I brush and I floss and I brush and I floss and what does that get me?
A cavity!
Okay, so I maaay have exaggerated a bit on the whole flossing part.
To be honest, I always go into the dentist assuming I have a cavity. Though I try to be an optimistic person, when it comes to the dentist, I’m a realist.
My whole family is a “plaque-y” family and we’re prone to cavities, so when I leave the dentist without a cavity, I consider it a huge victory! Today, however, I left with an appointment on my calendar for a filling. Thank goodness I love my dentist and know he won’t hurt me when he fixes my cavity, otherwise I’d be worrying about the upcoming appointment until the cavity finally got fixed.
Plus, having another dentist appointment just means I’ll get to take in some more celebrity gossip in the waiting room!
Side note: I am quite excited about the royal wedding and I’m not even in the United Kingdom. I can’t even imagine the excitement over there. I heard that the entire UK has the day off of work in honor of the nuptials. Can I get in on that?
After my dentist appointment, I came back to my parents’ house and prepared lunch for me and Ryan.
I created a bit of an odd lunch centered around the one thing that was calling to me: Pita chips!
I topped some Stacy’s simply naked pita chips with sliced turkey deli meat and shredded Mexican cheese before microwaving the plate for about 50 seconds until the cheese melted.
I like to think of this lunch as a slightly healthier version of nachos.
Ryan and I split the “nachos” and I also enjoyed a sliced apple and a cup of raspberry Greek yogurt on the side.
After lunch, Ryan and I collected our things and hit the road for Orlando. Our entire drive took place in the rain which made the commute a little longer than we anticipated.
Eventually we made it back to our apartment and quickly changed to head to the gym.
I still wanted to take it a bit easy since today is the first day I’ve really felt like myself since Thursday and kept my workout relatively light. I completed 20 minutes on the elliptical before tackling some weights to complete a total-body weights routine that looked like this:
- Leg extensions
- Hamstring curls
- Bicep curls on bosu ball
- Shoulder raises on bosu ball
- Tricep dips
- Bridges (aka the most awkward move at the gym)
- Abdominal work
Once our workouts were complete, we headed back home, quickly showered and I grabbed a light snack to fuel me through this blog post!
My new favorite seaweed snacks plus a wine glass full of cranberry juice (x2!).
Sadie wanted in on the seaweedy goodness.
Oh I missed that face over the weekend!!!
With such dreary weather outside, I plan to spend the rest of the day cleaning and organizing our apartment so I can drive back to work tomorrow without feeling like I’m leaving behind a pig sty of a home!
ooh cavities bring back memories! Neat little tidbit about me: when I was 8 years old I had 8 cavities. But I had an excuse, I swear! When I was a wee little girl my mom potty trained me with m&ms-after that I was addicted! thankfully, 10 years later I am cavity-free and proud =D
I have only had one cavity — I don’t know how though, since all of my sisters had tons of cavities growing up — and they all brush their teeth as much as I do. Believe me I’m lucky and I’m thankful!
I’ve never had a cavity (knock on wood), due in large part to the fluoride pills I took as a youngin’. I did, however, have some HUGE super sexy fluoride stains on four of my front teeth that I had to have covered with veneers, though 😉
My dentist said my family has “deep crevices” in the middles of our teeth as well and we’re prone to cavities – but no one ever believes me!
me toooooo!!! my dentist JUST told me that today!
ooo ive never had a cavity!! i thought i did once.. and i def should have with all the sugar i ate as akid… but i lucked out!.. AHH okay NOW IVE got a MEGA craving for nachos!!!!!!!
Bridges are definitely awkward at the gym! I always look around while I’m doing them hoping that no creepy old men are starring inappropriately…ekkk!
Pita chip nachos? Sign me up!
My siblings are all very prone to cavities too, but I lucked out and I haven’t ever had a cavity (knock on wood)!
I love waiting rooms for the simple fact that they have all of the GREATEST magazines. I am always so disapointed when they’re actually on time for an appointment (unless I have somewhere to be afterwards!).
haha me too! especially if it’s a really good magazine like people or US weekly. those are the celebrity gossip magazine gems.
I am a dentist realist, too. Sorry about the cavity, no fun at all!
yay for a new domain name, missy!! 🙂
It’s gotten to the point that the receptionist at my physical therapy office saves their newest issue of People for me (before they put it out in the waiting room), so I have something to read during my stem treatment, haha.
Bridges at the gym…I agree! So awkward! lol.
those “nachos” look deelish! 😀
I cant wait for their wedding either. I think I have to watch it at 4 am or something crazy like that haha
What kind of abdominal work and exercises do you do?
I picked up roasted seaweed this weekend and devoured the entire package. So delish! Was planning to write about them in my blog this evening.
Why is it that it’s the Americans who keep reminding me of the royal wedding? Haha, I thinknyou guys are more excited than us..but then again I do live under a rock at times 🙂
I need to go to my dentist as my filling isnt doing it’s job (of keeping the pain away).. Any little pressure & it hurts! 🙁
I was supposed to have a dentist appt today but have to rescheduled for next week. I go every 4 mos b/c i am OCD like that about my teeth. lol
My mom is throwing a champagne breakfast at 5:30 am. I am going before work, but wish I could take the day off.
I brush and floss regularly, and even buy expensive toothpaste but I still get at least TWO cavities a year! My dentist said I have “soft teeth” … ?
