have a great day!
After your post on the transition from 2 to 3 kids, I was going to comment and ask what it is like to have Ryan working from home and how that is for him.
Such a good idea for a post — is there anything specific you’d like to see addressed/included?
I’d love if you could put together a post of freezer meals or super easy prep meals you relied on when you brought home the boys as newborns. I’m 26 weeks with our first and we live 8 hours from family so I want to be prepared in the kitchen before the baby arrives. I know these are two areas where you have lots of experience!
Love this! YES!
Would love to see any ideas for super easy weeknight meals! My husband and I love to cook, but with 2 littles (3 and 5 months) plus work demands find it to be a struggle to get dinner prepared during the madness of feeding the (very picky) toddler, breastfeeding the baby, bath time, bedtime routines etc.
Love this idea — we’re all about easy weeknight meals, too!
Hi Julie! We are looking to get our boys into bunk beds too. How did you pick that bunk and are you happy with it so far? Also would you mind sharing what mattresses you got for it and if you are happy with them? Thanks so much!
We did a decent amount of research but ultimately went with the one we did because of the price point (super affordable compared to many), the size and the reviews. The boys’ rooms are all quite small and only really have room for a twin bed so that ruled out any full options. So far we are REALLY happy with it!! The quality is better than expected and the boys really do love it.
Oh and I’m not exactly sure which mattresses we got (Ryan ordered them) but I wouldn’t recommend them anyway because they aren’t nearly as fluffy/sturdy as we would’ve liked and seem almost floppy! We had to get some particle board cut at Lowe’s to put under them to make the whole set up feel more secure.
* Happy Anniversary!
* Yea for Rhett.
* I love Ryder’s buzz cut.
* Love the photo of the boys in their new bunkbeds. 🙂
<3 Thank you, Reeni!!
Love your blog!
I’d love to see more posts about what meals look like with 3 kids and some meal ideas! I have a 4yr old soon who seems to getting pickier by the day, and meals almost always look the same over here, would love some fresh ideas!
I FEEL YA on the picky eater thing!! Chase has been a tricky one in the food department foreverrrr. But YES — love the idea of sharing more kid food over here!
Always love your favorite items for you and kids! Love anything house related as well.
Hi Julie! I’ve been reading your blog since I was in college (2012) and now I’m expecting my first baby. Could you do a post on dealing with morning sickness? It’s been rough because I have to go to work in person at my office. When did it go away for you?
I’ve been reading your pregnancy recaps and they’ve been helpful
Oh I’m so sorry you’re struggling! I had horrible nausea with Chase and Ryder that lasted well into my second trimester. It was awful and I feel for you so much! Nothing helped me too much (other than time) but I DID find that Quease Ease and Preggie Pop Drops helped a bit. I got both on Amazon and carried them with me everywhere!
I know I’m not Julie, but felt I had to comment on this as well.
GIIIIIIRL I know EXACTLY how you feel. My first pregnancy was absolutely brutal (this baby is almost 1 now). I am a general practice dentist and had just bought my office that I run by myself and also manage staff. I had days I was throwing up between patients, and I was sick until week 24. It was awful and traumatizing. I am sending all the love and support to you. Just know it will end and it’s temporary compared to the JOY you will experience soon.
What helped me is regularly eating small things. Saltines were wonderful. But there were also days the only thing I could keep down was Jimmy John’s sandwiches or Taco Bell (I’m typically a very healthy eater, this was not normal for me…). Cottage cheese and fruit, smoothies….Find what works and just stick with that. Stay hydrated.
Sending all the love <3
Thanks Theresa and Julie for your replies! 🙂
Julie I already bought preggie pops on your recommendation, gotta get more though. You didn’t have morning sickness with Ryder? good to know that future pregnancies could be easier
Theresa ahh I also crave sandwiches and fast food like chik fil a, even though I rarely have it normally. Thanks for sharing your story! It’s not easy going to work in person, but one day at a time 🙂
Happy dating anniversary to you & Ryan!
I’ve been following your blog for 10+ years and so appreciate all you do on this blog!
I echo many other comments about how I enjoy reading your “day in the life”posts & also your things “I’m loving Friday” posts. After reading, I always feel happier 🙂 you radiat positivity!
