After a 20 minute warm up on the elliptical, I set up a little station in the open area of our gym and completed the following cardio-heavy circuit:
I did the circuit two times through and it took me about 25 – 30 minutes to complete.
The workout was definitely one of my favorite circuits that I’ve ever put together. I set out to do a cardio-heavy circuit and combined a bunch of my favorite cardio moves (no burpees, hallelujah!) and ended up loving this workout.
The two hardest exercises for me were the box jumps and the scissor lunge hops. My heart was pounding when I finished those moves!
Brrr, baby!
It was 38 degrees outside when we drove to the gym today, so a hot breakfast was a necessity.
I made myself a toasted wheat bagel topped with chocolate peanut butter and banana slices
And then because I was a still a little hungry and wanted to use to oven to help warm up the house, I made a quick batch of granola to snack on.
I probably should’ve made more because I’m positive that granola will not last through 10 a.m.
Off to make myself a hot cup of coffee to help fuel me through my latest assignment!
P.S. The December book club selection will be revealed this afternoon!
Of Possible Interest
- Help provide presents to those in need in YOUR area this holiday season through JCPenney and the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program (
- 10 Animal-Free Gifts for the Vegan Foodie (
- Love Your Lower Body in Four Moves (
That looks like a fun workout! I avoid cardio because I get bored doing one thing, but this would keep things interesting. Thanks for sharing!! 🙂
I need to start doing circuits- they sound more interesting to do than just ‘hitting the weights’. Well, actually I just need to get it together and pick back up with exercise- it’s almost been a week! Yikes.
That bagelwich looks divine! Can’t go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter – particularly for breakfast! 🙂
I love circuits, especially with strength training- the time flies!
That does look like a calorie burner!
Burrr baby is right! It’s 45 over in Brevard county right now. I’m thrilled to wear my boots today instead of flop flops! 🙂
I’m anxious to find out our next book too!
I can’t wait to hear the December book selection! I hope it’s one of the 3 that I didn’t read already!
What kind of bagels to do you buy? I can never find ones at the grocery store that don’t just taste like extra thick sandwich bread,
they’re just the regular bakery brand bagels from the grocery store. i love them and they’ve been on sale lately!
That circuit looks intense!
Those bagels look so good – what brand are they?
they were just the ones sold by the grocery store bakery!
That workout looks like a doozy!! 😉 I shall add it to my library of workouts to do after I finish the 30-Day Shred challenge.
Love it! I’ve been doing box jumps for a while now – I used to SUCK at them – as in, I couldn’t possibly get my head around jumping up and landing with BOTH feet at the same time. I was so bad at them! But practice definitely helps. Great workout Julie!
That sandwich looks tasty! Chocolate peanut butter and bananas are the best combination ever! 🙂
thanks for sharing the workout! your bagel looks delish 🙂
Haha I hate those scissor lunge jumps!!! They’re on the Jillian Michaels video I do and I’m practically cursing every time!
Where did you find chocolate peanut butter?! I didn’t know such a thing existed!!
Julie I was pleasantly surprised when I learned you went to Fremd for high school. I went to Naperville North and I think we played you in sports! I also looovvved the cafeteria cookies, always warm and chewy lol
Awesome workout… looks like a total butt whoopin! I’m with you on the burpee thing– absolutely hate em’
Gosh, I ‘m surprised it gets that cold in Florida! The temperatures were similar here this morning, and I was wishing I lived in a warmer state! Guess the grass is always (artificially) greener…:)
burpees should be forbidden. I have a strict “no granola” rule in my house, because I will eat ALL of it.
Cool workout! I’m gonna give it a try 🙂
I have to say I always check your blog for the breakfast! You were the reason I am obsessed with egg, jelly, and cheese english muffins. So YUM 🙂
I always want to try circuit workouts, but I’m still scarred from high school track! We used to do the use intense circuit plyometric workouts that the next day no one on the track team could walk up and down the stairs without wincing. But…maybe its time to give it a try again, it has been almost a decade (OUCH!)
Circuit workouts are my absolute FAVORITE. I do them almost every time I’m at the gym!
I do those scissor ones too and they are killer! I try to do them for a minute straight, and phew it is haaard.
Loving this cold FL weather!!
Since its gotten too cold to run outside I have been all over pinterest finding cardio circuit workouts to help me beat gym boredom. I’ll be adding your circuit to my little workout book fo sure! 🙂
I love circuit training-much more fun and totally NOT boring! Hah.
