This morning, I’m taking a deep dive into one of the questions I received from you guys via Instagram Stories when I asked for question submissions for my big Q&A post. (That post went live last week and you may see it here if you’d like: The Transition from 2 to 3 Kids: Q&A) I…
One Month with Rhett
Our baby boy is just over one month old and the first month of Rhett’s life has been equal parts amazing, exhausting, overwhelming and wonderful. Rhett is our third baby and as I think many parents of multiples would agree, our confidence is higher this time. The little things like learning how to swaddle or…
Welcome Rhett Samuel!
PBF Baby #3: Pregnancy Weeks 35 – 37
PBF Baby #3: Pregnancy Weeks 31-34
Hello to my favorite internet friends! I hope you’re having a great week so far. I am checking in this morning with a pregnancy update. At 35 weeks pregnant, I officially feel like I’m in the homestretch and plan to continue these semi-regular updates until our little one is here. Just in case you’re interested…
Chase: 5 Year Old Update
We officially have a FIVE year old in our house! Like every mother ever, I’m going to express my amazement that my first baby is five years old and growing up so darn fast. Time needs to sloooow down because we’re flying through such fun stuff right now. Chase is talkative, inquisitive, compassionate, kind, social,…