As a child I never really ate cereal for breakfast. My sister was the cereal queen. I preferred Eggo waffles, oatmeal, Toaster Strudels (oh baby!) and cinnamon toast.
Nowadays I find myself oddly excited by cereal for breakfast. Ryan and I never really have cereal in our home because it’s not something Ryan really cares for and I have the ability to take down an entire box in one sitting. Yes, I have “cereal issues.”
My parents, however, have a great selection of cereal in their pantry and I get all too excited about combining various cereals into one bowl for breakfast or a mid-morning snack.
This morning’s combo included Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Frosted Mini Wheats and Honey Bunches of Oats.
And you know I refilled that bowl two more times. Cereal is so addicting!
The rest of the morning will be spent working and digesting until I feel like I can get my booty to the gym for a brief workout. I’d love to take Sadie for a run outside, but I’m afraid I might have missed my weather window since it’s already 83 degrees.
Happy Friday!
I cerealously 🙂 can’t buy cereal! I’ll eat the whole box. I have to admit I never mix mine, but I might need to start!
If only one of those cereal restaurants were closer! We could make all kinds of combinations!
I’m such a cereal whore. I love mixing them together…and one bowl is definitely NEVER enough!
I love mixing them all together too! I have to be in a ‘cereal mood’ though. Weird, yes 🙂
I have the same with tresor cereal! They’re like little cereal pockets filled with nutella… sooooo goooood!
OMG I just posted about having cereal issues the other day! I think its something about the cold milk and crispness of the cereal thats so dangerously addicting.
I looove cereal….it just never seems to fill me up though, so I end up eating a TON!
Cereal and PB are two foods that I could eat the entire box/jar of…I once ate an entire box of raisin bran the night before a 16 mile run (training for the Nike Women’s Marthathon)…I don’t advise trying that 🙂 PS. Hi Sadie doggie, you’re cute.
The only cereal I have with me is fiber cereal….so not THAT addicting.
But last year I would eat only yogurt and lucky charms for breakfast…no joke.
Cereal used to be an issue for me too, but honestly now that I buy it so often and have a lot of variety in my house it has definitely lost that appeal of it being something “new” and “exciting”.
The same thing happens with other snacky items that I used to plow through…my philosophy is if I have it around all of the time, it is not so exciting. It may not work for everyone, but it does the trick for me! Plus, when I want something I have it on hand when I get a craving.
I try to buy only “healthy” cereals that to be honest don’t taste that great so I’m not tempted to go back for more! haha Kind of a twisted way to do it but if I had sugary, delicious cereals in the house, it could get bad…
Hi, my name is Shaya, and I’m a cerealaholic.
Can we start a support group please?? I only keep the healthy ‘twigs’ kind of cereal in my house because I do NOT eat it in recommended serving sizes. Mixing bowl size only.
My favorites- Life and Kix. I could take a few boxes down right now…
I have no self control with cereal either, I think that’s why I never have it for breakfast….and I find it doesn’t really do a good job of satiating me??!!
Love love the Sadie pics! And you’re captions always get a chuckle out of me 🙂
Cereal is nearly the perfect food. Here’s my philosophy: It’s great for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and dessert. You can eat it with milk or dry or it makes a great topping for oatmeal, ice cream, and yogurt. It’s a low calorie filler for trail mix. People of all ages can eat it. An there’s a flavor for everyone.
The only other food that comes close in my opinion is pizza, but only because it can encompass all the major food groups in one slice.
ohhhh girl I LOVE cereal!!!!!!! It doesn’t do well by itself as a brekkie for me, though. In fact, it’s kind of like a dessert!! It just plain ‘ole spikes my sugar and leaves me hanging for more like, an hour later. Not cool! And yes, we go through boxes SUPER quick!
I realized not too long ago that I’d never had a toaster strudel/pop tart. We never had them growing up and now my opportunity has passed! (I developed a wheat allergy.) I guess I’ll have to find/make up a good GF recipe since they look pretty delicious.
As for cereal, I love it! Especially Chex, and I’ll easily eat three bowls for breakfast and a few servings of Muddy Buddies for dessert.
OMG, I combine cereals, too!!!! Raisin Nut Bran (one of my all-time faves) is killer with Honey Bunches of Oats, Cheerios and/or Raisin Bran!
I too would sandbag icing packs to double up on one Toaster Strudel! I was even guilty of sandbagging icing packs simply to squeeze them directly into my mouth! It was heavenly. No wonder I was always sleepy the first half of school, I was crashing from a sugar high by 9 or 10 am!
