Another month has passed and that means it’s time to discuss another PBF book club book! In January we read The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton. Brief Summary The Secret Keeper begins with drama. From the safety and seclusion of the family tree house, 16-year-old Laurel witnesses her mother commit a horrific crime that is…
Well Played, Kate Morton
What Alice Forgot
Okay, book club friends, it’s time to discuss What Alice Forgot! Brief Summary What Alice Forgot follows the life of Alice, a 39-year-old woman who wakes up on the floor of her gym after falling off a spinning bike. Alice awakes in 2008, convinced it’s 10 years earlier. She believes she’s pregnant with her first…
January Book Club
How about a little strength training to kick off the weekend? Today’s workout focused on upper body strength training and included three sets of two different exercises per muscle group. I probably could’ve increased the weight a bit during some of the exercises but I wasn’t feeling overly ambitious. I think I’m ready for round…
A Weekend of Reading
Good morning! Care for a smoothie? In the summer, protein-packed smoothies are a go-to breakfast for me, but I often forget about them during the winter. Today I brewed myself a hot cup of coffee to sip while I drank my smoothie. Gotta offset the coldness! In today’s breakfast smoothie: 1 frozen banana 1 spoonful…