Day one of Operation Get Out of a Food Rut has proven successful! I arrived home from work today feeling motivated to get my groove on in the kitchen. I spent some time perusing the web in hopes of finding and intriguing recipe to try this evening. When I stumbled upon this recipe for an…
Sweet Potato Casserole Pancakes
Thanksgiving Cookie Cake Pie
It’s no cherpumple, but the dessert I made for my office’s annual Thanksgiving potluck was a bit of an undertaking… but a fun one! 😀 After posting about the cherpumple on my blog, blog reader Stephanie commented to tell me about another creation that was much less involved than the three-layer cake pie, but still…
Growing Dumplings
Apparently dumplings grow when you place them in a bubbling bowl of chicken soup! After preparing a pot of chicken soup, I plopped several tablespoon-sized dumplings into the pot to simmer and cook. Within minutes the dumplings nearly tripled in size. More doughy goodness is fine by me! To make the soup, I combined the…
Oops. I Ruined Dinner.
Note to self: Make cookies after dinner. Making cookies before dinner will result in the consumption of copious amounts of cookie dough, as well as several fresh-out-of-the-oven “taste tests.” Dinner will then be ruined. A sugar coma caused by cookies will set in, zapping any hopes you had of preparing a healthy dinner. Throw in…
Curried Chicken Salad
Two-ingredient crock pot chicken is so versatile. With a big bowl full of moist, shredded chicken ready to go after cooking in the crock pot all day, the uses for the meat are endless. Two of my favorite ways to use the chicken are in buffalo chicken and BBQ pulled chicken sandwiches. Though I typically…