Other than chatting online with my web guy for a few hours (gotta love instant online help!), I spent my day at my new gym where I shadowed one of the indoor cycling instructors and went through a one-on-one training with her. Aside from the training, I also took her class which was a great one that left me feeling nice and sweaty!
Moving right along to today…
Pure Barre
Today began like most days seem to around here…
My alarm went off nice and early giving me just enough time to slip into some leggings and a tank top and head off to Pure Barre for the 6 a.m. class.
I just adore our little 6 a.m. crew. It seems like a bunch of us are regulars and I’ve been fortunate enough to click with a few of the women and make some good workout buddies that have translated to good friends outside of the studio as well.
I truly believe a big part of the reason the people at my studio are so chatty and friendly is due to the fact that phones are not allowed inside. (Don’t worry, all conversation stops when a class begins!) With no one able to retreat into the comfort of their phone, everyone is forced to sit and wait for the class to begin without any distractions which definitely encourages conversation (even at 6 a.m.!). This is very different from any other gym environment I’ve been in (or taught in!), where most people are on their phones right up until the last possible second. I absolutely love the “no phones” rule and think it is a big part of the reason my particular studio feels so friendly and open.
Well, that was quite a tangent, huh!? Anyway, today’s class was a good one but the best part occurred at the very end when a cappella music started blaring! Pure Barre plus a cappella!?!?!? Two of my biggest loves collided and I was in heaven.
The Daft Punk Remix by Pentatonix made me want to get up and dance. Ryan and I have been big-time Pentatonix fans since we followed their journey on The Sing Off and I am dying to see them live. (Please take a second to watch their rendition of “Video Killed the Radio Star” if you adore a cappella music as much as I do. The song starts at 1:35. “La La Latch” is also amazing.)
After class, I drove home to work on my morning blog post and grabbed a few things from the pantry for a quick and easy breakfast.
Raisin bran muffin + Banana + Coffee with canned coconut milk (<— loving this lately!)
I ended up topping the banana with a bit of peanut butter since I had a feeling that breakfast would tide me over for exactly 28 minutes if I didn’t add some fats of protein. I am still not feeling very full, so morning snack time will likely come soother rather than later.
Questions of the Morning
- Does your gym allow cell phones in group exercise classes? Do you feel like people are on their phones a lot at your gym?
- Any other a cappella music fans out there? Please share some of your favorite songs! I’m always on the lookout for new finds!
LOVE that no cell phones are allowed. If I’m working out on my own, I bring my cellphone for music (or sometimes I scroll through fb while on a machine) but I think no phones enable others to open up more and be themselves!
Although I personally wouldn’t be offended by it, I know many group fitness instructors who’ll think its disrespectful.
My gym does allow phones, but I really don’t see people on them much. When I teach class, most have put their phones off to the side and are waiting to begin. That doesn’t mean conversations always happen, haha, but it definitely helps!
This is totally random but Julie have you tried starbucks new cinnamon dolce k cups? they’re soooo good!
noooo but i clearly need to!!
brilliant that no cell phones are allowed! i would love that.
Cell phones in gyms are such a touchy subject. I use the music apps on my phone, but refuse to take a call when I’m working out. Occasionally I will send a funny text to my husband during a quick recovery break, and it usually says “ugh …. starving!” I just want to get through my workouts, so I turn very anti-social for an hour. But it seems like I see people talking on their phones WHILE working out! I just don’t understand how anyone could be on a weight machine or cardio machine and hold a lengthy conversation!!! It’s a personal choice, of course. But when I set time to sweat on a spin bike I’m there to huff and puff and work my booty off. (literally!) LOL
Both gyms I have been a member of (one quite nicer than the other!) have the policy posted in a few places, but most do not adhere to it. Besides talking, tons of people are on it otherwise as well!
My PB is the same way. It was interesting how uncomfortable I felt without my cellphone at first!
To me, people being on cell phones during class is just rude. I’ve seen several people on their cell phone in a spin class and it annoys me to no end. Um hello, do they not know it’s dark and that the light from their phone is illuminating the entire room? lol
I love the no-phone rule! I feel like people at my gym and my yoga studio are super chatty. Even when I have my headphones on at the gym, other regulars will come talk to me anyway, which I love. The downside is they notice when I’m not there and give me a hard time about it!
Do you grab a bite before class?
Yep! I typically eat something small beforehand like a small apple, 1/2 of a banana, 1/2 of a larabar or a handful of nuts… Something like that! I used to not eat before my morning workouts for the longest time, but have found that eating something as small as 1/2 of a banana makes a difference even if I don’t really FEEL hungry at 5:30 a.m.
I love Pentatonix! I discovered them during Christmas last year when they did Little Drummer Boy. Amazing!
