NOTE: I’m safely in Philly! I wrote the below post from the airport in North Carolina but apparently the airport in Raleigh is anti-free internet, so I didn’t have a chance to publish it until now.
Heeeeere ya go!
Hello from North Carolina… one of my favorite states in the U.S.
Everything went smoothly with the first leg of my trip to Philly. I made it to the Tampa airport on time, there were no issues with security (I always get checked but didn’t this time!) and used my hour in the terminal before my flight to hammer out some things on the business side of the blog.
Once we boarded the plane, I settled into my seat and kicked back with a celebrity gossip magazine.
(Holy bracelet overload. I kind of feel like a gypsy.)
Don’t you love how go from being totally immersed in The Kite Runner one day to being completely enamored with trashy celebrity gossip the next? I wear many hats, my friends, and have no shame in admitting to enjoying Us Weekly and OK! magazine.
Truth be told, the celebrity gossip magazines are my all-time favorites to read at the gym when I’m plugging away on the elliptical. Since they’re basically just pictures, the bouncing up and down on cardio equipment doesn’t bother me much since no reading is involved and I can flip through the magazine and enjoy the distraction.
I remember being an an airport with my family when I was in high school and noticing a whole bunch of women frantically scrambling to buy People magazine. When I asked one woman what was up, she said they were buying the magazine because there was a picture of Matthew Perry in the issue and he was in the airport. They all wanted his autograph on his picture.
They bought the magazines in vain because he was in an exclusive club area, but I did see him when he walked out of his “holding zone” and boarded the plane. I wanted to scream “CHANDLER!” or “I love you Chanandaler Bong!” but I resisted.
I’ve seen a few other sports stars (Scottie Pippen being the most memorable… he gave me a thumbs up!), but I haven’t seen any other celebrities in my life. Chandler was my one and only.
My mom, on the other hand, has had quite a few celebrity run ins. She sat next to Jerry Springer on a plane once (she said he was very nice) and rode in an elevator with Hulk Hogan!
Have you ever seen or met a celebrity in real life?
The rest of my flight to North Carolina was spent snacking on two packs of honey roasted peanuts.
There’s nothing like seeing pre-portioned packs of nuts to make you realize that you typically way overestimate the proper portion size for a serving of nuts. I eat nuts like I eat chips and never seem to stop after a serving… or four.
Now I’m hoping to run off and find a Starbucks before completing the last leg of my journey to Philadelphia. I’m craving a wrap and a mocha coconut Frappuccino like nobody’s business!
oops… now I feel silly. I totally misread that and thought you were saying it happened TODAY. I need to go to bed.
ah, well.. still cool!
Welcome to PA!
I love Mathew Perry, I was so sad they stopped showing Mr. Sunshine 🙁
I’ve never met anyone famous. I’ve been to concerts, but never met them “in the flesh” :C
I hate airports without free internet!
I’ve met quite a few celebrities, mostly from when I worked in radio. Maroon5, OAR, Natasha Bedingfeld, Demi Lovato, the entire cast of One Tree Hill (on many occasions), John Mayer, Zac Efron (no meeting – just saw him), Breckin Meyer, Marc Paul-Gosselaar, Kelly Clarkson, Matt Czuchry (from The Good Wife and Gilmore Girls), Ne-Yo, The Fray, Lifehouse, Fall Out Boy, Rob Thomas…. list goes on.
John Mayer and Ne-Yo were probably my favorite. Both really took time with fans instead of rushing through meetings. And Kelly Clarkson because she complimented my dress, haha.
What’s funny is that that some of the worst experiences were with lesser-known “celebrities” like Elliot Yamin (American Idol), whereas most of the better known celebrities were wonderful. I spotted you on pininterest
Celebrity gossip magazines are my guilty pleasure. I tend to save them for when I fly.
Haha I’ve seen Michael Cera and Ashlee Simpson at the airport. I’ve also seen Elijah Wood at a restaurant. I love seeing celebrities. They’re so much fu!n!
