Good morning! How are you guys today!? I hope your Tuesday is off to a good start! We’re talking about car seat safety on the blog today, so buckle up and enjoy the riiiide! (<— Oh the puns! I just can’t help myself.)
A couple of weeks ago, I asked you guys to submit your car seat safety questions so I could pass them along to Chicco’s Child Passenger Safety Advocate and share a Q&A on the blog. The questions came rollin’ in and many of you guys had similar questions related to car seat safety. (Many of your questions were also questions I personally had for Chicco which was great! Thanks for covering my bases, friends!)
Last month was Baby Safety Month and I am partnering with Chicco to help spread the word about car seat safety to encourage parents and caregivers to keep their little ones as safe as possible. A car seat safety Q&A may be found below that incorporates your questions and at the bottom of this blog post you will find a pretty awesome giveaway for a Chicco KeyFit 30 car seat!
Now let’s get to it!
Car Seat Safety Q&A
- How long do we keep the newborn/infant inserts in the car seat?
The infant insert is the smaller contoured seat pad that fits inside your infant car seat. These pads are engineered to position a smaller baby at the correct seat angle, as well as ensure that the harness fits tightly. You can remove the insert when you feel it is no longer necessary, but it must be removed once your infant reaches 11 lbs.
- When do I need to get the next car seat up from the infant car seat? Is it by weight or height?
You may transition your child to a convertible car seat that allows them to remain rear-facing until at least two years old at any time, but must make the switch from an infant car seat to a convertible car seat when your child outgrows either the height or weight guidelines for their infant car seat.
- I can’t find anyone who will check my car seat! The local fire department, highway commission, police, etc. are no longer allowed to due to “liability concerns.” Any tips to help ensure I’ve done a good installation, or other resources I haven’t thought of?
If you’re having trouble finding a certified child passenger safety technician in your area, check out Safe Kids Worldwide’s navigator here or visit
- Is there a difference in an infant car seat and a convertible one as far as safety is concerned?
As long as your convertible car seat is being used in rear-facing mode as instructed and it’s installed correctly, your infant is protected in a convertible car seat. As a reminder, it’s recommended that child passengers be kept rear-facing until two years of age, whether that is in an infant car seat or convertible car seat.
- Why on earth do car seats expire? And will I get in trouble if I use an expired car seat?
Car seats expire for a few different, equally important reasons. First, over time, car seat technology improves and safety standards change. Additionally, materials used in car seats wear down with extended use, which could compromise safety features down the road. It’s also important to note that car seat manufacturers stop safety testing seats after a certain period of time, meaning that past expiration, manufacturers cannot guarantee how a car seat will perform in an accident.
- I heard that we shouldn’t put babies in their car seats wearing winter coats? We get some pretty COLD winters in New Jersey so I’m curious to see if there is any truth in this?
Don’t buckle your child into a car seat with bulky clothing, blankets or add-on products like a car seat bunting. The harness should be as snug as possible, and the added padding can interfere with the harness fit and crash performance of the seat. If you are using an infant carrier, put your child in the carrier and tighten the harness before you head to the car, then put blankets on your child to keep them warm. If you are using a car seat that is installed in your car, have your child take off their coat, get them in the car seat and tighten the harness, then put their coat on backwards until you arrive at your destination.
- What age/weight/height is safe to switch your little one to a forward facing car seat position?
Keep your child rear-facing in their car seat until at least two years old. Are your kid’s feet touching the seat back? Do they look a little cramped? That’s okay. Kids are a lot more flexible than adults. Kids need to stay rear-facing for as long as possible to protect their head and neck in the event of a crash. Kids do not need to be turned forward-facing until they reach the maximum height or weight of the car seat. Kids are fragile, and they are best protected rear-facing, even if that means they have a little less leg room.
- Is there a way to clean a car seat safely? I’ve heard that soaking it in water can make it unsafe…
The best way to clean car seat straps and other non-removable pieces is with mild soap and water, and then let it air dry. To simplify the process, Chicco’s line of Zip car seats include easy to remove zip-off features, such as a removable seat pad, that make clean-up a breeze.
Chicco KeyFit 30 Giveaway
And now it’s giveaway time! Chicco is giving away a KeyFit 30 car seat to one lucky PBF reader!
We absolutely love our KeyFit 30 car seat and I cannot recommend it enough. It easily clicks into our travel and jogging strollers and Chase seems comfortable and secure in it.
If you would like to be entered to win the car seat, simply leave a comment on this blog post, telling me about one thing that surprised you about pregnancy or becoming a new parent. I will randomly select a winner next Friday.
Good luck!
