Good morning to you! How are you doing today? Things are going well over here so far. I just got home after teaching my usual 6 a.m. Tuesday morning spin class. I took the class through a sweaty workout and resisted the urge to use the entire Pitch Perfect soundtrack as the playlist for today’s workout. To say I’m pumped to see Pitch Perfect 2 when it comes out this weekend is a serious understatement. The a cappella music lover in me is a little too giddy about it!
After class, I drove to Madalyn’s for a decaf caramel almond milk latte. It’s been a while since I’ve popped into my favorite local coffee shop and I missed their deliciously creamy lattes! After trying my fair share of crappy decaf coffee, I was so happy to take a sip of their decaf a few months ago and love it.
For those who have asked whether or not I’m totally avoiding caffeine during pregnancy, my answer is that I am for the most part. Most things I’ve read say some caffeine is fine during pregnancy (up to 200 mg – about the equivalent of a 12-ounce cup of coffee), but caffeine has always affected me a lot.
It makes me super alert and chatty (I suppose that is kind of the point, right!?) and before I got pregnant, I would try not to consume any caffeine after 1 p.m. because I truly felt like it impacted my sleep. So I guess I figured that if caffeine affects me that much, my little guy is probably better off without it. I’ll still have some caffeine every now and then, but it’s not a daily staple in my life right now.
Since I love the taste (and smell) and the comfort I get from a morning cup of coffee or tea, I am still sipping on my favorite hot beverages, but sticking to decaf for the time being.
I paired today’s decaf latte with a bowl of chocolate peanut butter egg white oatmeal.
I also had a small packet of granola bites before I made my oats since I needed a snack to take the edge off my hunger right when I arrived home after spinning.
That’ll do it! Off to shower and head back into the gym for work. Have a great Tuesday!
Question of the Morning
- Do you consume caffeine daily?
I’m super strict about my caffeine intake timing, too. My coworkers make fun of me because I won’t have my coffee before 10:30 a.m. (even if I’ve taught barre at 5:30 a.m.!), because I don’t want to *need* coffee. But I’m with ya — if I have any after 3, I think I’m a lot less tired at night. Gimme that decaf.
Thanks for sharing the caffeine chart–I knew that coffee had a lot of caffeine, but I didn’t realize it had so much more than coke or tea! Unfortunately, I am a coffee addict! I drink about 4-5 cups a day in the winter to keep warm. Since it is getting warmer out–hopefully that amount will be less!
I love my morning coffee! I also tend to get really bad migraines if my caffeine routine gets changed up. One cup in the morning works best for me, no more no less.
I have coffee everyday but that really is the only form of “added” caffeine that I have! If I have too much, it makes me feel super anxious, shaky feeling, and overall just not normal!
I’m like you and feel the effects of caffeine (a bit too much sometimes) and don’t drink much. I will sometimes have a small mug of coffee in the morning, but only if I’m feeling really sluggish or am craving the taste. That latte you got sounds AMAZING though 🙂
I definitely cut down on caffiene a LOT when I was pregnant. I remember one time, tbough, I was at a bagel shop after a rough night of sleep and made a cup of half caff and Someone actually reprimanded me for it! Mind your own business, dude.
Great caffeine chart! I remember when I was pregnant with my first son and I drank a Pepsi. I felt guilty for days and never drank another one! lol! Now I drink 1-2 cups of coffee a morning.
I am a coffee drinker all the way and continued to drink it when I was pregnant. I had one cup in the morning, and once I got into my 3rd trimester, I would go for a second cup if I felt like it. I have a perfectly healthy, happy, champion-sleeper 6 month little guy!
When I found out I was pregnant I went cold turkey off coffee, then ended up in my OB’s office with massive migraines that I hadn’t had since my early 20s. The first approach? Bring back a medium DD coffee every morning–doctor’s orders. Worked perfectly!
Now, it did nothing for the first six months of aggressive “morning sickness” (ALL day, esp at bedtime), but it was one less thing to push me into that illness.
