As I’ve said on the blog before, I’m pretty sure Ryan is Sadie’s favorite.
You see, when I go out of town, Ryan and Sadie are best buds. As he said in his first guest post, they do just about everything together. I think that my time away from the house is when Ryan solidifies his role as Sadie’s favorite. I mean, I can’t compete with someone who makes the dog her own burgers and plays Frisbee with her for hours on end.
Well, when the new year started, I told Ryan that this year would be my year to be the favorite.
Mommy 2012!
Let the campaign begin!
Now, whenever Sadie does something to show preference toward one of us, we yell out, “Mommy 2012!” or “Daddy 2012!”
Imagine my chagrin when I turned around on our evening hike yesterday and saw this image.
“Daddy 2012!”
I will keep trying. I’m not going down without a fight.
This morning I made myself a big bowl of chicken for breakfast to share with Sadie.
Mommy 2012!
Just kidding… though I think that would help my campaign.
Breakfast was two pieces of French toast made with two eggs, milk, cinnamon and honey wheat bread.
I topped off the French toast with a sliced banana, chia seeds and syrup.
Not a bad way to start a Friday!
Question of the Morning
- Do you notice or have you ever noticed your pet or previous pets playing favorites? Were you the chosen one or was it someone else?
If you are/were the “chosen one” please share your tips on how to steal the crown from those currently reigning.
My husband is the “playmate” for our dog and I’m the “cuddler”… What makes me laugh is this is so a kid’s mentality a lot of times… dad is fun, mom is comfort! 🙂
i have the same role. she definitely comes to me for cuddles. 🙂
I think it’s a male thing – all the dogs in our family always like the father/alpha male figure the best.
My dog definitely favors my dad! I swear that men have an advantage with dogs…
But, I always argue that she only likes him better because I left for college six months after we got her while he lives with her year round. Definitely not a fair fight!
ha! i actually went out of town the WEEKEND we got sadie and say that’s when she attached herself to ryan. i swear it has to have some merit. 😉
i actually think that’s true! when my family got our puppy, it was in the summer and my sister, dad and i had work, camps, etc. and were gone during the day. my mom was at home w/sadie (our dog’s name too!) all day. now she’s basically my mom’s shadow. i really think they latch onto whoever is around the most the soonest.
Oh, my dog is totally all for my Father, it’s insane. She’s like a growth on his hip when he’s on the couch. She does love me for a cuddling sesh though 😉 When he tries to talk on the phone, she just barks, whines and has pooped on him before. How’s that for an attention whore? Haha
“growth on his hip.” this comment made me laugh out loud!
For a hot second I thought the ‘Mommy 2012’ meant a pregnancy announcement. Haha!
noooooo. we’ve got some time before that happens, my friend. 🙂
My dog clearly prefers my older sister, and I don’t think there is anything that can be done about it! After all, she is the fun one that takes him hiking or lets him off the leash in the park! I’m way too scared oh him doing something crazy, picking a fight to let him run free outside a dog area
It might not be that Sadie likes Ryan better, but since dog’s are pack animals she sees him as the “alpha” and wants to suck up to him more. Maybe if you start bossing Ryan around and making him roll on his back with his belly in the air, Sadie will see you as the true alpha 😉
ha! i think i am the bossier one already! i need to step it up. 🙂
ha! There is actually some truth to this probably! We adopted a dog that was about 1.5-2 years old and she had some behavior problems, mostly due to the fact that she REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to be alpha. We worked with a behaviorist and one of our issues was that she saw my husband as the alpha and wouldn’t listen to me as much (I got bitten a few times a little too hard, so it was important for me to fix this). He made us practice, my husband got to play/rough house with her for a few minutes to get her all wound up, and I had to come in and make her calm down. I still think she “prefers” my husband, but at least she now knows mommy is a boss too 🙂 Plus I get good snuggles!
Mine totally plays favorite depending on the second! Whoever has food or yells outside is the winner 🙂 we also joke about it around our house and since we just had a baby whoever is the doggie favorite isint as hard anymore since now you are either baby or her pick for the moment!
Hah, that’s so funny! You should make some rules– like only a certain number of treats from Daddy and from Mommy each day, or else things like that might throw off the results!
I’m not sure who my family dog prefers. When I used to live with him it seemed like he favored my sister more. Now since I don’t live with him anymore, he gets really excited to see me. However, if my fiance comes over, forget about it. He won’t leave his lap, side or anything. It’s weird with dogs!
oh my dad is the chosen one for sure when it comes to my family’s dog!