Yep, my gym allows cellphones and sadly I look at it between sets. It gives me something to do with my hand lol!
ditto – found Pentonix when I heard their version of little dummer boy.
My gym doesn’t have classes, but people are definitely on their phones a lot. I don’t know if they’re like me, who tracks their workout on the BodySpace app by Bodybuilding.com, or if they’re just messing around on FB, but I do see it a lot. But then, since I don’t take classes, I like to get in and out and call it a day.
Pentatonix is awesome! I loved the Little Drummer Boy during Christmas last year!
It drives me crazy when people at my yoga studio bring their phones into the classroom (which has no phone signs on the door), and then they ring during class. No only are they interrupting their practice, but also mine.
When I took bar method I loved that cell phones weren’t allowed, even at 530 in the am we had plenty to chat about and I also felt like on the weekend classes people were more likely to linger after class to chat. I think a no cell phone policy is a good one to have, some people don’t know how to break away from their phones so they need the extra encouragement.
Have you seen the Pentatonix evolution of music video?! It’s one of my new faves. My husband is OBSESSED with them!
I don’t have a gym membership currently, but my old gym definitely did NOT have that rule. A lot of the classes felt like they were pretty exclusive and it was rare that anyone (even the instructor) talked to me, and I’m a pretty social person, so it’s not like I was giving off the super shy non-chatty vibe. I think I just wound up at a super clique-y gym.
I haven’t taken enough classes to know, but I can’t imagine someone actually using their phone during a class. Flipping through social media stuff or whatever on the elliptical or between sets when you’re doing your own thing is one thing, but it seems so odd to whip it out during class.
It’s funny – I love Pure Barre for the same reasons! I love the feeling of totally unplugging for the 55 minutes and tuning in to the LTB but the last time I took the class, I heard a phone ringing over and over from the cubbies not realizing it was mine with the school nurse calling about my son. Not a good feeling to get to your phone and see that you missed that! The one hour where I unplug in my life. Figures.
I haven’t been anywhere with a no phone rule but I’ve never noticed a lot of people on their phones, even before class starts.
My gym (iron tribe) is a class environment so we usually have the same people in every class which I LOVE. It makes getting to know people so easy. We don’t have a no cell phone rule, but everyone seems to chat with each other anyway
Glad everything is up and running again! I’ve been out of town and missed you achieving your Pure Barre 100! Congrats girl!!! A great, great feeling!! I get to sign the barre tonight I think…. was supposed to last Thursday before vacay, but at 5:30 am that is the last thing on the instructors’ minds I think! 🙂
It’s so funny you posted about cell phones in the gym because my girlfriend and I were just talking about that! I visited her in Cali for a week and she is a personal trainer and teaches yoga, barre and some group classes @ Orange Theory (btw.. if you’ve never tried this, it’s killer!!) – anyway, she doesn’t allow cell phones in her class, which I think is fantastic! Our studio I think discourages it, but some people still bring in their phones and I find it so distracting… we will be tucking while the girl next to me is texting. Not only is it distracting, but very rude to the instructor – ok, that is my rant. 🙂 But, I totally agree that a no cell phone rule is the best in a gym environment! If I didn’t use mine for music at the gym, I wouldn’t even bring it with me. I always leave mine in the car when I go to barre (except today… gotta document that 100!! haha!)
And again, congrats to you!!! Not just on barre, but starting at your new gym!
I’ve gotta say my biggest pet peeve about our generation of cell phone carriers is that people use them to avoid real contact almost all the time! I’m occasionally guilty as well but I think it’s something we all need to really reconsider relying on so heavily. Your experience with your studio makes me wish that was possible for me to find a studio i could attend regularly!
I 100% agree with this!
For my gym exercise classes they allow it but I don’t see people whipping out their phones during class. Even if we are waiting people converse with one another instead of check their phones. The actual gym though yes there are people on their phones all the time. Pretty annoying sometimes when they are hogging all the equipment and not even using it!
My husband & I love Pentatonix! We followed them through the Sing Off and then were lucky enough to see them live! So awesome! We saw them during the Sing Off tour, so we also saw Delilah, YellowJackets, and I think one more group, but the name escapes me. I haven’t listened to their new Christmas stuff yet, but plan on doing that closer to Thanksgiving (I’m one of those people who need to focus on one holiday at a time!).
I rarely use my phone at the gym, but I like the idea of no cell phone use policy. For music, sure, but so annoying when people talk on it!
Cell phones are good & bad at the gym. Good because I can multitask while on the elliptical or between sets. It’s also my music since I use Jaybird wireless headphones. But it is bad because they are distracting and people hand out on equipment too long not realizing it.
Cell phones are good and bad. I keep my workouts on mine, but of course I click over to my text messages and such too. So tempting. I love the sound of your Barre class. It’s great you have found a fun group of girlfriends through the class!
