Is it just me or have you noticed that the song Call Me Maybe absolutely exploded seemingly overnight a few weeks ago?
Now I hear it daily, but I’m not complaining. It reminds me of ‘90s pop music like Robyn’s Show Me Love, so obviously I am a fan. (If you’re also a ‘90s music lover, my ‘90s Workout Playlist may be right up your alley.)
Last week I saw a fantastic YouTube video of the Harvard baseball team “performing” the song on a road trip while one of their teammates was asleep in the back seat of a van.
Hilarious! (Best part = Minute 2:25)
My girlfriends and I used to make music videos all the time when we were in high school younger and this song would’ve been right up our alley. I’m awfully tempted to down some margaritas at a BBQ we’re attending on Saturday and resurrect the homemade music video star that has been held captive within me for far too long.
Anyway, Call Me Maybe came on at the gym this morning and Ryan and I immediately made eye contact from across the gym and started doing the moves that the guys from the above video do during the chorus of the song.
I then looked to my left and saw two other young guys doing the exact same thing! Apparently Call Me Maybe fever is in full swing. Dance, dance!
Aside from dancing, my workout included a 20 minute warm up on the elliptical before I completed Annette’s Outside Your Comfort Zone workout. This workout is quickly becoming a favorite!
Breakfast this morning was a lovely little breakfast sandwich that included two fried eggs, muenster cheese and jelly.
Plus coffee!
Question of the Morning
- Did you ever make homemade music videos?
Not only did my girlfriends and I make music videos, but my best friend Michaela and I also made nature videos (a la The Crocodile Hunter, complete with Australian accents) and cooking videos.
I saw that on the today show yesterday! They had two sports teams competing against one another with their dance moves! The Harvard team was awesome!!!
My friends and I made music videos when we were younger too! Luckily I am the one who hold all the evidence! I can’t wait to whip those videos out for future weddings of my friends!! =)
it’s quite possible my friends and I have made more than one. It’s also possible our favorite is for “eye of the tiger”. You probs aren’t surprised by this at all. We *really* need to make a blogger music video. It should include compression sleeves, chia, and possibly the destruction of a certain ladies magazine.
My friends and I made music videos to Paula Abdul songs as well as C+C Music Factory (Everybody Dance Now), just to name a couple that stick out in my mind. I miss the 90s!!!
My best friend in middle school and I formed a “band” where we wrote our own very emotional songs and attempted to sing them soulfully in her basement (good acoustics). Needless to say, we did not get signed. 😉
i hope you recorded them…
I love this song and the Harvard Baseball team’s video! We requested it at my friends wedding last weekend and went crazy when it came on! When I was younger a few of my friends made a music video to a Spice Girls song, it is awesome and embarrassing all at the same time!
we have several music videos to spice girls songs. they were just too easy to immitate!
I didn’t make music videos, but I constantly taped myself singing, and my friend and I would hold dance recitals in my backyard!
I love this song! That movie is hilarious! I swear all guys love that song, its funny! My brother and I used to make funny video of anything when we were younger. I think all kids go through that stage haha!
i know! i think guys really do like it a lot! ryan came home one day from work saying, “i heard this really girly song on the radio that i know you’d love… and i love it, too.”
My husband loves it. He was telling me about the song before I had even heard it!
I remember being in elementary school and doing a full on music video routine, with props, to Aqua’s Barbie Girl. Good times!
That video made my morning! So funny. My girlfriends and I used to make homemade music videos all the time in high school, and we still do… I can’t lie. We are 23. We save them all and then when we need a good laugh we will watch them again… it never gets old!
That song seriously gets stuck in my head every time I hear it. It has such a catchy beat to it! 🙂
My friends and I would re-enact entire Disney movie soundtracks and video record them.
We made LEGENDARY videos for Spanish class in high school. One was Cinderella-themed and involved my friend’s little brother playing the trumpet to announce our arrival at the ball. Man, I’d love to watch that one again!
Oh my gosh, my family just hit the one year anniversary of a totally epic dance video! When I say family, I am including my dear sweet Granny Bettye. We made it for Mother’s Day last year…if you want to see it, check it out here:
Did you see the SMU response video doing it with their feet? Hysterical (and kind of creepy)!
The boys did a good job – and they’re cute! The UNC and Duke women’s lacrosse teams also had a Call Me Maybe music video showdown, they’re pretty funny
We used to make up dances, Barbie Girl is one that especially comes to mind 🙂
I’m thinking you should post some of your old videos…..all your PBFingers readers would LOVE to see them!
Love this!! My friends and I were all about that. We used to have my brother “write” our songs and then we’d put together a music video. AND we even had a name… The Lipsticks 🙂
I loved “Show Me Love”!!
I remember being in elementary school and dancing to The Locomotion with my girlfriends.
I have a video somewhere from 9th grade of my friends and I singing and dancing (in homemade costumes!) to every popular Britney Spears song. Incredibly embarrassing, incredibly hilarious.
Haha I love it! I was never tech-y enough to make music videos!
I cannot say we ever did! But we did put on neighbourhood dances to songs but just never taped them. haha. Fun times!
My best friend Brooke and I would constantly be making voice recordings, videos…anything! We did anything from “interviews with authors” (a geek even at age 8) to Spice Girls dance videos to Miss America pagaents…I was always California and Brooke was Texas…so weird.
