Man-oh-man, I sure could use another day off! This weekend totally flew by… Let’s hope this week does the same! 😀 Breakfast It can be tough getting back into the swing of things on Monday mornings, so I like to start ’em out on the right foot with a tasty breakfast. Today’s morning meal was…
Butternut Squash Protein Pancakes
I know some of you out there are just as bummed about the lack of canned pumpkin available on the shelves at the grocery store lately. How are we supposed to make pumpkin pie protein smoothies or pumpkin protein pancakes without the key ingredient? Well, I have one can of pumpkin remaining in my cabinet…
Banana Custard
When I first stumbled upon Gena’s blog post about banana soft serve, I was immediately intrigued. After creating the creamy concoction by simply whirring up frozen bananas in a food processor, I was overjoyed! The result was a creamy, cold and delicious bowl of soft serve that exploded with the sweet flavor of banana. Though…
Noodle Soup + Nintendo
Couple multiple Super Nintendo games with homemade noodle soup and you get a fifth grader’s perfect night… or an ideal night in the eye’s of two twenty-something guys. 😉 Late this afternoon Ryan’s cousin Daniel came over to our apartment so the two boys could enjoy an afternoon of throw-back video games. I wish I could…
Spending the 4th on the Road
Odd Combo
I opened a can of garbanzo beans (aka chickpeas) to use in last night’s dinner and had several servings leftover since I only ate a cup with my salmon and broccoli. A salad seemed like the easiest way to incorporate the beans into my lunch, so I threw together leftover roasted broccoli, salmon and grape…