I’ve met a good number of celebrities in my lifetime…unfortunately, I always get very tongue-tied around them and can barely speak! So embarrassing…
–Gheorghe Mureşan (former player for the Washington Bullets, he was also in the movie My Giant): He’s 7 feet, 7 inches tall…I’m 6 feet tall…when I stood next to him, I felt so small!
–Giada de Laurentis: Chased her down at the Fabulous Food Show in Cleveland in 2007–she signed our copy of her cookbook! She’s just as nice and friendly in person as she is on TV.
–Michael Symon (Iron Chef): He put the Cleveland culinary scene on the map! I met him on my birthday in 2010.
–Michael Ruhlman (famous food writer): Met him along with Michael Symon. If you’re looking for more book recommendations, his book Soul of a Chef is wonderful. I read it on the beach in Cancun in 2010…I learned so much about food and the culinary world!
–Chelsea Clinton: Met her in 2008 while she was campaigning for her mom, she is really friendly!
The only celebrity I ever saw somewhere was in NYC I saw Whitney Port from The Hills/The City because i was at a buying show for my work and she was selling clothes there from her clothing line! i was 2 feet away from her, i could have pretended I was interested in getting her clothes for my store and totally talk to her, but I’m too awkward
I “met” 98 Degrees at a CD signing in 1999 or 2000. I’ve also met a ton of Canadian musicians, but no one with any real international success…mostly indie bands who are super easy to meet because they always come out into the audience after the show to chat with fans or play in tiny venues.
Are those really a serving size? I always assumed they were just mini bags. I know the pretzel bags on Delta are like 40 calories total so i assumed it was the same for the nuts. If it is, I’m a huge overeater too. Who could be satisfied with like 10 nuts!? (TWSS)
NO! You don’t look like a gypsy! 🙂 Haha, that’s how my arm looks everyday (bracelet obsession). I hope you found a Starbucks. I am loving the mocha coconut frapp (with soy/no whip) it does taste just like a caramel delight! Have a great weekend! 🙂
whoo, just got back from a late night starbucks run with some friends. mocha coconut has definitely been my drink of choice since it made its debut! i should stock up while its still here! Glad to see you made it safely.
btw, i once saw steevo from jackass. and thats my only encounter. besides john mayer in my dreams<3
Going to college in LA, you see celebrities all the time, especially since they come to the school to talk!
I’ve seen Joseph Gordon Levitt, Barack Obama (he’s a celebrity!!), Bill Nye the Science Guy, Snoop Dogg, BEP and then a bunch of tween teen stars like Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez etc etc
And that was only in my first year!
I got to ride in an elevator with Usher at the Trump hotel in NYC! It was just him and I and his butler!
Best moment of my life (pathetic but true) was when I was 17 and went to South Beach for a friends birthday and it was the weekend of the VMA’s…Nick and Jessica walked RIGHT in front of me and I nearly had an aneurism.
Have fun at HLS!
One of my fave celeb sightings was running into Lance Armstrong while cycling on PCH in Malibu….well, actually, he passed my girlfriend and I, and we proceeded to pick up the pace and ride a few meters behind him for several miles. Clearly he was just out on a social ride with a buddy as he could have dropped us in a second if he wanted to. But instead he pointed out potholes in the road, etc, and didn’t seem too annoyed with our impromptu stalking. This was when he was together with Sheryl Crow and I realized afterwards that they Grammys were in Hollywood that weekend–hence why he was in LA!
I’ve met Bruce Bowen (former NBA star from the San Antonio Spurs) and his entire family once and they were sooo nice!
My dad met Morgan Freeman a few times!
oh! and George Bush Sr came to a sorority function of mine last year! But that’s it. :/
Am I the only one that thinks it’s amusing that it says “Chandler Bong” not “Bing” 🙂
Hilarious about your mom being seated next to Jerry Springer- did she speak to him at all??
i saw john cusack one time in the airport and was so excited i just froze up and stood there and stared at him. yeah. not one of my finer moments.
i have yet to try a mocha coconut frapp! tomorrow may be the day.
I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody very famous but at the moment Brad Pitt is filming his new movie in Glasgow so maybe I’ll catch some celebrities this weekend!