They showed that on the Today show, along with a counter-video from some girls SMU sports team and then brought both teams on the show yesterday! I had the song stuck in my head all day…
I absolutely love that song! sooo catchy and infectious! 🙂
LOL, yes this reminds me of the Spice Girls dances my cousin and I used to make up. I actually heard a cover of Call Me Maybe in Australia, and it was about picking up girls at a bar. Hilarious!
Hahaha. This post made me laugh! My friends and I used to make audiotapes of ourselves pretending to be Oprah and we’d interview guests, the whole bit. Hilarious! Who would want to then rewind and listen to that?! We used to make up our own dances to songs and perform them for each other in our front yards or basements; my personal favorite was to Whitney Houston’s ‘Wanna Dance with Somebody’!!
i want to hang out with you. 🙂
Because I’m cool enough to remember using cassette tapes? 😉
I wish I could tell you how much I love that video! the first time I saw it I couldn’t stop watching it!
my sister and i made homemade videos all the time! dances, skits, all sorts of performances!
Love it! I have been jamming to that One Direction song they’ve been playing all the time. It’s so catchy and so boy band-90s! 🙂
This morning I did your no nonsense circuit [well tried to] and only got through it once before throwing in the towel and hitting the elliptical… hopefully it’ll get easier!
JULIE. Oh my GOSH, I love that you posted about this. My five closest girlfriends and I made all kinds of different music videos in high school – yes, we had drivers’ licenses already – and still felt it was necessary to choreograph dances to “Bootylicious” and “Walk like an Egyptian” and the like! We have them all on tape……… somewhere. I’m quite certain they should be destroyed! Haha, kidding. Anytime we get together it ALWAYS comes up as a topic of conversation. We’re having a girls’ reunion weekend in Kansas City this June (where two of them live now) and we have already floated out the idea of making a 10-year anniversary video. I’ll let ya know how it turns out 😉
you have to do it!!!
haha!! that video is hilarious. that made my morning.
Yes, my friends and I made so many music videos and we still have them! Some where … let’s hope they stay in hiding! Good memories and that video was pretty funny!
I LOVE IT!! Our video production crew (8th graders) made their own video with this song and I couldn’t stop singing and dancing with them….my 6th graders get a kick out of my antics for sure. I’m thinking the teachers need to get in on a video for the last day of school activities!
My friends and I learned the moves to Soulja Boy and made a youtube video of us dancing to it. Sooo mortifying to look back on now! ;p
My cousin and I used to do new casts complete with commercials and all! Yes, we have them on video too- we watch them like every five years and just laugh so hard every time!
I TOTALLY have Call Me Maybe fever! My friends and I cannot stop singing to it and every time we are out at night and it comes on we can’t help but dance!
News Casts**
Definitely made a video to Britney Spears’ Hit Me Baby One More Time, with our shirts tied like hers and shorts skirts, I am pretty sure that was in elementary school. How scandalous that looked back then, but now it is nothing!
Bahaha I saw that you posted the Call Me Maybe video on Facebook last week and immediately shared it. It made my day.
In high school I was co-captain of our dance team and on the bus to one of our competitions, the other captain and I decided it would be awesome to do a music video of Fergalicious. Somehow my camera didn’t record sound? So the video is 1000x more funny.
Uh, yeah . . . one of the more memorable videos was made was a Cats video. We learned the opening number and then put Cats makeup on our faces to make the video. There was also a beginning portion where we were pretending that it was an audition and we used a barbie as the director and a bunch of cat stuffed animals.
Can you tell that we were theater/dance people and our friend was in a makeup class at the time? Oh yeah, this was college.
The SMU rowing team did this video in response to the Harvard Baseball team’s video. They were on the Today Show the other day!
Talk about how uncomfortable being upside down in those van seats are…I just invasion an uncomfortable neck to the left, hips to the right, arms who knows haha
I am just wiping tears of laughter from my eyes. Thank you for posting that video and brightening up what was a (up until now) sad Friday for me.
It’s lovely to see guys of that age with a loveable sense of humour – in England where I am, jokes from guys in their 20s are usually…somewhat crass. That was just so innocent and sweet. I love it!
All the egg sandwiches I’ve seen you post pictures of inspired my dinner last night – an egg sandwich. It was delish! 🙂 But once again, here I am reading your blog before breakfast and now I’m starving!
OMG!!! One of my childhood friend’s Dads has a video of me, her & my sister dancing to New Kids on the Block :-O( Yeah I said it LOL) I think HAHAHA!!! Oh the memories… I feel oddly old now… missing the old days :-D! Have a great weekend Julie!
Dang those Harvard boys are hot-ties!
Haha I saw them on the Today show yesterday! Then the Today show cast busted out their own dance too, pretty funny.
My 10 year old daughter caught me watching the Harvard Baseball player video. I turned to see her completely mesmerized. Funny that you mention 2:25, right after that wink I actually caught that moment where she went from being an innocent little girl to ‘oh wow, boys are hot’. Afterwards she watched it twice more and told me “I think I really like baseball now” I think she really likes baseball Players now… As a parent I am both fascinated and completely terrified to watch her enter the next phase in her life.
That was hilarious!! I can’t stop laughing!
In jr high, we may or may not have used to pretend to be the Spice Girls.. 😉