Hello, hello! I’m checking in with your usual Things I’m Loving Friday blog post a little late today because I got caught up at the gym after teaching first thing this morning. It’s instructor evaluation time at my gym and having my boss take my classes always makes me a little nervous even though everything…
The Big Blogger Book Giveaway
I love seeing bloggers achieve big things and today I am thrilled to feature a four-part giveaway on the blog that highlights four fabulous books written by fellow bloggers! Below you will find an overview of four books published by bloggers in the healthy food/fitness genre and one copy of each is up for grabs!…
Your Next Favorite Book + Uppercase Giveaway
Summer Reading List
After Her
Things I’m Loving Friday XVIII
It’s Friiiday!!! The weekend is almost here and that in itself it something to smile about, right? Keeping up the Friday trend around here, today I’m sharing another short list of things that are making me smile lately. As always, I’d love to hear about things you’re loving lately in the comments section of this…