I used to think Olive liked Isaac more but she’s been cuddling with me every night and Isaac has been commenting on how much Olive likes me more than him now. I like being the favorite.
It has nothing to do with the extra treats I give her when I come home for lunch during the day. 😉
I don’t have a dog but I have a feeling my competitive streak will come out when I become a parent 🙂
We have two cats, and we definitely have “my” cat and “his” cat. They even reflect our own personalities! When one of them ones something, they know to come to “their” parent first.
I believe that every companion animal has one preferred person, and pets are soo sensitive anyways, you could never really trick them, I think 😉
The roles with my cat are the same as others have mentioned…she goes to my fiance when she wants to get all riled up and play rough, and she comes to me when she wants some kisses and a nice warm lap to curl up on 🙂
I am the favorite since I’m the one who feeds our dog 🙂 Easy win!
M husband is definitely our puppy’s favorite! Every time he leaves the room, Tebow starts crying even tough I am standing right in front of him! Lol makes me feel so loved.. 😉
My husband is Remington’s favorite as well. I think it has something to do with gender roles when you talking about dogs. My husband is the pack leader in our house and that is why I think Remington favors him. Do you think it might be for the same reason in your household?
my older poodle I got in HS used to favor my mom and it made me sad. She assured me it was just b/c she was home with her all day every day and she fed her.
Now, I have her and another poodle. Now I work from home and they follow me around all day and favor me over hubby and HE gets his feelings hurt. Ha!
So cute!
My husband had his dog, Tyson, before we even met. Tyson was fiercely loyal to him, often waiting until Danny got home to eat and waiting at the top of the stairs for him. I loved Tyson but he usually looked at me like he thought I was invading on his territory!
I used to be Leia’s favorite, but now she follows the hubby around all the time. Those two are inseparable, and he loves it. (Mr. I-Don’t-Want-Cats has a best buddy for sure.)
With all the pregnancies in the blog world (healthytippingpoint, katheats) I thought you were going to segway this post into the fact that you are pregnant :)!!!
haha no, no. we’ve got some time on that one.
I’m the chosen one — I walk our German shepherd, ‘make’ her do tricks and feed her treats. In other words, I do all the things with her that she loves the most — easy 🙂
Aw I think you will win! You spend all day with her that’s git to give you bonus points! From the beginning my dog picked me as his favorites, even before we brought him home he dubbed me his favorites by finding my lap and not leaving. Now my kitties have chosen my dad as hid favorite, my mom is really jealously about it too!
Our cat likes my husband WAY more. Even though she was supposed to be my cat. She always lays on him and follows him around, but could care less about me unless I have treats. Total brat. My husband thinks its funny how hard I try to get her to like me more!
Food works. The fastest way to become the favorite.
My husband is the “play-buddy” but they want me when they are tired, sick, etc. And they are VERY protective of me when someone else is in the house. I work from home (like you) so it won’t be hard to be the fav in no time!
The Kidless Kronicles
I’ve had my dog for years before I even met my husband but he is definitely her favorite! I think it’s because he is a chef, so he is home during the day with her. She favors me when she is scared or sick but he is still the “cool dad” who scratches her belly for hours.
My boyfriend is the favorite, even though I am the one that lets her out more often, dangit! I still try 🙂 I chalk it up to him being the “alpha male” is the only reason haha
My husband and I had this conversation while laying in bed last night {the exciting things we do in bed} and HE decided that HE is the favorite person. I disagree, and of course I am right. 😉
Ginger gets really excited to see either of us when we come home but I KNOW she prefers my husband b/c he gets on the floor with her, hops around like an idiot and will play with her like he’s another dog. My allergies (and dignity) prevent me from doing that so I’m pretty sure if she had to pick, he’d win.
Well, I got my dog a couple years before I met my fiance, so I am TOTALLY her favorite!!! She follows me around and definitely looks to me for everything she wants/needs. With that said, my fiance is the better trainer – he has taught her some great new tricks. And, he likes to give her really special treats like pepperoni, which makes her love him a bit more, but still not as much as me 🙂
Ugh! Same situation over here. Our dog is obsessed with my husband even though he’s the tough one. But he always sleeps curled up next to me. Can’t figure it out :-/
Too funny Julie! I totally relate…not sure maybe it has something to do with the female dog…our female boxer was all about my husband, but I am the for sure favorite with our male boxer…we joke about it all the time!! Maybe your next dog should be a male?? 🙂
Our dog is definitely in love with my boyfriend (but she lives at his house and I’m only part time there)… but she’s generally a whore so she loves everyone equally. It always makes me laugh when people cuddle with her and they think they’re special, and I’m like no, she does that with everyone! Slut mutt 🙂
LOL about the chicken! I never really noticed our pets playing favourites, but I definitely did it myself! I’d let one of our puppies jump into my bed but the other one wasn’t allowed because she would shed wayyyyyy too much. Having said that though, she was also a super lazy dog and rarely jumped or did anything that would require more effort than walking around the house!