We should start a cereal issues support group. It is a rare, rare day that I eat only one type (or bowl) of cereal. I love going back to my parents’ house because they keep cinnamon toast crunch all the time and it is the BEST. I go bananas with that stuff.
GIRLFRIEND…Cinnamon Toast Crunch rocks my world. I bought two family sized boxes last night. That’s 1.4kg! Wheee!
I love cereal, too! I grew up in Cereal City USA, home of Kellogg’s and Post!!
i loooooove cereal too!
The only reason that makes me stick to one serving of cereal is that I know if I eat more than one, I won’t have anymore until my parents go shopping on Saturday morning. &I love my cereal too! I love to eat it every darn day of the week. Kashi GoLean is my favorite.
LOVE cereal! It’s the best late night snack. Tasty without being too heavy. 🙂
I love frosted shredded wheat, raisin bran, honey bunches of oats and Kashi Strawberry Fields.
I had the same “issue” with cereals before…and with cookies! My first solution is trying not to buy any (duh) but we all know that this doesn’t work all the time 😉 For cereals : only buy the organic with the smallest amount of (non refined) sugar in (those aren’t as addictive and overall, the boxes are smaller) along with rationing portion using some willpower. ;)For cookies (which I make myself): having friends around when I make them (!) and when I’m alone, freezing them after eating 2… or 3!
This post actually brings up something I have been wondering. First of all, I want to say that I *really* enjoy your blog. You seem like such a nice, fun person and your daily workout logs are great motivation. It also seems like you and your family genuinely get along and make an effort to have a happy, fun life, which is really lovely to read about. That said, one thing that I would like to hear more about is your diet. I admire your commitment to healthy living, but can’t help but wonder why that doesn’t translate to your diet more? I don’t mean the occasional sweet or indulgence, but rather that is sometimes seems like you eat a lot of processed, packaged, engineered food that, while it might be ‘low fat’ or ‘low cal’ is pretty distant from whole, natural food. I guess that reason I’m leaving this comment is that I feel like you have a good, realistic, and positive outlook on healthy living and might be able to explain this tendency I have seen (for example in Fitness Magazine’s ‘Healthiest Food Awards’ of eating manufactured over whole, pastured and natural. Obviously, your diet is a personal choice, but as a non-American, this is a trend I have noticed in the US that I really do not understand!
i struggle finding a balance with this as well! i want to live a healthy lifestyle and keep my calories down (although i don’t count calories). there are two different sides to this in my eyes. one way is the organic all natural way and another is the low calorie low fat low sugar way. obviously there can be a happy medium between the two, but it’s hard for me to find.
I agree me + cereal = disaster! I could easily go through an entire box in one sitting. I love that picture of Sadie she is one cute pup!
I totally suffer from cereal issues-i rarely buy it and when I do it doesnt last long–i mean come on, it’s not our fault they only fill the box half way- maybe it would last longer if it was filled ?
Crazy how many gals are the same way with cereal! Mixing flavors and 2+ bowls in one sitting? Yes please. The only thing that saved me was a gluten intolerance, but I wouldn’t exactly wish for that if I were you… Thanks for all the fun and diverse posts, you’ve totally inspired me to get my butt in gear!
I am addicted to a handful of foods, cereal is dangerous. I love mixing them, having multiple bowls of it and putting it in yogurt or snack mixes. One of my number one pantry essentials!!
Growing up, I wasn’t a cereal fan. I preferred a warm breakfast, so if I ate cereal it was Grapenuts heated up. I’ve recently learned to love it. However, I get crazy heartburn from it while pregnant and it doesn’t help that I crave it. What’s a girl to do? So for another 7 weeks, I will be passing on the cereal. I eat oatmeal with ground flaxseed, a little agave nectar or honey, a teaspoon of PB, and craisins.
Oh girl I am the ultimate cereal connoisseur lol. I, at the very least, have on hand 4-5 boxes of the crunchy, sugary, yummy (and okay, sometimes healthy) stuff. My favorite part is slurping up the flavored milk that is left over. Mmmm! So good lol. I do have a hard time stopping at just one bowl and serving size? Let’s just say I go above and beyond the call of duty in that arena 🙂
Hope you have a great weekend with your reunited fam hun 🙂
i’m right there with you. i can never stop after just one bowl. here’s an indulgent option that should be right up your alley though! : )
So glad I’m not the only one with a cereal addiction!!! I would LOVE to have it at home all the time but I can never have just ooone bowl. Although it makes it special when going out for brunch and getting a nice big bowl of muesli filled with stacks of fruit, nuts and yoghurt.
Oh that Sadie! I’m seriously inspired to look into Hungarian Vizslas when I eventually get a dog.
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