Have you tried the Cake Batter Frappuccino from Starbucks? I thought of you when I first heard of it.. since it seems like your cake batter flavored postings have been more common lately..AND since you posted about that Mocha Coconut Frap (which I would say tastes like Samoas!) It’s definitely too big of a MUST be fate!
I call those magazines my “smutty” magazines. I love flipping through them at the gym.
I met Kenny Rogers when I was a baby. He held the door open for my mom at JC Penny’s way back when. I am pretty sure I would be star struck if I saw any famous person nowadays.
Yay, you made it!!
I also way overestimate the servings size of nuts!! They are just so good!!!
Have tons of fun!
I love Chandler! Probably my favorite character on friends. I’ve seen Adam Sandler-both at a movie theater (he is from my hometown) as well as our hotel in Hawaii. I have also yelled at Oprah’s boyfriend Stedman without realizing it was him until after….oops.
Awww have a great time at the HLS! I cannot wait to see some pictures of the events!
I’m totally jealous that you saw Matthew Perry in real life! I have met a few celebs but they are all UK ones so you won’t have heard of them!
Although I did bump into Susan Boyle in a hotel lobby once- I guess you’ve heard of her? She is just as crazy in real life as you might think!
I’ve met a few! Kourtney Kardashian, Brody Jenner, Rachel Ray, Sydney Rice and a couple of more!
I feel like I’ve ruined a few celebrities’ days by spotting them before anyone realized they were famous people. Namely, Andre 3000 in Florence, Italy (by screaming at him. literal screams.) and Jason Segel on Bourbon Street in NOLA.
I’m pretty much the poster child for “not keeping it cool”.
My best run in was on a flight from Shannon (Ireland) to JFK.
Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick were on the flight. I was in the first row of coach, they were in the last row of first class.
Matthew actually walked through coach a bunch because his son wanted to walk around. It was cute.
Hung out with Dennis Rodman in San Diego (he’s quite the character), Kenny Chesney after his concert (my girlfriends and I got asked to go to the “after party” and then we hung out with the band on their tour bus…Kenny was a bore though.)
Don’t know if you consider Hootie and the Blowfish “celebs” but they are good friends of my family and attended her wedding…no they didn’t perform, ha I wish!
Met Gretchen and Slade from the Real Housewives of Orange County at a NASCAR race. (Does that even count? haha)
Don’t know if you count NASCAR drivers as “celebs”, but I’ve hung out with a ton of them–they are soooo fun!
I’ve taken pics with The Black Eyed Peas and The Pussycat Dolls when they came out of TRL one time in NYC–haha!
I’ve seen Jerry Springer, Phoebe from FRIENDS, John Glenn, and met a bunch of AVP volleyball players (my cousin played on the tour one summer so through him I met Sean Rosenthal, Misty May-Treanor, Kerri Walsh,and Casey Jennings).
I met Jason Segal at a bar in New Orleans a couple of years ago. He is a GIANT! And way better looking in person.
I’ve never had a celebrity encounter, even though I would love to. My sister, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about celebrities and she’s a magnet! Not fair. Here’s a few of hers that I remember:
1. Used to work in a book store and Will Smith and his first wife/girlfriend came in and talked to her about books they were looking for (she said he was super nice but the woman was not at all).
2. Then a couple of years later, she was in the right place at the right time and ended up in Will Smith’s video for “Miami.”
3. She also met Jimmy Carter at that bookstore.
4. Became friends with David Blaine one night without realizing who he was (right before he became really famous), and was taken back to “hang out at his friend’s house,” and his friend ended up being Gloria Estefan’s son, so she was hanging out at Gloria Estefan’s house with her husband.
5. This is not that impressive really, but growing up she was often at the same parties as Marilyn Manson before he was Marilyn Manson (she said he was a total geek).
I think there were a couple more, but I can’t recall at the moment. Anyway, I’d love to see a celeb. Since moving to Tampa, I keep hoping I’ll see a Scientologist movie star coming from the Clearwater headquarters. 🙂
awesome. Love Friends haha
I always feel like I miss celebs b/c i have that NY-er mindset when I’m walking around – dont make eye contact! hahah
My most recent was kinda awesome – i went to see Spiderman on Bway and once the show was over, I stood up and glanced at the people behind us – Hugh Jackman was sitting behind me the WHOLE TIME!! ahh! lol.