Looking for additional car seat safety information? Check out Chicco’s Car Seat Safety Guide and the Car Seat Education page of their website!
Thank you to Chicco for sponsoring this post and to all of you for your continued support. I truly appreciate it!
My biggest surprise was how I just knew what to do naturally. I would start to panic and then suddenly just figured it out. Thank goodness since I am a single mom but my sister was so helpful!
I was surprised by how early I could feel the baby moving around! So cool!
Hi Julie, I was surprised to find I was more tired while pregnant than after my babies were born and I was mega sleep deprived. I guess growing babies is truly exhausting!
Im not a new parent, but I do watch my niece on a daily basis. Right now we always have to transfer car seats from her mothers car to mine, so having a second one would be such a game changer!!!!
The most surprising thing that I noticed when my sister had her baby was the INSTANT connection that was created when I met my niece. I have never experience that kind of bond before in my life. So amazing!
Hey Julie! I’m a long time reader but this is my first time to comment. I’m seven weeks pregnant and I’m surprised by how overwhelming the thought of new life is. I’m so grateful for this little world changer growing inside of me, but sometimes it just baffles me that we created a baby! Such a blessing. Thank you for your blog, Julie!
I was surprised about how exhausting pregnancy was in general. Was not expecting it!
I was surprised by my fierce love and protectiveness I felt over my little boy. I told my friends and family that if it was socially acceptable to roar at the random strangers that would try to touch him, I would have! Now that he is 18 months I’ve eased up a bit but those early months when you want to keep them as germ free as possible, I was a total mama bear.
the absolute lack of sleep!
I’m due this upcoming February and I never knew how overwhelming it is to register! I thought we would be in and out in about an hour maybe two hours, but boy was I wrong! So many things to consider!!
I’m 8 weeks pregnant with my first and simply in awe of all the things Baby is already growing and developing while he or she is still so tiny!
Congratulations, Lauren!!! <3
What surprised me the most was how long it can take for them to sleep through the night- and that I’d have trouble after that!
I was surprised about how many things I needed to register for! I knew babies needed a lot but seeing it all written down in one place was crazy.
I’m still in my first trimester with my first baby so I’m sure I’ll have a lot more surprises but so far I’m surprised how real morning (all day) sickness and food inversions are plus how hard it is to eat a balanced diet! Last night I made a roasted chicken for dinner and as soon as it came out I couldn’t even look at it. And this morning I threw up a bunch of water I drank first thing in the morning. Saltines to the rescue. Great giveaway. Thanks for hosting!
I’m currently in my second trimester and what surprised me most is how nauseous I felt during first trimester. I always thought morning sickness was only in the morning. Boy was I in for a surprise!!
I was surprised by how anxious I felt during pregnancy. Especially before you can feel your baby move – doctor appointments are the only things that let you know things are progressing well!
I always knew being a mom was hard but I was surprised at how wonderfully exhausting it is. There is never a dull moment. Thanks for the giveaway!!
I wasn’t expecting to have an audience of my child every time I use the bathroom!
I’m in my second trimester and I’m surprised at how overwhelming registering is!! There are a million things you “need” and a thousand versions of each item!
Wow this is a great resource! Something that always surprises me is how varied car seat laws are from state to state. Some states (like PA) are really strict while other states are more low key about whats required. We should all be on the same page!
I’m due in 2 months and the car seat would be such a blessing! What has surprised me about pregnancy is how difficult it is! You think it’ll just be 9 months of growing a beautiful bump and setting up a cute nursery, but between the morning sickness (that’s still around now in my third trimester), the constant heartburn, the many other bodily functions (so many!), and all the unknowns that come with preparing to welcome a new life, it can get overwhelming. But I am also surprised at how worth it I know it is. I love our sweet baby girl more than anything, and even though my husband and I have been together almost a decade, this miracle is already by far the best thing we have ever done together <3
I’m 14 weeks pregnant, and I’m surprised by just the fact that there’s a person growing in there! So crazy and amazing!
I am one month away from my due date and what has surprised me the most is how connected I already feel to this baby! Before pregnancy I was worried that I wouldn’t feel an attachment so soon!
I was surprised that she ‘knew’ me. I was very afraid that she wouldn’t like or know me and it was shocking how instantly
I was most surprised by how much I like being a mom. I knew I would love her but I’m having a blast!
Those are some great tips and really helpful graphics! Car seat safety is SO important and some of the “best practices” aren’t as intuitive as you’d think!
There is also new research that encourages parents to transition to a convertible seat from the bucket seat earlier rather than later – before they turn a year old. It sucks to lose the convenience of the bucket but it made the decision to switch so much easier.
