How are you guys doing? Hopefully you enjoyed a fun and relaxing weekend.
Our weekend started off with sushi on Friday night, followed by me throwing up in the bathroom for two hours. I felt 100 percent better the next morning, so I’m blaming the sushi. We called my little episode our “anniversary tradition” because I’ve actually been sick with food poisoning two other times on our anniversary! What are the odds!?
On Saturday we celebrated our 10 year dating anniversary with a date to a local restaurant and wine bar.
Ryan and I seem to be the fastest eaters on the planet and are usually in and out of a restaurant in under 45 minutes, but on Saturday night we did a great job of expanding our evening and had a fantastic two-plus hour meal at Cuvee.
We began with wine and two appetizers and our waiter didn’t even ask for our entrée order until he cleared our cheddar gratin and scallops away. We were quite grateful to him for this because we never felt rushed and had a blast while we enjoyed a longer-than-usual dinner date!
Plus, sampling various types of wine was a lot of fun!
(Yes, Merri, I totally copied your coworker’s outfit for our date night and wore the drawstring pants I bought a mere 15 minutes after I saw her wearing them back in December.)
Ryan and I both agreed that our favorite wine of the night was the Enamore, a blend of Malbec, Syrah, Bonarda and Cabernet Franc.
For my main course, I ordered the eggplant parmesan.
Oh heeey goat cheese!
Over dinner we had fun reminiscing about the last 10 years together and got on the topic of our best dates which naturally turned into discussing our worst date. We’ve been fortunate not to endure any serious dating disasters together, but our worst date memory occurred back in college when we went to dinner at a local Mexican restaurant.
After we sat down in the tiny restaurant, a mariachi band came and played next to us throughout the entire date. Yes, they were talented, but we couldn’t hear one word the other person was saying during our date! We ended up laughing throughout the evening and felt grateful we weren’t there on our first date. As fun as it is to watch Ryan eat his dinner to jammin’ live music, I’d rather talk to him, too!
Once we were finished with our entrees, our waiter surprised us with dessert!
Quite the incredible presentation for a chocolate soufflé, huh!?
When our waiter asked us if we were celebrating something special, we didn’t expect him to do anything fancy for us at all, so it was quite a treat when he surprised us with a fabulous soufflé.
We had no trouble polishing that baby off!
It was the perfect way to celebrate 10 years with Ryan. He is quite a catch and I can’t wait to see what the next decade has in store for us!
Question of the Morning
- What is one of your worst date experiences?
- For the married folks: Do you celebrate your dating anniversary?
haha jonny and i always joke that WE are the fastest eaters ever and are often in and out of a restaurant in less than 45 minutes too – glad we’re not the only ones! we don’t celebrate our dating anniversary anymore, but way to go on ten years – that’s awesome!
Congratulations on your 10 years of dating 🙂
My husband and I still go to the restaurant we had our first date at on our dating anniversary. I love those little traditions 🙂
Aw! We used to do that when we lived in Orlando. 🙂
Eeek….food poisoning sounds awful! Glad you felt better the next morning!
Congrats on 10 years! That’s so exciting! My husband and I don’t celebrate our dating anniversary anymore, but we most definitely celebrate our wedding anniversary. 🙂
Oh wow! What a great date. And I’m still laughing about your mariachi date 🙂 Happy, happy 10 years!
Looks like you both had fun! Worst dating experience didn’t happen to me but to my husband (then boyfriend). We just started dating and were at a party playing beer pong. He obviously had too much and threw up in my sink back at my apartment! I felt so bad and took cake of him (and cleaned up) and he was so embarrassed. His friends joke with him saying “it must have been love if I dealt with that!” We have been married for 5 years but started dating in 2004. Our dating anniversary is June 25th and while we don’t celebrate it, we still talk about our first real date to a fancy restaurant when we both knew we wanted it to be a relationship.
Ahhh happy 10 year! Sounds like a great night (minus the getting sick part). My boyfriend and I are the fastest eaters as well haha I’m always like wait wait we have to slow downnnnn. I guess I just get excited around food.
We only celebrate our wedding anniversary, our dating anniversary comes roughly two months later. I don’t even know the exact date anymore.
