Days like yesterday simultaneously make me incredibly happy and also rather sad. Being surrounded by three of my very best girlfriends – three friends I’ve had since second and third grade – means that I’m laughing non-stop but also struggling a bit with the lingering feeling in the back of my mind that our time…
Reebok Skyscape: NYC Launch Party
Fairmont Fit
My Favorite Airport
Hello from my favorite airport! Why is the super small Jacksonville airport my absolute favorite? Let me count the ways! Free wifi Outlets everywhere Three Starbucks so there’s never a long line for coffee Super fast security Inexpensive on-site parking Traveling in and out of the Jacksonville airport is (knock on wood) a breeze, but…
Reebok ZQuick Launch Party
The Final Evening of the #OmniGames
Popping in to share my final #OmniGames recap post! Better late than never, right!? Just in case you’re catching up (or need a memory refresher), here are my previous recap posts: The First #OmniGames <— Includes a description of what the #OmniGames are all about and how they came to fruition #OmniGames: Day One #OmniGames:…