Toot, toot! <—That’s me, tooting my own horn after making this: That would be Cooking Light’s chunky potato-crab chowder… though I would consider it crab, corn and potato chowder because it’s chock-full of delicious sweet corn. The recipe was really easy to follow and I had a pot of homemade soup ready in about 40…
Grasshopper Pie Cupcakes
Check it ooooout! It’s in the 50s in Orlando today! Eeeee! Temperatures in the 50s means it’s sweater-wearin’ weather. I feel warm and cuddly today. 😀 My Mother’s Daughter I will never forget the moment my Aunt Laurie told me she knew I was my mother’s daughter. I was staying with my aunt and uncle…
Easy ‘n’ Healthy Chicken Fingers
Apparently I am on a three-ingredient kick. First, it was my three ingredient pumpkin cheesecake mousse yesterday and now it’s three ingredient chicken fingers! What can I say? I like things simple! To begin, grab some raw chicken tenders. You can usually find these alongside the chicken breast meat… and it’s typically cheaper! Win! Then,…
Three Ingredient Pumpkin Cheesecake Mousse
Droooool. I love dessert. I love pumpkin. I love pumpkin desserts. I love easy pumpkin desserts. This little recipe falls under each of those categories. Win! When I arrived home from work today, I had a package waiting for me from Alouette. Among the cheeses included in the package was a tub of the company’s…
Easy Beef Stew
It’s a dreary day in Orlando. The pitter patter of raindrops on our apartment roof had me craving warm comfort food. When I think of comfort food, I imagine meals that cook all day long and make the whole house smell incredibly delicious. Unfortunately I wasn’t in a patient mood and wanted some quality nourishment…
Two Ingredient Cranberry Relish
You know it’s getting close to Thanksgiving when you start to see cranberries on sale! On Sunday night, I purchased a bag of the beautiful, ruby-red berries. I was excited to make my favorite two-ingredient cranberry relish for the first time this season! To make the relish, I simply pulsated several handfuls of fresh Ocean…