For good measure, I made sure to enjoy a couple of cream cheese fingers during the process. 😉
The cream cheese used in today’s meal is my new favorite cream cheese spread.
Philadelphia spinach artichoke, baby! It reminds me so much of spinach artichoke dip and I just adore it.
(And no, I haven’t tried Trader Joe’s new peanut butter cream cheese. We don’t have a TJ’s around me. It’s sad.)
Along with the cream cheese, I topped my bagel with fresh zucchini slices and served it with a side of carrot slices and Greek yogurt with jelly.
I remember hearing some people claim that carrots are kind of sweet a couple of years ago. I would roll my eyes at them and think they were total loonies, but now I kind of get it. Maybe eating other vegetables makes you realize that some veggies actually do have a sweetness to them? Broccoli + Asparagus = Not sweet. Carrots + Corn = Sweet!
All in all, this was a great lunch!
Cats vs. Dogs
Longtime PBF readers (love you guys!) may remember when I posted about my office’s participation in Jezebel’s version of March Madness: Cake vs. Pie last year.
Well, it’s that time of the year again and the competition category is another age-old battle.
Late this morning, my coworkers and I filled out our respective brackets (available online here) and will be avidly checking Jezebel to see who clinches the throne on April 5. (I have the golden retriever coming out on top. Shadow from Homeward Bound? I mean, c’mon!)
Our brackets have been posted around the office where everyone can judge and scrutinize each other’s picks. It’s a blast!
Now I ask you the lingering question…
Do you prefer cats or dogs?
I grew up with cats (Tiger, an energetic tabby cat, and Smokey, a seriously psychotic black cat) and I absolutely adore kitties. Ryan and I would have one if it weren’t for my allergies. But, I must say that Sadie has grabbed onto my heart and made me a dog person. She’s so joyous, funny and completely crazy and I kind of love her. 🙂
I love dogs so much I would do ANYTHING to help a pup in need. My vegetarianism is even based a little bit on my love for animals in general… but NOTHING about cats makes them cute or attractive or sweet to me. I would never be mean to a cat, but I could really do without them.
I wonder if any of those Philly flavors come in light varities….
I’ve always been a cat person, but the kids wanted a dog and someone was going to give us one because the moved into a condo. The day we were supposed to get it they changed their minds and even I was disappointed. We looked around and found an English Pointer for free brought her home and fell in love. Now we are getting a new puppy to add to our fur babies family in 3 weeks and it was my idea, so now our family will have 4 kids 2 cats and 2 dogs. It’s going to be crazy around here. I cant wait 🙂
My family grew up always having 2 cats and 1 dog, but I definitely love dogs more. My parent’s have a dog right now that is so full of personality, she’s almost like a human. 😉
I definitely prefer dogs! We have a cat now, and I don’t mind him, but I just think that dogs are so much more loyal! 😀
ABAHHAH that cats vs dogs thing is so fun! your office is a PARTY- there is always good food going round, cute games like this and dress up parties!! u are lucky 😀
P I N G ! That is the noise that just occurred in my head when I saw a pic of your zucchini slices! I never had a clue what zucchini was until now!!! It’s a courgette!!!! Thanks! Ahhh US v UK.
I think you probably already know this one, but I’m pretty partial to the felines. 😉
Absolutley DOGS! I hate cats, their so unfriendly!
Dogs! I love medium/big dogs like my golden retriever because she is the perfect running buddy. My cat is great too though, and he is the most playful & social cat that I know.
Dogs…Cats are weird and creepy …..My mom and dad have told me the first words I spoke over and over was “Kick Kitty”
I prefer dogs over cats! I used to never like cats because I had only met mean ones, but my boyfriend’s roommate got the sweetest cat a few years ago which helped me like them. I’ve actually never had a dog because I had bad asthma/allergies growing up, but I’m hoping to get a Vizsla or other short-haired dog in the future! 🙂
I get judged not for cream cheese but peanut butter usage. One time in college, at the cafeteria, the caf lady scolded me for taking too much PB. she thought I was wasting it, but I assured her I would eat my little bowl of peanut butter. Go nuts with the cream cheese!!
spinach artichoke cream cheese?! i’ve never seen or heard of that but i must get me some. i love all things spinach and artichoke. also, i’ve had TJ’s spinach artichoke hummus but have not seen the peanut butter cream cheese! hmmmm.
and i’m definitely a dog person. i have only had one cat and he’s a grumpy fat cat. his name is actually “fat cat”. maybe that’s why he’s grumpy. anyways…i love all animals, but my dogs have more personality.
Oh dogs, I will always pick dogs over cats. I have had both, and I just always loved dogs more. I have a golden retriever named Ocean and she is FANTASTIC. I don’t know what I would do without her!
I lurve cream cheese….it use to be one of those foods I stayed away from but now the thought of it in my mouth really excites me! I usually like a little bagel with my cream cheese. I am a cat and a dog person! I love them both so much I would never ever choose!!
Growing up, I had both a cat and dogs. My cat is incredibly large. We got him years ago, and he was a little white furball. Now, he resembles Garfield. But, I have to admit, I am a total dog lover. I have such a soft spot for dogs, and could rescue every single dog from the pound If I could. I have a puggle who is the funniest thing ever. He has such a personality. Like having a little son, or brother. 🙂
dogs all the way!!
I’m a kitty girl right now, but I think I might just have to get myself a little pup once I graduate from college. We’ll see… 😉
oh cream cheese, i’m not obsessed yet.
we did the cake vs. pie challenge @ work last year too! I just filled out my cats vs. dogs paper today and posted it in my cubicle. so ready for this! 🙂
I don’t have a cat or a dog but I think I might be leaning on the dog side.
You’re not missing out. The PB Cream Cheese is good but it’s nothing MIND BLOWING. I was a little disappointed actually.
I gotta try out that cream cheese! My latest cream cheese flavor addiction is the maple cc from Brugger’s Bagels. It’s got great maple flavor without being too sweet. Delicious on savory or sweet bagels alike!
Ugh, the cream cheese police. I would be super annoyed. I’d offer some, and then take a big bite like you did 🙂 People like that need to shut up and feed themselves!
I have two cats and a dog… I love them equally but my dog Scooby pulls on my heart strings daily… I <3 him!!!
I’m a dog person all the way! 🙂
PS – If you want to try the peanut butter cream cheese, I posted a recipe for it on my blog! Here’s the link:
DOGS!! I am allergic to cats and they are so mean. I’ll take a lovely, loyal dog any day.
CATS!!!! 😀 I grew up with kitties. 😀 They have won my heart. 😀
I am SUUUCH a dog person! Have grown up with them! It was sooo hard not being around a dog the 4 years I was at college. I even volunteered at the humane society just so I could get my doggy-fix!
I’m sort of the opposite of you. I grew up with dogs, but I got my first cat a couple of years ago, and I couldn’t love him more. He’s kinda like a dog though and I have a mutt and a golden retriever too, so I’m still a dog person at heart.
Cats, I HATE dogs. 🙂