Our dog definitely loves my husband more! We show her the same attention and play with her all the time. I think girl dogs prefer guys as their ‘alpha’ if there is a male in the house.
Our dog totally likes my husband better, but that’s because he lets him get away with ANYTHING. I’m kind of the disciplinarian, which is no fun.
The girl cat likes me better, though. Our other cat just hates everybody equally.
Sorry, ignore this!! That was supposed to go on my comment below 🙂 whoops!
I think I’m AJ’s favorite 😀 Zach would probably beg to differ though!
He’s a miniature Schnauzer and is totally spoiled… and it’s definitely my fault. When he gets tired, he climbs up in my lap and wants to be rocked to sleep while being held like a baby. I do not think he knows he is a dog! I always joke and say that I need to get one of those baby straps that you strap to your chest and stick him in it… he would love it!
Speaking of babies… we babysat a friend of ours six month old littler girl and AJ was soooooo jealous! He wanted nothing to do with Zach and I for at least a week… and he’s kind of been a little terror ever since (accidents, chewing on the trim, chewing up Zach’s glasses… lol). We need to socalize him more!
I really do feel like pets have their favorites! It annoys me so much because our current dog, Spanky, loves my mom the most because they spend all day together (since I live on my own) but I picked him out! Ugh! I still love him to bits and pieces though 🙂
With Roxanne(yorkie) it depends on who she is with.. or who is feeding her lol.
If she is sitting in my lap and my dad comes up to and taps me on the shoulder she goes insane but its the same way if my mom is holding her and I go to touch my mom. its hilarious. There have been many “she’s my momma” battles.
But in reality she is attached the very most to my dad, they are traveling buddies.
She is also the only dog I’ve seen that when you call her she doesn’t come running automatically.. she will come near you and look at you as if saying “what?” and then decide if what you are offering is good enough for her to come to you.
hahaha this post made me laugh…me and kevin have a similar rivalry in our house…nacho was originally my dog, i’ve had him for 8 years…and hes a grumpy old chihuahua who hates everyone but it was love at first sight for them..and now all he ever does is cuddle with him and do the butt dances that used to be reserved for me when he walks in the door..even though im the one who has taken care of him for years. i die a little, but its insanely cute and ironic!
i love that your dog’s name is nacho!
Colby goes back and forth on who is favorite is.. so it is fine by us! One day he won’t leave MY side… and the next day he won’t leave my fiance’s side! Works for us.. because it is nice to get a break from a dog attached to our leg!
I swear it has something to do with the fact that he is a male and she is a female dog. The one male dog we had growing up was ATTACHED to my mother. We’ve had female dogs ever since, and even though my mom i the primary care giver, they still love my dad the most! It’s really weird, but interesting if you think about it! As for my pooch, it’s just me&her so i’ve always been mommy of the year 🙂
My dog always loves moms (mine or whoever elses) because they always baby him. I’m the discipliner, the one who doesn’t feed table scraps, and the one who cuddles, but I still somehow end up the favorite in the end. No clue how that happens!
Hilarious. I can totally identify with this! We have many companion animals and each one has their “favorite”. However, my husband and I always say, “It’s your dog…” when they do something wrong. =)
I am most definitely the chosen one in my house!
We have two dogs. I always thought our oldest dog prefered my husband then we got our second dog a girl. I now see that my older boy dog does not really have an the time favorite but the girl dog is totally in love with my husband goes up to him all the time has to walk next to him on walks. Maybe Sadie has the same deep love for Ryan.
Don’t take it personally, dogs tend to like males better. My brother and sister-in-law got a golden retriever puppy this summer, Molly, and she definitely likes my brother best. She always listens to him and considers him the “leader of the pack.”
We have a cat, not a dog, but I feel like many of the favoritism traits carry over. Our cat is obsessed with my mom and follows her EVERYWHERE around the house. I think it has to do with the fact that my mom is the one who feeds her, brushes her, and pets her all night. Just grab Sadie whenever you can and brush her, feed her before Ryan gets to it, and slip her some chicken for dessert every night. 😉