Today’s hotel breakfast featured the greasiest scrambled eggs, which oddly enough, are my favorite of all the scramble eggs they serve.
Extra cheese is fine by me! The eggs also have small pieces of sausage and bacon thrown into the mix.
As someone who typically prefers sweet (or sweet + savory) breakfast, I’m surprised at how often I find myself gravitating toward eggs at the hotel breakfast buffet.
Maybe I typically opt for sweet breakfasts because they involve less cooking? Smoothies, yogurt bowls (or yogurt pudding!) and banana sandwiches don’t require cooking like eggs and omelets do. Hmm.
I enjoyed my scrambled eggs with a side of peanut butter-topped oatmeal.
Quite the satisfying breakfast!
Moving right along to some fitness talk…
Cardio Before or After Weights
When I finally realized the importance of incorporating strength training into my workout routine, I quickly learned not to train the same muscles two days in a row (they need time to repair and recover) and picked up other tips and tricks that I took to heart.
One question that has always eluded me? If you’re going to do cardio and strength training on the same day, which should you do first?
I’ve researched the answer to this question, read many articles and talked to various fitness professionals to try to come to one conclusion. Eventually I realized that everyone has a different theory and recommends different things. There are valid arguments for doing cardio first just as there are valid arguments for doing strength training first.
After all of this information overload, I’ve come to two conclusions:
- If your fitness goals revolve around cardio, do cardio first. If they revolve around muscle development and strength, do weight training first.
- Do whatever one you’re more likely to skip first so you’re less likely to bail on it at the end of your workout.
Since I currently do not have any real fitness goals other than improving my overall health, I adhere to conclusion number two.
On days when I do strength training, I typically also do about 20 minutes of light cardio. I do this before strength training because if I don’t I’m 5,000 times more likely to skip it.
If you’re a fitness professional (or even if you’re not!), I’d love to hear your opinion on this in the comments section of this post.
Question of the Morning
- If you do cardio and strength training on the same day, which do you do first? Why?
I just thought about this this morning after my lifting session! I find that when I lift FIRST, I feel super light and fast and cardio feels easier. This of course could feel different come tomorrow…
I typically so cardio first, though I’m not sure why. I think the PT I had before my wedding told me to do that and it stuck?
When I come to your blog in the mornings, I have to do a double take- sometimes it’s hard to believe it’s really you without a smoothie for breakfast! 🙂
I typically do cardio first because it serves as a.good walk up for my miscles and I get the boring part out of the way first. Then I do weights, followed by a bit more light cardio for a cool down.
I used to do it on the same day because I felt like my muscles were more ‘prepared’ for strength training after warming up with cardio. I also just wanted to knock everything out of the way first.
ps – greasy eggs are the best YUM, wish I had that for breakfast!
I do cardio first because I feel like it loosens up my muscles so I can get into deeper lunges and squats during my strength training and it feels more effective.
For me it depends on my goals and the priority of that particular workout. Whichever one I need to focus on most (have most energy for) I do first! 🙂
I do cardio first if I’m doing both – I’ve found that if I do weights first, I’m too wiped out to have a good cardio session.
I tend to do cardio first and then strength training every other day. It makes me feel like I’m not killing myself 😉
I used to do cardio first, but then my mom showed me an article about how important it is to do weights first if your focus is to get toned.
I’d love to know more about this if some fitness professionals have any input!
My trainer told me that for ultimate calorie burning, to do cardio second. After weight training, you continue to burn calories, whereas cardio typically only burns calories while you do it. So if you cardio after weights, then you’re burning double the calories.
Of course, I always do some sort of cardio to warm up before strength training.
Good post. Where is your red tank from in the pic?
i got it from the nike outlet in orlando last spring.
I always do cardio first too. I’m not sure why – I think it’s because I’m a cardio junkie and am just most excited for it. I’m also not huge on strength training (though I want to be better about it) so I think the mixture of the two have set that precedent for me 🙂
PS – LOVE that picture of you on the treadmill. Haha. Just made my morning a little happier.
I usually do my cardio after…but good call, I do tend to skip it! I always heard you’re supposed to do cardio after but I think just from friends. Good to know either/or is good!