Really, coffee was much harder to work with when I was nursing/working/pumping after I went back to work when my baby was 4 months; I labeled the am pumped milk “AM milk” so it wouldn’t interfere with bedtime.
Coffee affects me quite a bit too, so lately I have been trying to stick with decaf. I really enjoy iced coffee in the spring and summer months, and my main issue about getting decaf out is that it can be flavorless or watery. Donut Delight (a chain here in CT, not sure where else) and Starbucks both have good decaf, though. Mostly I just make it at home! If I’m feeling extra tired, I have one cup of caffeine and that’s it for the day.
I switched from coffee to green tea about three years ago and haven’t looked back!
Coffee does the same thing to me. I’ll talk up a storm! I also can’t have it after 1ish… unless I’m planning on a very late night… which only happens once in a blue moon these days.
I do have a cup of tea in the morning and my body feels like it needs that. Great chart!
I could drink a cup of coffee right before bed and it wouldn’t have any effect on me. Good and bad, since most mornings, I really wish my coffee would give me that extra “boost!” Good thing I just like it for the taste/smell 🙂
I’m definitely a coffee lover, but I’ve switched to decaf during pregnancy. I had a little cup of regular once (after a looooong night up with the toddler), but I keep the buzz to a minimum. With that said, I don’t count the caffeine in my chocolate. I don’t eat all THAT much of it, so I don’t let that bother me.
I’m pretty sensitive to caffeine as well! I have a cup of regular coffee every morning but I stick to decaf in the late afternoon or I will be tossing and turning all night. I actually like the taste of decaf just as much as regular (most of the time 🙂 )
i adore a good cup of coffee in the morning. I should probably pay more attention in the afternoon & evening as I have been sleeping rather crappily lately.
I was never (or hardly ever) a caffeine drinker before I had the twins. Now that they’re here, I definitely drink caffeine more often because they keep us up a lot more at night.
I’m exactly like you in regards to caffeine! It affects me immensely which is great when I want it to but I can’t have any after noon. I avoided it during pregnancy just because it took me so long to get pregnant and I didn’t want to risk anything (I know a small bit is safe!) but it wasn’t hard for me to give up so I did. After breastfeeding for 6 months and still avoiding coffee I finally introduced it back. I don’t have it daily – just a couple times a week when I want a pick me up and I limit myself to one small cup since I am still nursing!
I think you do you and listen to your doctor when it comes to caffeine. I haven’t ever felt “too” affected by it, but I did avoid it for the most part in pregnancy. I had maybe 3 sodas total during my pregnancy and otherwise avoided it. I slowly added it back in when I went back to work even though I was/am breastfeeding. Once I knew she was tolerating it stomach and sleep-wise I basically got back to normal and now drink 1-2ish cups in the morning. I still avoid it in the afternoons/evening for the most part.
I consume lots of caffeine daily. I’ve been waking up at 4:30 recently to get in a workout before work and then usually have some social or event after work in the evening. Without caffeine I’d be a zombie!
I’m so excited for Pitch Perfect 2! I got my husband to watch the first one about a month back and he loved it so we’re planning on seeing it together in theaters this weekend!
I survive off of caffeine. It’s quite sad, but I neeeeeeeeeeeed it.
Good for you for fully cutting it out – I have problems sleeping if I drink it after 10am, so I imagine that I would do the same! However, I do feel that it’s necessary to get me through my morning workout. It’s a little wake-up ritual and gives me energy to hit the gym!
xx Jill
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I’m a pregnant coffee lover myself (28 weeks!). I was pretty averse to coffee during the first trimester so just naturally avoided it, but during the second trimester, having some caffeine helped with the hormone headaches I was having so I opted to stick with regular coffee but restricted the amount to just one small cup per day. I wouldn’t claim to be an expert on this, but I have heard that the chemicals used to make decaf are pretty bad, so for any folks going with decaf coffee as a substitute, perhaps look into that for yourself.
