Good morning! How are you guys doing today? Whenever I travel, I feel like my week becomes a blur and I have to keep reminding myself that it is Thursday. Getting back into a routine yesterday helped a little and this morning I kept the momentum going with a 6 a.m. Pure Barre class at…
Grippy Socks Make A Difference + Some Stitch Fix FAQs
Describing Yourself In One Word
Another 6 a.m. Pure Barre class kicked off my morning. The sun starts to rise in Charlotte just before 6 a.m. which makes waking up early to exercise 10,000 times easier. Waking up to total darkness is brutal so when even the tiniest bit of sunlight shines through, it helps a lot! Today’s class went…
What to Wear to a Pure Barre Class
Does Your Workout Influence Your Hunger?
Who else out there is watching The Bachelorette? It’s the only show I’ve been keeping up with lately and I finally realized something last night. The best part of the show is the preview of the following week’s episode. It gives you hope that the show may turn around be be totally awesome, but then…