I always have a sweet breakfast on weekdays, and usually one savoury day on the weekends…but whenever I am out for breakfast I ALWAYS go the savoury route. And I’m pretty sure it is because of the non-cooking thing 🙂
I like to lift weights first, and as long as you do a warm-up with your weights, there is no need for the cardio warm-up first.
I have a bachelors degree in Kinesiology and that is exactly what I tell my clients. At my current job we debate back and forth about which is better and everyone seems to have their own personal opinion on cardio or weight training first but you are totally right, it really is dependant on your personal fitness or training goals!
I have a hard time making myself do strength training when I am not teaching classes so I may have to take your suggestion of doing the one I am most likely to skip first! Great tip!
so glad to have an expert confirm this! i really read so much about the varying arguments. i can definitely see both sides and in the end i think it comes down to your personal goals and an exercise plan you’ll actually stick to!
I usually do strength training first- I sweat less and have to go to the gym. Then I drive home and get my run in. The idea of running first and then going to the gym all sweaty grosses me out! This can sometimes bite me in the butt though- my calves were soo sore yesterday!
Do you prefer running on that type of machine or a normal treadmill? I am never sure which one to run on at the gym.
i like the normal treadmill. the self-propelled one was really cool, but kind of odd.
I’ve always heard conflicting reports as well. I usually do my cardio first and then lift. If I wait until after I lift, I typically will start to lose my motivation.
hmm, I never thought about reason #1 although that makes complete sense. I always strength train first because I figure my muscles are less fatigued so it will be less effective… although I never thought about how that probably makes my cardio less effective? oops!
I have always done cardio first, and you are right it is because if I am short on time I would rather cut my weight session short than my cardio so it is about where my focus is.
ALWAYS cardio first! Usually because my legs are too tired after strength workouts to run or bike. My latest workouts have been circuits and classes that intertwine the two…loving that even more!!
GREAT advice Julie!
Unless working out time is at my leisure, cardio AND strength never happen on the same day- I can’t seem to motivate myself. – Taking your suggestion to do what I least want to do first, maybe that will make me bring it!
I honestly don’t usually lift and do cardio the same day. I usually lift one day and do straight cardio the next. Who knows if this is right or not but it definitely works for me!
I think about this all the time and I really have no idea if there is a right answer. My goals for now are to keep improving my cardio endurance and continuing toning. Basically that has always been my goal, but now longer runs are the standard fare as well as lifting a little more. I like to break up my cardio so it doesn’t get boring, so I typically do half of my cardio, weights, and finish with the other half. No idea what principle that applies to, but it works for me!
If I do strength first I have tons more energy for cardio!
I normally do cardio first but heb a lot of times i am too tired to lift weights or I don’t have enough time!! I am training for a half marathon and on my cross train days I think I need to start lifting first so I know it will get done! I am so bad at making time to strength train and really take inspiration from you!
I totally agree with the experts. I’m always more focused on my cardio of choice (running) than I am on strength training. After all, one of the main reasons I do strength training is to improve my running! 😛
I have read so many views on this too – I usually do my cardio first because it warms me up and gets my heart pumping…then I hit the weights!
I never know what to do first – I usually just go with whatever I feel like doing!
I always tend to do cardio first. I feel more loose and ready for weights when I am all warmed up before hand. When I ran cross country and track in college, we always did strength after running, so I guess I am just very used to that schedule 🙂
I start with cardio to warm up (and so I’m not tempted to skip it later). I generally do light cardio as a cool down too, to prevent too much lactic acid build up.
Usually, I do my cardio first. I’m not too sure why, but I think it’s because it takes more effort and I like to get it out of the way first. For strength training, I don’t slack off after, but I just feel better knowing that I can exhaust my muscles and not have to worry about doing any more running etc. However, recently I’ve changed up my routine with my trainer, and I’ve been doing the majority of my cardio after our session, 2x per week. It’s actually been a much better change than I thought!
I usually do cardio first, but a trainer once made a point that I thought was good — when you do strength training first, you’re more likely to maintain your focus on proper form. If you’re tired after your cardio workout, your form might suffer as you do your strength training and you won’t get the full benefits.
But I say do what works for you!
I always get my cardio done first! I think it’s cause I like to get it out of the way and chill out with some weights. 🙂
I have read in a fitness mag (I forget which one it was.. maybe Shape?) that your body gets a better workout in when you start with cardio and end with weights, since cardio warms up your muscles so nicely.