I have a daily battle with myself whether or not to have coffee! I love the taste of it & even if I have decaf/half-caff it makes me ‘feel’ more alert (it’s all in my mind, I’m sure.) Having the caffeinated boost is nice, especially as a teacher who needs to be ‘on’ all day! But, my struggle is that one, I don’t want to feel like I NEED coffee each day (I’m sure that will change with kids.) I have a couple college friends who cannot function without it and get wicked headaches. I also like my coffee with cream, so I just feel like it’s generally unhealthy. I drink it about 3-4 days a week though and try to have it on days where I know its going to be an overly long day–except after a certain time because I am pretty sensitive to caffeine myself!
I must have 2 cups of coffee every single morning to start my day, never able to go without (nursing school with 2 kids mayyyy be the reason why I need caffeine 🙂 When I was pregnant with both kids I continued coffee, but was much more stict about watching how much I was having. I tried to stick to 1 cup in the morning.
Those granola bites look great! Might have to try create my own grain free version!
I think the besssst part of starting my morning is knowing a cup of coffee is waiting for me! With a splash of almond milk, it is heaven!
Chocolate peanut butter oatmeal- that sounds delicious!
great post! I actually don’t think coffee affects me much at all – but I normally have a cup every day once I get to work and some green tea in the afternoon! It’s pretty hard to stay awake in my cubicle without it haha
Kim .. Cheap teeth whitening!
I usually do not have any caffeine. I find that it is not the best of my GI system, so definitely never before exercise of any kind! Sometimes if I’m in desperate need I’ll mix a shot of espresso into a smoothie. But even then I bounce off the walls for at least 5 hours.
I am definitely a coffee lover! I drink a cup or two in the morning and am good for the rest of the day. If I drink coffee in the afternoon I usually feel really jittery and energetic (like bouncing off the walls!). But if I don’t get coffee in the morning, I do notice headaches and am generally more lethargic. I also tend to run better in the morning if I drink a cup of coffee about 30-45 minutes before I run.
i drink regular small coffee maybe once or twice with this pregnancy. My doctor said its okay to have one cup a day. I use to drink daily but cut back a lot once I found out I was preggers. I heard decaf is worse because the methods they use to take out the caffeine and it uses a lot of chemicals. I use to drink decaf them switched when a friend told me this.
I can’t drink anything caffeinated after 1 or 2 p.m. either! It def affects me big time because I don’t drink it on the reg.
I have like a diet coke once every 3 or 4 months for fun, and I don’t ever drink coffee or black or green tea, so for me, when I do have something with caffeine in it, it’s a big deal for my body. Sometimes I’ll have it in fitness drinks like aminos & such, and of course a bit in chocolate (duh!) but otherwise I don’t drink/eat it at all.
Chocolate oats sounds tasty!!
I am a caffeine junkie! That’s actually one of the things I’m most nervous about when I get pregnant. I’ve tried cutting back but it’s so hard!
I’ve noticed that one cup of coffee seems to be more of a “ritual” for me than a necessity for caffeine. I usually just consume one cup in the morning, but do notice myself reaching for a second cup in the colder months, just for the comfort of a warm cup!
Are you still doing personal training or only teaching group exercise classes? I teach group ex now and am wondering about the time that goes into getting personal training clients/what your thoughts are these days! Have a great Tuesday!
I stayed away from coffee in my first trimester, mostly because it didn’t sound good but also because it made me feel better about things pregnancy-wise. Then my taste for coffee suddenly came back early in my 2nd trimester, and I have been drinking one cup of caffeinated coffee each morning ever since. Mmmm, it’s the best! I’m not one to get TOO paranoid about stuff like that in pregnancy, but I think we each have to do what we feel is best for ourselves and our baby.
I’m pregnant, too, and caffeine was a big question mark for me going into this whole pregnancy thing! I did not really intentionally avoid it (like you, I can’t drink much caffeine after lunch, so it’s easy to keep consumption low) but I had a total aversion to coffee from about week 6 until week 13. No problem giving up am coffee when it made me feel pukey! But the 10 week hangover (right??) made me crave coca cola, so I was still getting some caffeine. Now that my coffee aversion has mostly passed, I’m drinking about half a cup in the morning, and occasionally a coke in the afternoon when I feel queasy or headachey.
