Things are about to get blogtastic up in here, but first let’s cover lunch! Today’s mid day meal included a smoked salmon bagelwich made with Whole Foods’ smoked salmon and Chavrie goat cheese (my favorite because it’s flavorful but mild for goat cheese and easily spreadable). Our local Whole Foods sells smoked salmon by the…
First Test
Today I faced what I would consider to be my first real test of willpower since I swore off sweets during Lent. At work today, one of my coworkers, Kaylen, was raving about the Big Wheel Provisions food truck that parked itself in downtown Orlando yesterday. She claimed that their food was “gourmet to go”…
No Sweets: Week One
First things first, it seems like a lot of us feel completely awkward addressing our significant others’ parents. Who knew that “Hey!” and “Hi there!” were such common names? I loved reading all of your responses, especially one from The Mommy, who lovingly refers to her in-laws as “Insane” and “Crazy.” 😉 Now for your…
What Do You Call Your In-Laws?
Cats vs. Dogs
Good news! As I prepared my lunch in the break room this afternoon, the cream cheese police stayed faaar away and I happily smothered a toasted bagel with all the cream cheese that my little heart desired without judgment or input from the peanut gallery. For good measure, I made sure to enjoy a couple…