I actually talked a little about this on my blog the other day! When I’m doing a strength training day, my biggest goal is to keep my heart-rate up, because you burn more fat (or so I’ve read) if your heart rate is higher while you’re doing strength training. So what I do is 10 min of cardio, half my strength training, 10 min of cardio, the other half of my strength training, and then 10 minutes of light cardio to loosen up my muscles at the end! Then of course some stretching! Plus the switching back and forth keeps my mind busy and it’s less boring!
I’m definitely one for sweet breakfasts as well. My one exception is eggs!
I’ve heard from a few trainers that if you are interested in losing weight, after may be better. That’s what I’ve been doing (I do a warmup before weights too).
Was that one of those self propelled treadmills? They look so cool and slightly scary! I love the idea of them tho.
I like doing cardio first because I feel like my muscles get warmed up before I lift. I did have a trainer tell me to run after working out your legs because it will fully fatigue them and allow you to see the best results. BUT, I’m more likely to skip the cardio if I’m wiped out from a good strength session, so I usually go with cardio first, weights second.
I always do weights first since thats more important. I do weights 4-5 days a week super heavy and 10 minutes of interval cardio 3 days a week and a 2-5 mile run once a week. For the interval cardio, I do interval sprints on the treadmill (1 minute on 11, 1 minute on 4) after lifting upper body or I’ll do a bodyrock workout at home I dont do any “cardio” on leg day since i get my heart rate up plenty, and then on an off weights day, ill go for a longer run. Plus i get lots and lots of walks with my puppers:):)
yay for puppy walks! 😀
I seem to be in the minority here…I much prefer weight training to cardio. I actually sort of despise most forms of cardio and am likely to go a couple of weeks doing not a lick of it. I’m going to work on that though!
I tend to do my weights first, because I find if I get done with strenuous cardio I am less likely to do weights! However on days I do power class I like doing cardio before (power kicks my butt, but in a good way)!
I do cardio first because it is the focus of my workouts and I’d like to have as much energy as possible as I work on my endurance/speed. I actually prefer the weights portion, though, so I have no problem sticking around after a schweaty run to throw some heavy shit around!
I’ve always heard that weight training is better to do first! It’s been said that you won’t get much out of weight training if you do it after cardio because you’re tired. I’ve done it this way and have seen great results!
I think you’re research is right though… whichever goal is more important to you is what you should do first.
Doing whatever you would most likely skip seems like it makes the most sense to me…but I am the farthest thing from a fitness professional 🙂
My bf is a personal trainer, and I majored in exercise science. We have learned that it is a preference, but if you do cardio after weights- your muscles will be more fresh and energized while lifting and you will burn more fat with cardio at the end because your carbs have already been utilized for the weight training!
*love* the treadmill pic!!!!
I agree with your points – my goal is cardio as I have a weak heart, so I always do cardio first. Although, I would probably prefer the other way around so everytime I leave a weight bench I’m not having to totally scrub all my sweat off the thing so that someone else can use it.
(and for those of you who sweat all over the benches and DON’T wipe it off — rude! lol)
I like to split up my days especially since I’m training for my first half marathon. Strength training 2-3 times a week and then run on the days I’m not lifting.
You have any good tips for a first time half marathon runner?
I am by no means a professional but my sister who is a personal trainer and majored in Kineseology in college has told me the following:
1) Strength first means your muscles are more fatigued for cardio so you’re more likely to take it easier on the cardio but it also means your muscles are in burning mode post lifting session so you burn more calories.
2) Cardio first means you get your heart rate up right away. If you can maintain that heart rate through your strength training, it’s great for fat burn. But that also means you can’t take huge rests between sets and have to treat your ST more like circuits, less like a pumping iron session.
I prefer 2 because I just want to get the hard part over and feel the burn!!
I usually always do my cardio first because if not I know I would easily opt out of doing it.
I always always do cardio first if I’m doing them the same day but that’s mostly bc I’m an endurance athlete and weight lifting really fatigues my muscles to the point where an hour+ run becomes difficult.
I do agree with doing whatever you’d skip first though! I’ll have to try that when I’m not training for a race!