If anyone is in the market for a new car seat, Baby’s R Us and Buy Buy Baby will help you test some store models out in your car before you buy!
And if anyone has a long legged/tall kiddo like me, then here’s a great article about the importance of extended rear facing for when older relatives start with the “but she has to be uncomfortable!” and “we were fine” arguments: In most states its actuallly illegal to turn your kid around until they are two.
And while I’m on this soap box, don’t forget you should never buy a used car seat! The seat may have been damaged during cleaning or in an accident – even the smallest accident means you should replace the car seat. Most insurance policies will cover the cost of a new one!
**steps off**
One thing that surprised me about becoming a parent is how well I can function on such little sleep!!! ?? I thought I was a ten hour a night kind of girl, but it looks like six or seven is just fine, lol
I registered for SO much and was surprised at how little you actually NEED those first couple of months!
I have been surprised at how emotional I’ve been during pregnancy! I can cry just watching a commercial! Thanks for all the car seat tips, we are just starting to look at registry items and this is incredibly helpful!
My biggest surprise was how much I needed to register for!
Thanks so much for doing this Q&A. My biggest surprise in pregnancy was the amount of pregnancy insomnia I had. I thought I was supposed to be tired, but found myself awake for hours at a time. Sleep once the baby came was so much better, even though broken up into small chunks.
My husband and I recently found out that we were expecting and we cannot believe how much we have to learn about pregnancy, babies, registering, birth, the delivery, daycare, etc. There is so much information!!
my biggest surprise was that most things you just figure out, sure there are plenty of things you can and should read to “know” what to do, but so much of it is just motherly instinct
The insane amount of love you feel at the very second you meet your baby – everyone told me, but I don’t think you understand until you experience it!
I was surprised to learn we are having TWINS! 😉
I am 20 weeks pregnant with my first child and finding out tomorrow if we are having a boy or girl! Winning this car seat would be the icing on the cake of an amazing week! What has surprised me most? Probably that I am not getting as big as quickly as I thought I would and that my food aversions are pretty strong still, even at 20 weeks.
Ummm…everything? hah! I am pregnant for the first time and have never really been around a pregnant person or a baby so…it’s all new! I think the most surprising part so far for me is that I lost weight for a while. Food has sounded unappealing for about 3 weeks so Im just trying to power through, but I guess it didn’t occur to me that you could lose weight. So, I’m on a mission to find some calorie dense foods that I can eat and snack on. Plus…who would have EVER thought sweets would sound gross? I am a sweet eater for life. Except for right now I guess….
It surprised me how long I could function on so little sleep!
What surprised me the most about becoming a parent is how much work I can get done on such little sleep!
Biggest surprise is how much we don’t know!!
How different my first and second preganancies have been has been shocking! 6-7 more weeks to go!
My husband and I just found out we are expecting and the advice from others is already overwhelming!! “Oh you’re not using a midwife?” “Oh you think you’ll deliver naturally. Just wait until your first pain.” “Make sure you get the top of line… you know that’s the best for your baby!” Etc etc!
I’m 26 weeks today!! And even though I knew babies need lots of things, I’m still surprised by all the stuff we need to get!!
Our biggest surprise has been how much we DON’T know (and hope to figure out along the way!). Registering for a baby shower was totally overwhelming and we used your guide as a major help. We are actually registered for the Chicco Keyfit carseat!
I was surprised at how little free time I have! I was envisioning all this extra time to work out and have “me” time. Idealistic thinking!!
I’d love this for my twins! (yes, I know I need two!!) The thing that surprised me about motherhood is how you can just function on such little sleep. You just DO. I was so worried about being sleep deprived, but that’s why we have coffee (and wine!). You just kind of become used to sleeping in 2-3 hour increments! I’d love to win! It’s ridiculous how much $$$ we’ve been spending!!
A big surprise is how much exercise helps with the nausea!
I was surprised to find how much I enjoyed being pregnant (up until a certain extent of course) but it was not as bad as I thought it would be !
I’m 35 weeks pregnant, and I didn’t know until fairly recently that there are so many different types of car seats! I totally thought we’d only have to buy one. 🙂
The insane amount of love and protection I had for my little boy the minute I found out I was pregnant. My little boy is so loved
I’m 21 weeks pregnant and am looking at car seats now! Definitely surprised how fast the shortness of breath kicks in during pregnancy !! I assumed it would be at the end but walking up stairs and working out has had me huffing and puffing for weeks!
I have been surprised by how much morning sickness and exhaustion have changed my daily life. I have always been an active person who loved fruits and veggies and now I’m eating carbs all the time and sleeping nonstop! I wasn’t expecting so much to change right from the start.