(btw, does Chase still use his little red instant camera from my mom Carol?).
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Kim from Minnesota
Thank you Kim!!! <3 And YES, he's still loving that camera! We actually gave him more film for it in his Christmas stocking this year! <3 Thank you again!!
Love all of the posts you currently do (day in the life, recipes, workouts, anything related to the kiddos). I’d love to see a post breaking down the clothes you have for the boys and how you choose pieces for their wardrobe and how you mix and match stuff. My son just turned 4 and I feel like I’m kind of in a rut with his clothes. I don’t like stuff with characters on them or lots, if any, writing, which means in boys clothing, your left with solids, stripes or patterns like dinosaurs or trucks (which are all fun but could use a change up). I have thought about doing the kids stitch fix too since it seems like a good way to get stuff you might not otherwise consider. Like do you keep a certain number of shirts and shirt styles, and and how do you choose pants to go with? Do you shop with outfits in mind or just keep it simple with stuff that can be easily mixed and matched, especially now they are at an age where they are likely dressing themselves. This might seem like a lame question but I genuinely love how your kids always seem so stylish and comfortable in their clothing (just like you!) and I think that’s a hard balance to find and still have it look good. I’d love to see the boys’ wardrobe and hear more about it, if you’re willing! Thank you for your blog and giving me a little slice of happiness in the midst of this challenging season we’re in. ❤️
This is such a cool idea for a post!!! I love it! I’ll absolutely keep this one in mind!
I love the day in the life posts and recipes! I would love to see more about Sadie and also date night posts!
Hi Julie! I enjoy your recipe posts, which I’m surprised to write because on other sites they can be boring/not my flavor style. However, I’ve had some great hits with yours! Chicken squash curry, chicken thigh marinade, to name a few.
So, I’ll suggest some one-ish pot recipes! Slow cooker or instant pot are great but not necessary.
Thanks for sharing with us!
So glad you enjoy the recipes, Emily!! And I’ll definitely try to keep them coming!
I love that you still celebrate your dating anniversary!! Long time reader here, and I’ve always loved your day in the life posts and just your general thoughts about life. You write in such a friendly, inviting way, it feels like we’re good friends, and I love that energy your pour into this blog. Seems like most days you focus on your kiddos (nothing wrong with that by the way!) but I’m curious more about your goals, what your outlook is like in your 30s compared to your 20s, things like that. Another guest post from Ryan is well overdue and definitely hope to see Sadie more 🙂
I would love to see a post about toddler meals!
Way to roll with all the punches! You’re doing a great job! I hope the bunk beds continue to do well/improve and that Rhett’s tongue tie release helps him! Always enjoy reading your blog!
Love the cookie cake! 😉 And that is such a relief that your boys like the bunk bed situation- we are eventually hoping to do that as well (although ours are babies now so we have some time). Definitely would enjoy seeing more day-in-the-life and motherhood posts from you! <3
I most love your random updates/day in the life type updates. I’ve been reading your blog since you first started. Thank you for all of your hard work keeping it going! I’m single in Sydney, Australia (moved from CA 7 years ago), and I live a bit vicariously through you – haha! Additionally, I like the idea of the “all about oats” post. I love your recipes. Thanks!!!
I love dating anniversaries!! 17 years is SO exciting! My husband and I met on 11/5/05 and I always like to acknowledge that date! How did you and Ryan meet?! Have you already blogged about this?
I absolutely love your day in the life posts and Friday posts! This is SO random, but I would love to see close up pictures of your built ins and what you have on them, if you ever switch things out, etc. I remember your family room makeover and I loved it, but since I just moved into a new house six months ago (and finally have built ins!) – I’m so curious and wonder if you change them out for holidays, etc. Also very random, but I’d love to see a blog post about some things you hope to do in the future (maybe places you want to travel to one day, bucket list things, just random things you want to do around the house but haven’t been able to find the time to do, shows you want to watch one day…Bridgerton?!)
