Three fun things from last night: Cookies If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve already seen these flourless Nutella cookies. Holy goodness. I didn’t measure the ingredients when I made them, but I’d imagine the proportions are similar to these flourless peanut butter cookies, but with a teaspoon of baking soda added in as well. …
The book of the month for the PBF Book Club was Wild by Cheryl Strayed. It’s time to discuss this vivid memoir! Brief Summary Wild is a memoir about Cheryl Strayed’s journey on the Pacific Crest Trail. Following her mother’s death and the fallout of her marriage, Strayed walked more than 1,000 miles of the…
July Book Club
Drop Dead Healthy
My fellow reading fanatics, it’s time to discuss the June Book Club selection: Drop Dead Healthy by A.J. Jacobs! Just in case you’re looking for some summer reading material, you may find additional PBF book reviews and discussions on the Books page. Brief Summary Drop Dead Healthy details author A.J. Jacobs’ two-year quest to be…
June Book Club
Still Missing
Even though I finished reading May’s book club selection a few weeks ago, typing up the review you’ll find below really made me think a lot about the book again. It was incredibly disturbing and I think that just remembering what I read and typing up my thoughts suppressed my appetite a bit because I…