Good morning! How are you guys today!? I hope your Tuesday is off to a good start! We’re talking about car seat safety on the blog today, so buckle up and enjoy the riiiide! (<— Oh the puns! I just can’t help myself.)
A couple of weeks ago, I asked you guys to submit your car seat safety questions so I could pass them along to Chicco’s Child Passenger Safety Advocate and share a Q&A on the blog. The questions came rollin’ in and many of you guys had similar questions related to car seat safety. (Many of your questions were also questions I personally had for Chicco which was great! Thanks for covering my bases, friends!)
Last month was Baby Safety Month and I am partnering with Chicco to help spread the word about car seat safety to encourage parents and caregivers to keep their little ones as safe as possible. A car seat safety Q&A may be found below that incorporates your questions and at the bottom of this blog post you will find a pretty awesome giveaway for a Chicco KeyFit 30 car seat!
Now let’s get to it!
Car Seat Safety Q&A
- How long do we keep the newborn/infant inserts in the car seat?
The infant insert is the smaller contoured seat pad that fits inside your infant car seat. These pads are engineered to position a smaller baby at the correct seat angle, as well as ensure that the harness fits tightly. You can remove the insert when you feel it is no longer necessary, but it must be removed once your infant reaches 11 lbs.
- When do I need to get the next car seat up from the infant car seat? Is it by weight or height?
You may transition your child to a convertible car seat that allows them to remain rear-facing until at least two years old at any time, but must make the switch from an infant car seat to a convertible car seat when your child outgrows either the height or weight guidelines for their infant car seat.
- I can’t find anyone who will check my car seat! The local fire department, highway commission, police, etc. are no longer allowed to due to “liability concerns.” Any tips to help ensure I’ve done a good installation, or other resources I haven’t thought of?
If you’re having trouble finding a certified child passenger safety technician in your area, check out Safe Kids Worldwide’s navigator here or visit
- Is there a difference in an infant car seat and a convertible one as far as safety is concerned?
As long as your convertible car seat is being used in rear-facing mode as instructed and it’s installed correctly, your infant is protected in a convertible car seat. As a reminder, it’s recommended that child passengers be kept rear-facing until two years of age, whether that is in an infant car seat or convertible car seat.
- Why on earth do car seats expire? And will I get in trouble if I use an expired car seat?
Car seats expire for a few different, equally important reasons. First, over time, car seat technology improves and safety standards change. Additionally, materials used in car seats wear down with extended use, which could compromise safety features down the road. It’s also important to note that car seat manufacturers stop safety testing seats after a certain period of time, meaning that past expiration, manufacturers cannot guarantee how a car seat will perform in an accident.
- I heard that we shouldn’t put babies in their car seats wearing winter coats? We get some pretty COLD winters in New Jersey so I’m curious to see if there is any truth in this?
Don’t buckle your child into a car seat with bulky clothing, blankets or add-on products like a car seat bunting. The harness should be as snug as possible, and the added padding can interfere with the harness fit and crash performance of the seat. If you are using an infant carrier, put your child in the carrier and tighten the harness before you head to the car, then put blankets on your child to keep them warm. If you are using a car seat that is installed in your car, have your child take off their coat, get them in the car seat and tighten the harness, then put their coat on backwards until you arrive at your destination.
- What age/weight/height is safe to switch your little one to a forward facing car seat position?
Keep your child rear-facing in their car seat until at least two years old. Are your kid’s feet touching the seat back? Do they look a little cramped? That’s okay. Kids are a lot more flexible than adults. Kids need to stay rear-facing for as long as possible to protect their head and neck in the event of a crash. Kids do not need to be turned forward-facing until they reach the maximum height or weight of the car seat. Kids are fragile, and they are best protected rear-facing, even if that means they have a little less leg room.
- Is there a way to clean a car seat safely? I’ve heard that soaking it in water can make it unsafe…
The best way to clean car seat straps and other non-removable pieces is with mild soap and water, and then let it air dry. To simplify the process, Chicco’s line of Zip car seats include easy to remove zip-off features, such as a removable seat pad, that make clean-up a breeze.
Chicco KeyFit 30 Giveaway
And now it’s giveaway time! Chicco is giving away a KeyFit 30 car seat to one lucky PBF reader!