I absolutely love the fashion idea someone mentioned – maybe post just on you and your wardrobe staples or favorite items (I finally managed to buy your gold heart necklace!!) You always manage to look so lovely, whether you are in workout clothes, dressed up, etc! I love the relationship blog idea – especially how/if your relationship has changed with Ryan now that he works from home! And maybe a pandemic recap sometime around March 12th (not that it will be over but it’ll be the year mark of when things shut down) – highs and lows, etc.
I have always loved Ryder’s hair but he looks so cute buzzed too! All of your boys are adorable!
Love all of your content! You seem like the sweetest family! A couple blog post ideas for you: how your mom style has evolved (I really struggle finding time for me to get ready and look presentable as a mom); how you juggle the attention of three boys so that they all feel special and loved; and parenting styles you have chosen for things like discipline, feeding, daily schedules, etc.
Happy dating anniversary!
Hi Julie! You did a post once about how marriage has changed since having kids and how you realized that you never actually just came out and told Ryan that you were feeling overwhelmed at times. This was so nice to read because it made me feel more normal. I’d love to see more about how you handle being the “primary” parent (the one who packs every bag, prepares every lunch, communicates with every teacher, goes to every Dr. appointment, buys all of the clothes, etc. etc.). This is NOT at all to say that our husbands aren’t incredible and aren’t super involved in our kids’ lives…but the responsibility and pressure as the primary parent can really be daunting sometimes. I think talking about feelings like this is important and I know that if it made me feel less alone from reading that post, others certainly felt the same!
I also know that you have more readers than just moms…so posts with workout inspiration, different kinds of workouts, if you ever see yourself going back to teaching cycling, etc…always fun to read too!
Thanks for everything you’re doing 🙂
I’d like to read a post about botox or other injectables. I know you mentioned previously that you had considered them. I go back and forth about trying it all the time. I’m torn between touching up these crows feet (ha!) or aging naturally. I feel like there’s new pressure to get Botox because it seems like “everyone” is doing it. Seems like there are a lot of pros/cons and it doesn’t seem like everyone has good results. I’d love to hear what you’re thinking about the topic!
Hi Julie,
Your boys are adorable!
Just popping in here to tell you that bunk beds are not considered safe fr kids under 6. Just an FYI
Happy Thursday!
Hi I was wondering how you knew he had a tongue tie. My newborn spits up a ton, much more than my first but I assumed it was normal after the doctor said I shouldn’t worry.
Hi! Honestly, I really didn’t know! With Chase, it was obvious because nursing was so incredibly painful and you could see the tongue tie! With Rhett, the only real “symptoms” we had were excessive spit up and a lot of gassy pain following nursing. I really only got him checked because my friend, who is a speech language pathologist, told me there was a link to tongue tie and also because of our family history.
Would love a post on easy toddler approved meals!
I’m one of those avid anonymous readers where I hardly ever comment, but I had to this time! I love your blog and have found it so helpful when I became pregnant for the first time and a mother for the first time — so thank you! Also, now that I’m pregnant with my second and in my 2nd trimester but STILL feeling like crap and not sleeping well, my 2.5 year old has also dropped his nap during the day, it has been sooooo hard to keep up with him and just life in general. Plus, I’m one of those people that feels she needs a mental break everyday and I haven’t been getting that at all lately.
Could you do a blog post on just staying sane as a busy mother? lol. What are some routines that with the kiddos that help? What is some advice you can offer to be able to juggle everything and not feel completely burnt out?
I’m dying to know how the bunk beds are working out with a 2 year old! I really want to put my boys in the same, quite small room so the 2nd bedroom can be a playroom but I’m so nervous about my almost 2 year old climbing to the top and jumping off or hanging off. Has Ryder been safe since you put the bunk beds up? I know every kid is different. Mine follows directions pretty well, but he also loves to jump and slide and has never been a cautious, risk-averse kid!
Hi!! Ryder is definitely our daredevil kid (whereas Chase is our rule-follower), so I feel ya on that one! We thankfully haven’t had any safety concerns yet but we were very, very vocal about saying no jumping on or off their new beds. We got a bumper for Ryder’s bed which I think has helped keep him in his bed. Ryder does know how to climb the ladder into Chase’s bunk bed but since it’s not at an angle, it’s kind of challenging for him and he doesn’t seem to want to do it that often thankfully!