Daily Perspective + Mood Boosting Ideas Almost every Monday morning I work out of a local coffee shop while our boys are at school. I adore the baristas and the environment is one that helps me focus and keeps me on target as I work on new blog posts, update old content to make it…
One of “Those” Days
Sometimes being a blogger is weird. It can be complicated when it comes to sharing struggles because someone will always have it worse and if you share something difficult, it opens you up to criticism and often times criticism is not delivered with kindness. This can be hard to handle especially if it comes during…
Don’t Allow Your Happenings to Determine Your Happiness
A Gift
Ever since I read about the tragedy that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on Friday, I feel like I’ve been walking around feeling hollow. I’ve been consumed with an empty feeling. Whenever I struggle with emotions that I cannot handle, I typically turn to writing. I’ll write blog posts that will…