I am so happy that pumpkin found its way back into my life. During my BodyPump class this morning, I was daydreaming about a pumpkin-filled breakfast. At first I figured I would make pumpkin protein pancakes, but after taking Sadie on a 40 minute walk in the sweltering heat (record high temps in Florida this…
Peanut Butter Stuffed French Toast
Rutabaga Fries!!!
Fun fact: When Ryan was growing up his dad used to call him Rutabaga. Reason: Unknown. Dinner When Ryan and I were browsing around the farmer’s market on Sunday, I picked up two gigantic rutabagas. I asked the woman running the vegetable stand how most people typically prepare rutabagas and she said she likes them…
Sunday Morning Greek Yogurt Pancakes
Foodie Friday
Baking Machine
While at my parents’ house this weekend I’ve been a baking machine! This morning began the same way as the past two mornings: In the kitchen. Today’s baking adventure was cranberry orange muffins, which I made using reduced sugar yellow cake mix. I felt like a real chef as I zested an orange. 😉 The fresh,…