That eggplant parmesan and soufflé are calling to me 🙂
It wasn’t technically “on a date” but when my boyfriend and I first started dating all my family was in town one weekend and he went out to dinner with us. My cousin spilled coffee all over my pants which cancelled our movie plans afterwards….
Congrats on 10 years!
Happy 10 year dating anniversary! I can’t believe it’s been so long! I remember following along with your blog when it was fairly new and you must have just started living with Ryan because you did a post on how you shouldn’t just become roommates and lose the romance. Your dinner looked great! Happy Monday!
I think it’s awesome they didn’t ask for your order until you finished the app. I think it’s so rushed when we go out to eat, and when spending all the money, it is nice to just enjoy a dinner without a time limit. I can’t even think of the worst date for us, ha, but I’m sure there were some. The only thing that comes to mind was our first date (I was 14 and he was 15) was to see the Incredibles. He didn’t know it, but I didn’t like animation movies, haha. I sat through it through!
My boyfriend in college decided to surprise me with a picnic by a waterfall. Unfortunately, he didn’t tell me ahead of time that we’d be hiking 3 miles through the woods each way, so I was wearing “cute” sneakers without socks, not real shoes. We also ran into a snake on the way back and I almost fell off a cliff. It was terrible!
omg I hate it when restaurants and bars are too loud and I’m with someone I don’t know well. I already don’t have the best hearing and just nodding and smiling isn’t the best for getting to know someone!
YAY for 10 years!! Crazy!! Looks like you had a fun date, that wine bar looks delish 🙂
Ah you poor thing!!! At least you got through it in two hours! Nothing worse then a full night run of it! The meal sounds fab!!! I’d say you were so delighted to be feeling better for it!
Congratulations! Everything looks wonderful. My husband and I started dating 5 months before you and Ryan, and we still celebrate our dating anniversary, too! It’s so fun and has always been our first special date to remember, even if our wedding anniversary is now “more special.” Glad you enjoyed!
Oh no! Food poisoning is the WORST. I just had my first ever experience with it last weekend, and it was the worst thing ever. Mine lasted more like 20 hours though – it was terrible.
On a brighter note, it sounds like Saturday night was a much better eating experience! All that goat cheese….YUM!
Cody and I don’t typically celebrate our dating anniversary. I couldn’t even tell ya when it is exactly!
Um yum!! That eggplant Parmesan and chocolate souffle look too good!! We haven’t really had many dates, mainly because I would rather go buy something then come home and cook with him, cuddle and watch a movie. But the times we do go out, haha we haven’t had anything terrible. And I think once we get married we will celebrate our dating annivesary.
We do celebrate our anniversary! This year we are celebrating 8 years dating! Crazy how fast time flies when your having fun!
My husband and I dated 1 0 years before we got married (and our 6 month wedding anniversary is next week!) so we totally still celebrate our dating anniversary. I laughed at Ryan’s quote about those years still counting and I totally agree! I’m not giving up 10 years of hard work 😉
Sounds like you had an awesome anniversary! Congrats! And cheers to 100 more!
TEN years?! Holy crap! Congratulations, that’s awesome!
Our dating anniversary falls two days before our wedding, so we celebrate the two simultaneously!
Happy 10 years! so sorry you got sick, Saturday night looks so fun tho.. and that wine?! AMAZING
Last night a friend and I were talking about bad dates. It’s a good thing we can laugh about it now!
Coincidentally… (or maybe not because I kind of planned it), but my wedding anniversary is our dating anniversary. The timeframe we were looking at just happened to fall around the time we started dating, so I pulled for that date vs another one. 🙂
Hahaha! I read your ‘dating disaster’ story out loud to my husband and we were both cracking up! Thanks for the early mornign laugh 😀
Aw happy 10 years! That wine bar looks so cool! Goat cheese on eggplant parm is an amazing concept. I need to try that!
Our dating anniversary and wedding anniversary will be back to back days, I am getting married this summer on the day after our 6-year dating anniversary! Congrats on 10 years : )
Happy 10 years!! Today is actually my 7 year dating anniversary with my husband 🙂 We always celebrate, even if it’s with something small. It’s so nice to reminisce about those early years!
