Woo-wee! Today is flyin’ by. Slow down, Sunday! First thing this morning, Ryan, Sadie and I piled into Ryan’s car and headed to Winter Springs where Ryan had a 9 a.m. soccer game. Since Ryan likes to arrive to all of his soccer games nice and early to have ample time to warm up, I…
Stuffed Peppers + Nutrition Seminar
Cocoa Overload
Over the weekend, I just couldn’t get enough of the mocha green monster smoothie I made for breakfast on Sunday and figured I would recreate the delicious concoction for breakfast this morning. That was the plan, anyway. I dug out all the necessary ingredients and threw them into the blender. I left out the packet…
Dreary Day Dinner: Asian Beef Cucumber Bowl
Pumpkin Enchiladas
Today’s evening activities started with puppy play time followed by a 2.5 mile walk with Sadie. Don’t even think about it… Just tryyyy to take it… It was hot outside but not Sahara-hot, so we were able to enjoy our walk around the lake near our apartment without sweating too much. Victory! Dinner When we…