First things first, check out the newest design feature on the blog! Now, after my most current blog post (which will be displayed in its entirety), you will be able to see previews of the five most recent posts I published. I know that with my three-times-a-day blogging schedule, it’s really easy to miss posts…
Hug a Dog
I loved all of your comments on this morning’s post about negativity. You guys had some great stories and advice, applicable to both everyday life and the blog world. Dealing with the negative attitudes and remarks of others can be so difficult and your comments made me want to highlight a quote that Mary shared:…
Sadie Email Updates
Hello and happy Tuesday! This Tuesday began as most Tuesdays do around here… with a sweaty workout! I hopped back and forth from the elliptical to the treadmill, completing this workout: 10 min. run 10 min. elliptical 10 min. run 10 min. elliptical 5 min. run 5 min. elliptical The hotel gym was empty and…
Two Part Lunch
Lake Relief
A Dog’s Happiness
Today’s workout was somewhat of a go-through-the-motions workout. I wasn’t quite sure what I felt like doing in the gym today and ended up hopping from machine to machine to complete my cardio workout. I think I will put some more effort into planning a quality workout for Thursday to change things up a bit….