Congrats on 10 years!! What a great milestone! 🙂
Happy 10 years of dating!! My husband and I still celebrate our dating anniversary- and if we go out on an official date, it’s to where we had our first date. I like to celebrate all the things! We even celebrated our pre-versary the year before our wedding…lol…
That wine bar sounds so fun, we need one of those here in Iceland!
What were all the sauces that came with the souflee? The dessert looks like it was the best part of the meal!
a couple months after a bad breakup i tried online dating. i went out with this guy even though i had a feeling it was going to be not so great. my friends were really pushing me saying i was too picky so i went with it. let me describe the outfit i had on so you get the effect: i got ALL dressed in these rock & republic bright pink skinnies, a casual-chic v-neck top and a funky black blazer. i had on spiked heels, not like a spiked heel, but the ones with the little silver spikes all over it. they weren’t crazy high but they were SO CUTE and perfect for my outfit. so i’m feeling good about myself and trying to be positive.
i meet the guy, he’s WAY shorter than he said. fine, that’s not a huge problem, i am on the shorter side so i am ok with shorter guys, i just hate liars. he also must have bathed in cologne because the smell was overpowering, even outdoors, and probably started off my queasy stomach.
i’m still trying to think positive.
we are meeting for dinner on a friday night, so we go to this little down that has a bunch of restaurants. i don’t know the area so i tell him what i like to eat and he picks this sushi place. we walk in and i almost fall over. not only is it the size of a shoebox with tables literally right on top of each other (i’m claustrophobic) but it is SUPREMELY casual. like where you just go any old night or after shopping or on the way to the food store or with your kids after work or after your work out at the gym. like super casual. there are people in sweatshirts and sweatpants, there are families. again, this is fine but i was under the impression we were going out on like a date night from what he had said the restaurants were like on the phone.
we sit down and there was a man in a fleece with a giant wolf and a full moon on it right next to me (and i mean RIGHT almost on top of me next to me since it’s SO SMALL AND CROWDED ugh). So yeah, wolf attire is fine, i think people should wear whatever they want, but it was like night and day between me and everyone else. and honestly, i would’ve preferred to be with the wolf man at this point because he seemed like he was more interesting than this one!
i suck it up and try to enjoy my sushi. i go to the bathroom and come back to the table… and my date is gone. i’m like this is a joke right? i thought i was on punked. like i was acting my normal cheery self even though inside i was feeling blah, so i didn’t think i was that bad! but in that moment, i started to have a total panic attack that he had literally left me there like a moron! combine that feeling with the residual bad breakup upset, my expression must’ve been like… i don’t even know that. whatever it looked like, it was EXTREME at that moment, i know it.
all of a sudden, i look up and there’s my date moved up and over to another table, waving frantically. they had a big party to accommodate and made him move to another spot while i was away from the table! omg seriously. at that point, at least i had a somewhat good laugh about that.
so yeah, the date goes on, and on, and on. my anxiety starts to rise as he doesn’t seem to get the social cues i’m giving off saying i am ready to get out of there. FINALLY we can leave, i’m about to have a full blown anxiety attack.
we walk back to the car, i say goodbye fast and then proceed to have that hyperventilate sort of cry my eyeballs out sobbing on the phone to my friend because all i could think was, if that is what the rest of my “dating” life would be like, i’m done. and plus it made me miss my ex (or moreso the better days of me and my ex) even more. it was the worst thing ever! just the whole atmosphere of the restaurant, the nauseating cologne, having to sit there for what felt like forever, the misrepresented height difference, my wasted date night outfit… it was just awful!
i felt bad for the guy and tried so hard to offer money but he wouldn’t take it. i think at the end when i refused forzen yogurt and dessert like 10 times after i had said initially that i am addicted to frozen yogurt, he knew i wasn’t into it. which happens to all of us, but i know the feeling and it sucks.
he wasn’t rude or creepy or anything at all, it just was a bad fit at a horrible time, which was more my fault than his i guess.
still, i would hope that a friday night date would be more than a sweatpants discount sushi restaurant. ugh.
i also once had a guy show up in a dirty hooded sweatshirt to grab coffee and be the most boring, non-conversational person ever. that was bad but at least i knew we were just going for coffee on a random night after work, so i had no expectation.
