Hi friends! How are you? Did you guys have a good week? It was a good one over here… just ask Ryder! Here are the things I’m loving Friday #312. (19 months of the best baby smiles around!) We broke up the usual weekday monotony with a Wednesday night pizza and lasagna family date at…
Favorite Books for Four Year Olds
Things I’m Loving Friday #298
Hello from Jacksonville! Ryan, Chase, Ryder, Sadie and I arrived in Florida yesterday evening after making the drive down from Charlotte. We are in town for three reasons — obviously to see my family but also because my Aunt Barbara flew in town from Washington and it’s the Sea and Sky Air Show. Chase has been…
12 Recent Books I Read and Loved
Things I’m Loving Friday #292
Hey friends! How are you? I’m doing pretty well today. After so many of you weighted in on Wednesday’s post and said the symptoms I am experiencing on the left side of my body sounded a lot like shingles, I booked a same-day appointment with my doctor. Fortunately my doctor quickly ruled out shingles and…