Whenever Ryan meets me downtown for lunch we go to Jimmy John’s. I love it. Ryan loves it. It works. Today, however, I just wasn’t feeling The John’s. I met Ryan in the lobby of my office building and informed him of my odd change in cravings. Shock set in. Then Ryan said he was…
On the Right Foot
Baking Turns Into Dinner
Ryan and the Blog
I love it when you can easily change leftovers into a whole different dish. That’s exactly what I did for lunch today. I took the remaining pulled chicken from Tuesday night’s BBQ pulled chicken dish and turned it into buffalo chicken! I served the buffaloified chicken on a whole wheat sandwich thin, along with cucumber…
Peanut Butter Packets?
Whoa, whoa, whoa. I thought this was Peanut Butter Fingers? What’s with the packets? This lil’ packet you mean? That packet of heaven was tucked into a gorgeous card sent to me by Lisa in honor of my one-year blogging anniversary. Can you believe I’ve never tried Peanut Butter & Co. peanut butter before? They…