I have a bit of a different blog post to share with you guys today! Early last week, I reached out to four bloggers who also happen to be registered dietitians and asked them to give us a sneak peek into their daily eating habits and a “behind the blogger” look into some of their…
Have Your Cake And Your Vegetables Too
Late Friday morning last week I attended a session at Wanderlust led by Sarah Copeland. Sarah is the Food Director of Real Simple magazine, a two-time cookbook author, food writer and Food Network veteran. More than a few of you requested more information about Sarah’s talk, “Have Your Cake And Your Vegetables Too,” and today…
Sports Nutrition Discussion with Nancy Clark
A little less than two weeks ago, after I ran my races on Saturday at the Runner’s World Heartbreak Hill Festival, I attended a handful of free seminars open to any runner who participated in a race that weekend. I attended several informational sessions, but one that really stuck out to me that I thought…