We absolutely love our KeyFit 30 car seat and I cannot recommend it enough. It easily clicks into our travel and jogging strollers and Chase seems comfortable and secure in it.
If you would like to be entered to win the car seat, simply leave a comment on this blog post, telling me about one thing that surprised you about pregnancy or becoming a new parent. I will randomly select a winner next Friday.
Good luck!
Looking for additional car seat safety information? Check out Chicco’s Car Seat Safety Guide and the Car Seat Education page of their website!
Thank you to Chicco for sponsoring this post and to all of you for your continued support. I truly appreciate it!
I never realized how there could be so many ways your child could potentially get hurt. You can’t protect your child from everything, but as soon as they become mobile everything is a potential hazard. When you stop and think about it, it about drives you nuts….
At 36 weeks pregnant – everything surprises me! I was surprised to see the different things different doctors and different people recommend. As much as I love the resources the internet provides, it sometimes feels overwhelming with this opinion or that opinion. Another car seat would be great to have!
Thank you for sharing these great safety tips and reminders.
One thing that surprised me was that I am less concerned about germs and dirt than I thought I would be!!! I really thought I would freak over some things that I haven’t! I’m building my little ones immunity through exposure, right?!
I was surprised to find out how much you could possibly love your child. From the second my daughter was born my love for her has been exponential.
Just how sleep deprived you can be and still function!
Thanks for sharing this information! I just turned my little one around and am hoping to find a place to get it checked out.
I was most surprised at the truth to “motherly instincts”. I was terrified I wouldn’t know how to care for my kiddo or know what to do at all! Those instincts kicked in right away and I’ve learned to rely on them more and more!
I am pregnant with my first child and ALL of the information you shared was new and eye opening to me! I have quite a bit to learn and your post truly helped.
I’m expecting my first in March. So much has been a surprise, and there is so much more to go! Thus far, I was surprised by how much I felt physical symptoms once we found out the good news. There is so much going on in there!
Mommy guilt! It’s easy to tell your mom-friends to not worry but then when I became a mom I totally got it. Mom guilt is real and it’s hard and that’s just one more reason that other mom-friends are the best.
One of the things that surprised me was how much I miss being pregnant when I’m not! Especially the kicks!
I am due this weekend and I have been surprised at how smoothly this pregnancy has gone. I’ve also been surprised with how amazing our bodies are. Looking at pictures from 5 weeks pregnant to 40 weeks pregnant it seems crazy that my five foot frame can house such a blessing 🙂
It really surprised me how much pregnancy really teaches you to surrender to your body, trust, and let go of the need to be in control… Because you aren’t.
Along the same lines it really surprised me how selfless you have to be with a new baby. You will never come first again. It’s a strange adjustment but an amazing one!!!
I am 17 weeks pregnant with our first baby and I have been most surprised by the tiniest symptoms! Chapped lips, headaches, food aversions, etc that are all related to pregnancy and/or hormones. I am kind of awed by how intricate our bodies are and how the slightest hormonal changes show themselves. It has been such a cool experience so far!
I was surprised that milestones can make you that crazy. I have to remember that every baby is different and sometimes Google can be an enemy.
The thing that I am most surprised about is how fast the baby grows and how the time goes by so quickly!!!
I’m currently 26 weeks pregnant and the biggest surprise has been how much everything in my body has changed, not just my growing belly!
I’m surprised by how much I love being pregnant! Even with first trimester morning sickness, heartburn, and the aches and pains of the third trimester, I already know I’m going to miss being pregnant (I’m 37 weeks now). But I’m excited to start the next chapter and meet this baby!
I was very surprised by how quickly my baby didn’t seem like a baby! You really have to treasure that time 🙂
This is my first pregnancy, and i was surprised to find out how quickly i would be feeling symptoms! And how excited i would be feeling so soon into it 🙂
Being 9 months pregnant-due next week! I never knew how much you could love someone you’ve never met before! I remember you discussing this topic before and now I am experiencing it for myself!
Well, I am brand new in this department (like haven’t told my mom yet, new), so everyday is a little eye opening. I am SO TIRED and although I am very active, I can already feel my body needing me to alter my work outs (which, of course I have)… So excited for what’s to come!
Oh my gosh, the dryness!! I grew up in Wisconsin and we now live in Colorado so we had to make a humidity adjustment when we first moved here a few years ago. HOWEVER, I’m in my second trimester and am so dry and itchy all over. I’m back on the heavy lotion train every day.