Those seaweed snacks are super healthy! Koreans wrap a piece around a bite of rice, it makes a quick lunch. Or crush them up, mix with rice, canned tuna, sesame seeds, whatever else, and make rice balls! Yummm
Oh no, cavities are no fun (but the magazines in the waiting room are)! I, too, am super excited about the royal wedding–can’t wait!!
I’ve got a dentist appointment this week and I think I’ll have at least one cavity too. I’m terrible with the flossing!
I bought those seaweed snacks yesterday. I can’t wait to try them!
I avoid the dentist at all costs. It’s one of the few things I just can’t handle in life. I hate it! I am so jealous you havea dentist you love though! I am still on the hunt for a great one in the New York City area.
Oh and the nachos are a great idea. I always have cheese, turkey and Stacy’s pita chips lying around, so it’s a great easy dish!
I’m very cavity prone too! I had tons when I was little but am much better now.
Also, I ate almost an entire bag of Pita chips this weekend. They are my pringles – once I pop I can’t stop!
I’m so excited about the royal wedding too! Itll be the first time to ever see anything like it for me 🙂
aww cavities are no fun at all!
Anon, I agree about Americans being more excited about the Royal Wedding! I even saw a tin of McVities biscuits with William and Kate on the front with the wedding date!!
Julie, we could always swap places?? You could live here in cold, cold, Scotland and I could live in Orlando! How about it?? With the Royal wedding and Easter holidays – there will be a total of 5 days off work (including the weekend!)
Let me know if you fancy swapping houses! lol
I’ve been lovin’ stacy’s pita chips everyday! hehe. I had no idea that the royal wedding would be that great of a deal! i’m kind of late in that kind of news always
I love my dentist too! It’s so nice not be scared of sitting in that chair!
AH I hate the dentist but those nachos are a wonderful reward!!
I am totally the same way when i go to the dentist… I feel like I am definitly a realist. I avoid it at all costs… for as long as I can at least 😉
Get this: my mom requested the day off from work for the royal wedding! She makes me laugh! 🙂
Haha your mom and I should hang out! 🙂
Yum yum yum seaweed snacks! Those things are the bomb
I’ve been going to the same dentist since I was six. He is practically a part of my family haha! Good luck with the filling!
Oh my gosh! I LOVE my dentist! I am seriously considering driving hours to continue seeing him! I’ve only ever had one “real” cavity though. I did have a hole in my enamel filled but that was a natural occurrence with my tooth!
I too will be cleaning my apartment later tonight! Aren’t we exciting? 😀
I can’t believe the British get a day off for the wedding!!! Why don’t they do things like that in America??
Don’t feel bad, I bursh, floss, use rinse before and after and have had to have 8 root canals and tons of fillings (fillings actually ended up causing the need for root canals). -_-
Ooohh, your healthy nachos look great!!!! Making me hungry!!
I wish I lived in the UK too! Besides getting the day off of work for the royal wedding, I just want a bloody British accent!
Glad to hear you made it back home safely and got in a good workout. Workouts after vacations are always the best.
Have a great night!
Hey Julie, don’t worry about your cavity because it happens to the best of us 🙂
some people just have really big grooves! I’ve got em, too! I am obsessed with oral hygiene but I still get cavities. boo.
i’m pretty sure you & ryan are the cutest couple. i love that you share lunches.
I hate cavities!!! They’re the worst – actually, the worst part of it is getting your mouth numb because it’s hard to eat! Bring on the green monsters!
Myself and my mom both have really deep crevices in our teeth which is why we get cavities. I even had to have the crevices filled as a kid as a preventative measure, which worked for a long time (first cavity at 21). Maybe you have the same issue? Glad you like your dentist though! Makes it all so much easier 🙂
Sorry to hear about the cavity Julie! I had a similar unlucky dentist experience this afternoon.. apparently since I got my wisdom teeth taken out 2 years ago, 2 of my molars have managed to pull away from each other which means stuff (ie food) has been getting trapped and causing maaayyjahh toothaches.. not fun! The dentist said there’s not a whole lot I can do about it right now other than floss like it’s my J.O.B, but it will probably turn into a cavity eventually… 🙁 🙁 🙁 I suppose it could have been worse though – the lady in the room next to me had to get a root canal!
My mom is a dental hygienist, and my sister always gets cavities so she got her some fluoride toothpaste. You brush your teeth with it after you brush your teeth with regular toothpaste! So try that!
I also make some great nachos…. might arent healthy tho :0
EVERY time I go to the dentist, I have a cavity, yet I brush and floss like a maniac. Genes, I tell ya!
You’re lucky you only had one cavity! I’ve been to the dentist 3 times in the last 5 weeks to fill 4 cavities! Of course I’ve neglected going to the dentist for the last 3 years….which is only because its so hard to find a dentist I trust!
I seriously do not allow myself to have chips of any kind in the house because I will make nachos out of anything. just the way you can’t have pb in your work desk, I will go through a bag of chips in a day…so lip-smacking good!
I love Sadies faces she is soo cute. Pita chip nachos sound delish.
Stacy’s Pita Chips are the BEST! I could eat a whole bag. Well done on the self control there!
I am a cavity queen, too. 🙁 I’ve been told I have deep pits in my teeth that are conducive to cavities. Hottt.
All this talk of seaweed snacks makes me very intrigued. I will have to do some investigating at my grocery store..