I actually love lunge switch jumps, they are killer but make you feel awesome!
I love when you make up circuit workouts! I’m sure i’ll see it on pinterest in no time.
I love circuit, it’s definietly my fav type of work out. Maybe I’m crazy but I actually love doing Burpees, my least fav is squats.
It was -22 when I left for work this morning, -30 when I walked my dogs last night LOL!
Box jumps scare me so much. I do them and enjoy them, but it takes my brain a few minutes to comprehend what I’m about to do.
I love the looks of this circuit workout too! Circuit workouts are my favorite too. It’s always nice to mix up cardio, so I’m looking forward to trying this one out!
Your bagel sandwich looks delightful! 🙂
You and Court are seriously in sync today! Circuit workouts FTW. Box jumps freak me out because I’m a midget.
That looks like a great circuit workout!
I am so craving bagels now…
I love all of those moves, but I guess I never did them all together in a circuit. Great idea!
Ooooo nice workout selection! Circuit training is my favorite too! It’s so effective and it really gets my heart beating! Me, I’m going to hit the streets for a run this afternoon hopefully… the wind is out of control here in NH so we’ll see how that goes! Hope I don’t get blown away!!!
Cardio circuits are perfect to get your blood pumping in the morning. Especially on chilly ones like this! I spent my workout building the perfect breakfast sandwich in my head and couldn’t decide between sweet/savory. Settled on an open top whole wheat english muffin: One side with peanut butter, banana, and sprinkled pumpkin pie spice and the other with a fried egg and turkey bacon. Perfect!
I would eat all the chocolate PB at once if I bought that!
Whew that circuit looks intense!!! I wish I could get up and get going like that in the morning!
Can’t wait to hear what the book will be!
Yum, that sandwich looks tasty! Warm breakfasts are a must hear in Minnesota this time of year!
Circuits are totally the way to go. They just make the time fly by so fast and they’re great for cardio. Love!
You just can’t beat a PB and banana sandwich. I had one this morning too, but I used White Chocolate Wonderful. Delicious!
great workout!! it’s SO cold was like 10 this morning. that is NOT okay haha. i miss summer already…but i love xmas so i guess i’ll live 🙂
That looks like such a great workout! You always have awesome ones :D. I am starting to incorporate more of those types of moves into my workouts because they are so challenging, but they keep things really interesting! And burpees are something that I love and hate at the same time haha…one of my fellow blog friends has even suggested doing one-legged ones…um say what?! I dunno if I have that kind of abilities haha.
Mmmm if I were at home with that granola it would all be gone very soon too! Thank you for posting the link for the Angel tree! I’ve been wanting to do a an angel tree gift this year but have been out of town on Sundays and haven’t made it to church- I would never have thought to check out JcPenny! And I’m looking forward to seeing what the next Book Club book is!
That workout sounds awesome. I need some new inspiration in the gym—I’ll have to try it!
Wow I had no idea it could get that cold in Florida! Hope it warms up soon!
I checked out all your granola recipes…they all look amazing! I love the variety and combinations. I will definitely be making some of them asap!
If you choose Born to Run, I think you will love it. My husband and I both read it and it is really interesting!
When I was younger we used to always pick a paper ornament off the tree at our church and get children things they wanted and needed for christmas. I think it’s a great tradition and it’s great to do with kids to teach them that it’s the season to give back to others.
That workout does sound intense!! The more painful they are, the more fun they are~ 😉 But I’ve actually never tried box jumps with the real boxes! Well, I did something like that in my old house with my piano chair. But I don’t think that’s safe lol.
That circuit workout looked so good that I just did it! It was awesome- definitely a workout. I’m a college student and that circuit was easy enough to do right in my dorm. Luckily my roommate is at class so she doesn’t have to see the sweaty mess I am after doing it. I switched out the box jumps with burpees because I don’t have a sturdy box to jump on in my room. I love that cardio based circuits can be adapted so easily!
When are you going to become a personal trainer? You always have awesome work outs and I think you would be fantastic at it!!
Thanks for the link to the JCP Salvation Army Angel Program. Since I read abut your gift from the Panera tree, I was thinking that I should sign up somewhere and give to someone in need. I just signed up to give gifts to 2 Angels in my area. Feels great to participate! Thank you!
I always incorporate cardio circuits on Friday, so I’m going to try this tomorrow! Just need to find something to use for box jumps in my basement 🙂