I’m currently pregnant and the thing that surprised me the most was how quickly the belly comes on! Up until about 22 weeks, you couldn’t tell I was pregnant, and then 23 weeks started and boom, there it was! I think until that week, people thought I was lying about being pregnant 🙂
I’m at the end of my first trimester and what has surprised me the most is how tired I am! Some days I am more tired than I was after a ran a marathon! I’m sure there will be many more surprises to come! 🙂
I’m in the early months of pregnancy so I still feel like everything is coming as a surprise – how tired I am, for example. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Don’t consider me for the contest since I don’t have little ones but I just wanted to thank you for this. I’m going to pass it along to some friends who are expecting a lil nugget next month and they’re nervous about the whole car seat thing. This will help!!
Thanks for the info! I always get so nervous about this stuff!
I am suprised how instant my love was for this little baby growing inside me. I would do anything to protect and care for it.
I’m surprised how messy and dirty my house can get from such a little person! On the plus side, I seem to care less about an organized home now that I have a little one to comfort and care for!
When I first became a parent, I was so surprised on how nothing else really matter (work, news, old life, etc) except soaking up every single minute with your new little baby!
I was surprised at how often my little guy pooped at first! haha
Thank you for this post! I will become a new mom in January and having just registered for the keyfit there were a ton of things I had been wondering about regarding installing and transitioning seats/positions, so I really appreciate the information and it will be so useful in the very near future!
In pregnancy, I am most surprised by how great I’ve felt since week 17 or so. My mood has been better than pre-pregnancy and I’ve had great energy throughout the day with tons of sleep each night! I just hope this continues…
I’m surprised that I’m able to shower at all.
One day my baby’s soft spot was pulsing when he was a few months old. I FREAKED out, but apparently that is very normal, especially after crying. I was pretty shocked that soft spots did that!
I am 20 weeks pregnant and I have been surprised by how MUCH advice is out there. It seems there are a lot of ways to do certain things and it is all about finding what works best for you! We have been eyeing a Chicco car seat for our new addition.
I’m surprised by how much there is to do before this little girl is born! Nine months is plenty of time but it’s quite a long list.
I am amazed at how much a little baby can poop! ? Seems like I am constantly changing diapers!
We’re still TTC but something that has already surprised me is all of the “what ifs” that are constantly running through my head. I’ve never been a worrier but the prospect of having a little one soon is positively daunting.
I am due with our first in April! I am surprised by how much stuff such a tiny person needs! And how expensive baby stuff is! We would love to win!
I was (and continue to be) amazed by how well I can function on fraction of the sleep I got pre-baby 🙂
I’m currently 14 weeks pregnant with my first, and so far I’ve been surprised by how emotional little things make me. While the first ultrasound cry-fest could mostly be termed as sweet and generally appropriate, the number of times commercials on TV have made me cry is a little ridiculous. Most hilariously, a few weeks ago I was telling my husband about a pregnancy test ad that made me cry, and just talking about the ad made me cry again! Of course we had to be in a restaurant, so the poor waitress walked up to take our drink orders, only to encounter a very teary lady and her confused husband. We all had a good laugh once I explained the situation to her!
I have been surprised by just how much stuff we need for our first one. While I thought of the obvious ones my list continues to grow as we await the arrival of our first in February. Overwhelming for sure!
Excellent post! I needed a refresher- pregnant with #2 and my son is 5. I’ve forgotten so much- I hope it’s like riding a bike! The thing that surprised me the most about having a baby is how I can not imagine life before or without him!
I’m so surprised at how fast my second pregnancy is going!
I was surprised at how much I love being a mom!
Thanks for entering me in the contest! One thing that surprised me about pregnancy was how stinking tired I am! Sleep is precious!!!!!! 🙂
The exhaustion doesn’t seem soooo bad.
We are due in March with our first and I’m shocked by how overwhelming it is to register for anything! It seems like there are so many choices and everyone has a different, but very passionate opinion.
I am not a parent yet, but am hoping to be one in the next year or so. I am surprised by how much there is to know already – and I’m not living it out yet! I would love to win a car seat to prepare for our future children.
Pregnancy is so much more overwhelming that I could have expected! My growing and changing body blows my mind 🙂 And working on the registry now… so so many options!!! Thanks for your insightful posts!