Hey friends! Now that we’re about two months away from meeting our baby (what!?), I’m feeling quiiiite pregnant. When we last left off, I said I was going to try to check in with more frequent pregnancy updates every three weeks or so now that I’m in my third trimester. I enjoy documenting my pregnancies…
Ryder Update: Two Years Old
When did our little dark-haired, sweet, smiley mohawk baby morph into a bleach-blonde, always-into-something, always-on-the-go joyful little toddler? I don’t know how it happened so fast, but Ryder will officially be TWO years old tomorrow. I’ve mentioned this on the blog before but my children’s birthdays always seem to leave me feeling overcome with emotion….
Pregnancy Update: 27 Weeks with Baby #3
Hey friends! I’m checking in today with a long-overdue pregnancy update. Time is flying and I’m quickly approaching my third trimester. Let’s just say I’m feeling a whirlwind of emotions but grateful is at the very top of the list. (22 weeks pregnant and holding a 22-month-old Ryder) It wasn’t until I received a comment…
Baby #3: All the Details (So Far)
Hey friends! I figured I could share another recap of our weekend on the blog that would look pretty much identical to every other weekend around here since we began social distancing a few weeks ago, but since I didn’t take many pictures and wasn’t really feeling another recap post, I figured I’d switch gears…