Not sure I’ve ever commented, but love this post’s question!
I once saw Conan walking his dog in NYC (so tall!), and last summer I met Hanson (yes, mmmbop Hanson… I love them!) last summer when they were touring.
That definitely fulfulled a lifelong dream, and I’m pretty sure my face was beet-red the entire time!
and Ps. I meant to say I am way jealous of some of these other sightings/meetings!
I had no idea so many people had seen celebrities. I have never even come close to seeing anyone, not even a reality “star.”
I wish more airlines still gave out peanuts! The last two times I’ve flown I haven’t gotten to eat the free snack because they keep giving out pretzels. Great for those with peanut allergies, a pain in the butt for those like myself who can’t eat gluten.
I saw Tia & Tamera (?? is that even their names?? I dont know their last name haha! but the girls from Sister, Sister) when my family and I were in the Eiffel Tower in Paris back when I was 14. Oh, and Mena Suvari ran in the same 5k I did in July, but I didn’t realize it was her until after the fact. That’s all I’ve got! My friend sat at a table next to Paul Rudd & Jennifer Anniston last November in Atlanta on her birthday! Haha I love celeb sightings. Thanks for this fun post! Hope you’re enjoying HLS!
“Chanandler” LOL!
I sat next to pro wrestling star Chris Jericho on a plane. He had given up his first class seat to sit in an emptier coach row so he could get some rest. He ended up next to my husband and I…where I was motion sick and vomiting the whole time. Awesome.
Come to think of it, I’ve passed by the wrestlers The Great Kali (on the Los Angeles highway) and The Rock (while I worked at Sea World), too. And I don’t like wrestling! I’ve also met a few NFL players but they aren’t real “celebrities” 🙂
I’ve had just a couple sightings, ironically it’s because we all promote the same 90-Day Challenge lol! Hulk Hogan, Master P and his son lil’ Romeo (er, just Romeo now?). At the company event there also was The Calling playing for about 6000 people so we could get really close, that was neat!
I’ll get my pic with HH soon, I’m determined!
Through my job I’ve got to interview some people cool people (my favourite is still Taylor Swift) but it’s funny because when I go on vacations to LA or NYC I always hope I see someone famous and never do, ha ha! Have fun!!! 🙂
Fun post! I saw Josh Duhamel when I was at a Black Eyed Peas concert and talked to him a little about bush vs. gore, random. Then I ran into Stacy from The Hills at a bar in Chicago and we took a shot together – I think she was surprised anyone recognized her haha.
Also my bf saw Jessica Simpson at the Dallas Four Seasons and got a pic – it was right before she got divorced from Nick Lachey and she still had her GINORMOUS ring on.
I am friends with the band City & Color (not sure if anyone reading this actually knows who they are but they are pretty big in Canada, given they’re Canadian).
I’ve met Lady Gaga and tons of other smaller time bands.
I rode an airplane with one of the actresses from the new Hawaii 5.0, and spotted Dennis Quad in Vegas.
I’ve met a bunch of NHL players including Brad Stuart (went to school with him) and Mike Comry.
Also met Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart and his family – my dad went to school with all the Hart brothers.
dang, i’m lame and haven’t met/see any real celebs. i’ve met some athletes like put me in awe, but they’re distance runners and most people wouldn’t even care! 😛
that’s so funny about your own sightings, u should have yelled out something about his third nipple tho, i’m sure he woulda looked at u for that one! 🙂
oh, celeb gossip mags will always have a special spot in my heart. the best part about reading them at the airport is u can just read them all at the newsstand for free…well, u get the evil eye but it’s worth it. 😉
glad u got there all safely delivered and have a wonderful night! 🙂
That is the, can I say bonus?, to live in a small country. Celebrities are shopping in grocery store next to you 🙂
I saw Emily from the Bachelor in North Carolina at a Bobcats game and two days ago I saw Trista in Denver and she was sitting right behind me! I say those are celebrities! 🙂
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