This pregnancy thing is SO WEIRD, so it has been so fun for me to get to follow all your posts– thank you for being so detailed, it helped a ton during those first few scary weeks!
Hi Julie! I recently have been doing less caffeine for hormone problems. Have you tried Trader Joes half decaf half caff? It’s a blonde roast. Much lighter than regular coffee but great tasting. I really like it with a bit of almond milk. Hits the spot!
I drink coffee every morning but I won’t drink it past like 11 AM! I feel like 1 or 2 mugs doesn’t effect me that much but if I have any later in the day I get super jittery and can’t sleep!
Give me all the coffee, all the time. After realizing I would easily have 2-3 big cups at different times of the day, I have slowly backed off and now stick to one cup in the mornings. I’ve been enjoying an herbal tea in the afternoon if I feel like I “need” something. It’s more for comfort than anything else!
Sadly, I do, but I drank zero caffeine when I was pregnant. My caffeine was just whatever was in milk chocolate, which isn’t much and wasn’t often.
I’m a caffeine addict to the point where it basically doesn’t affect me at all – I can drink a cup of coffee right before I go to bed. It does affect me if I don’t have it though – I get a caffeine headache. So generally I try to limit myself to one big cup in the morning, and then maybe I’ll let myself have a caffeinated drink later on in the afternoon / evening to keep me going.
I second what Agnes has said. Most decaf coffees are decaffeinated with the use of chemicals. Look for decaf coffees that were decaffeinated using the Swiss water process to avoid the added chemicals. You can pretty easily find it to buy for home-brewing, and if you go to a coffee shop, you can just ask them what they serve. Good coffee shops should offer it, as most know it is healthier.
I didn’t start drinking coffee (with the exception of the occasional flavored latte) until after college when I got an adult 9-5 office job. Ever since, I’m hooked on 1-2 cups a day. It doesn’t affect me as much as it used to, but it DOES make my intestines feel like they are being ripped apart. I drink it anyways.
Caffeine interferes with my sleep, so I avoid it after noon (or so), too. However, I drink a mug of coffee daily (mostly because I LOVE the taste, not for the caffeine) and did so throughout my pregnancy (in the first trimester, I drank decaf mostly). It was never over 12 oz (usually ~8) and my doctor said it was perfectly fine. I also drink a small mug even though I’m BFing, although I will say the mugs of reheated (x a million) coffee in those first months sat on my table more than they were actually consumed! 🙂
I hate the taste of decaf and honestly felt better about the small amounts of caffeine than I did the chemicals used to decaffeinate coffee, though I’m sure both are safe in reasonable amounts. You have to do what your doctor recommends and what feels right for your body and your little guy!
I used to drink a double espresso every day but then I stopped bc I got tired of not knowing how my body would react. I always ate the same breakfast and and then got espresso before work, but some days it would make me tired, some days it would be too much caffeine, and others it would mess up my stomach. I switched to decaf months ago bc I still like the taste and that has helped so much!
Caffeine definitely affects me big time! I have my cup of coffee first thing in the morning & then stick to decaf later (which is usually one more cup of coffee). I work night shift (yuck), so my sleeping is already rather screwed up & I don’t want to add to that!
I definitely consume caffeine daily and when I was pregnant, I did have a half caf/half decaf iced coffee each morning. My doctor was totally ok with it!
This post made me think more about my intake, which is always a good thing. I have been finding myself a little more stressed lately and last weekend, I found myself drinking two large americanos plus a small latte over the course of one Saturday. Cut to late Saturday afternoon, curled up in a ball because of a caffiene overdose. Anyway, that was a sign- even though I am ridiculously in love with the smell, flavor, ritual of drinking coffee- there is definitely a breaking point! 🙂
xo, Lauren @