Happy Anniversary!! We celebrate our dating anniversary because it’s also our wedding anniversary. 9 years dating, 4 married this May 5th! 🙂
congrats on 10 years…the desert looks beautiful of all and i love your hair..it was so silky and perfectly straightened ..perhaps you should do a post on straightening and curling for people like me 🙂 when you get a chance please!
The food looks fantastic, and the company even better! Happy anniversary :).
oh no! that is such a bummer that you got sick Friday night from the sushi. Bad sushi is the worst! Hopefully it doesn’t turn you off for good. Otherwise, Saturday sounds like such a great anniversary dinner! So happy that it went much better than dinner on Friday and you were feeling good for it!
New to the site – found your blog through skinny taste, and am so glad I did! Happy anniversary from Orlando 🙂 So refreshing to see happy people living a happy, healthy life. Cheers!
Happy Anniversary! My BF and I are the same with meals, always in and out in 45 minutes. We were out celebrating my new job on Friday and we tried soooo hard to take our time and managed 1.5 hours. We were quite proud of ourselves!
The boy and I are not married so I have nothing for you! BUT I definitely think that if we do get married I will want to celebrate our dating milestones too. We have been together for almost 4 years already so by the time we get married we will have many years behind us!
We only celebrate our wedding anniversary (with a big date night), since our dating anniversary falls near the holidays and can be a bit too hectic and expensive a time. I’m curious if you have any memories of really creative or especially fun dates that you guys have had in the past? My husband and I are both really uncreative when it comes to this, so I am always eager to hear what other fun things people have done, particularly on a limited budget! Maybe there is a post in the archives about this…I’ll have to go browse!
This is so so exciting! Congrats on 10 years!!
I tried the online dating pool for a while and have quite the list of terrible dates from there. The worst that comes to mind is the guy who came to our dinner date at a nice restaurant with untied sneakers, unbrushed hair, and glaringly unbrushed teeth. He then admitted to being “a bit of a hoarder”-ie the paths through the house because it’s crammed full of stuff kind, being unemployed, and then asking the waitress if his meal would be cheaper if he didn’t get the side dish. Funny, we only had that one date…and I bailed and had a drink with girlfriends after instead. UGH.
Congrats on 10 years! Christian and I celebrated our 33 month dating anniversary yesterday. Not really “celebrated”… more like acknowledged it. Haha! 😉
Woohoo congrats on 10 years! I’m trying to rack my brain for a bad date experience but I think I’m lucky in that I haven’t really had any! (And now I’m probably jinxing myself… whoops! haha) That wine bar looks really cool! I’ve heard of those but never tried one– we stick to beer normally 😉
Congratulations on your 10 yr anniversary! You guys look very happy and cute together. Ugh…I have many tramatic dating stories. One that always sticks in my mind though is when I went on a first date and the guy kept trying to hug me, hold my hand, etc. It was in a creepy way and made me very uncomfortable. I’ve given up on trying to find someone. My someone will find me!
I love to celebrate the day we met (first date) even more than our wedding date. It has sooo much meaning, I mean our wedding date we picked, first time we met is a little more magical! And we both get a good laugh about the fact that is was Friday the 13th!
Congratulations on 10 years together! You two are adorable!
Happy anniversary!! This is off topic, but I must tell you because I thought of you over the weekend! My boyfriend Nick and I celebrated my birthday at Hillstone and you are 100% spot on about that brownie sundae. So.freakin.good. I think we finished it in all of 2 minutes.
Happy 10 years of dating to you and Ryan! My husband and I love to celebrate out dating anniversary as well as our wedding anniversary. I mean who wouldnt want 2 anniversaries! 🙂 We actually always go to The Cheesecake Factory which was where our first date took place. It is always so fun to go out and talk about all the fun times we had dating. Our worst date hands down was when we went out to this little indian restaraunt and both ended up with horrible food poisining! The smell of curry still makes me sick. But we laugh about it now 🙂
Happy 10 years!! I love restaurants with wine machines. All that food looks amazing.