Your not meant to use them in the gym, at least not for calls but people do use them with headphones for music! I’m a big class fan too…having gym friends inside and outside is great. I always find they’re the people I the most in common with!
My gym doesn’t have it, but i would support a “no cell phone” rule for group classes. Thankfully it hasn’t been a problem – people who do have their phones in the class put them away before starting.
I love pentatonix too!!! They came to my school (UConn) last year for a concert and I hadn’t heard of them until I went, and I absolutely loved it. They are so entertaining and had everyone on their feet the entire time. Definitely worth it!
I’m sure my gym does, but I like the no phones! we all need to step outside of the digital world more in this world…. its starting to become too much.
Our gym has no restrictions on cell phone usage, but sometimes I wish I would. Not just in the group exercise environment, but it can be very distracting when someone is chatting away on their phone next you on a treadmill. For me, the gym is a time to escape as much technology as possible and to relieve stress.
I like the no cell phone rule! I’m guilty of staying on my phone until the last possible minute before classes. :X
Home Free is another amazing a cappella group.They won season 4 of The Sing Off.Highly reccommend!
Looking them up now! We missed that season!
Lately I’ve been taking a lot of fitness classes at various studios, and I actually find it kind of mind boggling that studios TELL you you can’t have your cell phone. Why WOULD you bring your cell phone to class? Bringing it *to* the gym, sure, but why on earth would you bring it into class? Where would you put it? Why would you need it? Does not compute.
I think there’s definitely a time and a place for your phone at the gym. For example: scrolling through the socials while on the bike and bored out of your mind: perfectly fine. Talking loudly and obnixously on the phone while on the treadmill sandwiched between two people: not ok. Common sense 😉
I 100% agree! Being new to university, I am trying to do as many things as I can to get outside my comfort zone and meet people, but that ends up being pointless if everyone is on their phones nonstop! I can’t wait to find some group fitness classes and have a similar experience as you.
My gym doesn’t have the no cell phone rule, but I love the idea! It’s definitely apparent that everyone (myself included sometimes) takes comfort in their phone in different social situations. Also, side note, I love the idea of coconut milk in my morning coffee! Right now I’ve been using a pumpkin spice creamer, but that sounds so, so delicious!
i am loooving it lately! so, so good!
I love it when places don’t allow phones, and I’ve seen a lot of yoga studios do that. Unfortunately, all of the gyms where I teach and work allow phones. Oh well!
I definitely think it is good to socialize and converse, however, I couldn’t go for the rule. I have a 9 month old, and I just feel too uncomfortable when I don’t have any means for my husband or whoever is watching my baby girl to contact me. I have to know that they can get ahold of me when I am working out 🙂
I love the idea of no phones! hahahaha wait but then how will you take a selfie to prove you worked out?!?! 😉
The Pentatonix are so good and unique – I have liked them for a while too. There’s nothing like a good music surprise in bar class when things are getting intense!
I get so annoyed when people bring phones into barre class. It’s kinda like – you really can’t sit in silence for the 5-10 minutes you’re waiting before class starts?!
My gym doesn’t have a strong policy, particularly because a lot of people rely on their phones also as their music players. Last night I was guilty of being on my phone in the minutes before Body Pump, but I typically try to be phone free at the gym so as to enjoy the “me-time” and escape from everything else.
That’s so cool that no cell phones are allowed! We’re so uncomfortable with feeling awkward nowadays because it’s so easy to look busy with your nose buried in your cell phone haha. I tried my first barre class last week by the way! It was NUTS! my muscles were burning!
Totally agree with your cell phone tangent! I think cell phones are sorta of ruining our social interaction and ability to form in-person relationships, as well as just pay attention. Plus, I love to just zone out and focus on my thoughts and workout.. it drives me nuts when I see people talking on the phone at the gym, like on the treadmill, but to each their own. 🙂
Cell phones aren’t “disallowed” at my CrossFit gym, but I’ve found that people don’t really use them anyway! Just like you, we have a pretty social group at 5:30am. It’s great!
Actually, I always feel a little weird on Sundays at open gym when I carry my phone around with me so I can get workout photos. Kind of unusual.
That’s a cool rule! I personally don’t see a ton of people on their phones in my classes at all, but you kind of can’t be (especially in PUMP) b/c of the equipment. For Zumba though, I’d say a few times, but not as bad as I’ve seen other places!
One of my biggest pet peeves is when I walk into a yoga studio and sit down to relax before we start and everyone is on their cell phones or chatting like crazy. More places need to ban cell phones in classes!
My yoga/pilates studio has the same cell phone rule and it’s great. Everyone is more present and I feel more friendly!
28 minutes sounds about right…lol Perfect on the go breakfast!