This morning I felt like I took a step back into my mother’s childhood in Gettysburg. Though I’ve visited the town where my parents grew up a handful of times, most visits have been during the holidays and centered around Thanksgiving dinner or fun times at my grandmother’s house. It was such a treat to…
Hauser Estate Winery
Gettysburg Battlefield Walk
Guess where I am? Gettysburg, Pennsylvania! When I found out about the wonderful opportunity to head to Baltimore for FitBloggin’ thanks to GNC, I immediately thought about how close I would be to both of my grandmothers who live in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I really wanted to see them but wasn’t sure whether or not it…
Pazo in Baltimore
First Day of FitBloggin’
It took me nearly two years of blogging to feel the desire to step out of my comfort zone and attend a blogging conference. Once the little “I want to attend a blogging conference” seed was planted in my brain, FitBloggin’ was the conference that intrigued me most because I read review after review about…