Guess what my gym did?
They changed the instructor of favorite boot camp class. Such a bummer! I will really miss Allyson’s energy, creative workouts and her music selection. Her music was on point and always had an amazing beat that I could get lost in as I pushed my body during the class.
The new instructor still put the class through a good workout today, but her energy level just wasn’t on par with Allyson’s. While the new teacher seems like a nice, laid back person who could be fun to hang out with in real life, I prefer group exercise instructors to be a little more motivating.
At least I left the class super schweaty!
Walk + Breakfast
After our workouts, Ryan and I walked back to our apartment and leashed up the pup for a quick 20- minute walk around the ‘hood.
When we arrived back to our stomping grounds, I meandered into the kitchen to make myself breakfast.
Since I’m going to be in Chicago through Monday, I have a feeling smoothies will be sparse, so I blended one up this morning.
Into the blender went:
- 1 1/4 c. almond milk
- 1/2 c. vanilla Greek yogurt
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1 c. frozen strawberries
- 1 handful fresh spinach
- 1 pinch xanthan gum
- 1 tsp. butter and nut extract
- 1 tsp. coconut extract
A toasted waffle was also consumed as the smoothie was blending.
Phew, that was a close one…
I love it when my smoothies are almost too big for the bowl or cup. I’m a big fan of voluminous foods because I just like to eat, plain and simple. An overflowing smoothie means more bites or more slurps, which makes me a happy camper.
I’m kind of craving a hot and frothy drink right now, so I’m thinking I may have to swing by Starbucks to finally use my free drink birthday coupon!
Of Possible Interest
- 10 Ways to Increase Your Metabolism (
- Overweight Women Earn Less While Heavier Men Make More (
- Jillian Michaels’ 20-Minute Workout Routine (
I’m loving all the red in your pictures today!
Your captions are high.larious. Specially the ones for Sadie! HAPPY FRIDAY!!
i’m not gonna lie… thinking of captions for sadie’s pictures may be my very favorite thing to do on the blog! 🙂
Cold smoothies after a sweaty workout- love!
Also, your hair color is gorgeous! Do you color it or is it natural?
thank you so much, brittany! it is natural.
I love a good smoothie from a bowl, too! It is more enjoyable for me instead of just sipping from a straw 🙂
Love the outfit today Julie! Happy Friday! 🙂
I love the smoothie blob on your hand . . . hehe. I haven’t tried the smoothie in a bowl thing, but perhaps one day. I prefer to slurp them through a glass straw.
The instructor definitely makes the class. I love my bodypump chica . . . she has popping muscles and pushes everyone
haha, i tried to get as much of it out of the blender as possible which made it get all over my hands!
bummer about the instructor switch! thts weird that they wud do that!!.. oh YES i love voluminous foods!! thats why i created my voluminous oats recipe! more oats= more happiness
If you use a *registered* gift card every time you go to starbucks (I just load $20 on at a time) you get free syrups and stuff AND if you buy as much a I have, haha, you may eventually get a GOLD CARD. With the Gold Card you get free drink vouchers every “15 stars” or after 15 purchases on the card! (i give it to my friends and have them pay me so i get stars.) Just thought I’d share. Who can deny the amazingness of free drinks?? (And being able to say you’re a gold card member is pretty cool too, and the card is actually gold and beautiful….)
Happy Friday!
my coworkers told me about the registered card the WEEK of my birthday! i did it immediately and can’t wait to become GOLD! 🙂 it’s my lifelong dream. 😉
I hate when the instructors change, too! I think it’s ok to have your favorites! 🙂
I am the exact same way with smoothies–I need volume!!!
I rarely do group exercise classes. I really need to start because the intructors always motivate me to al least do more than I would on my own!
That smooothie looks so good!
Bummer about the instructor change! I hate when that happens. My favorite spin instructor left and although one of the people still there is awesome, the other one is atrocious. I miss my favorite!
Glad I don’t have to clean up after your smoothie making 😉
Have a great holiday weekend!
The same thing recently happened in my BodyPump class, they changed my fave instructor to one I don’t like as much 🙁
It is a bummer. Although it’s been a few weeks now and I’m getting used to her.
I love smoothies so much! I need a better blender.
Amen to volume! That must be why I love veggies so much!
are you still doing your hair the same way with that same technique? it looks so cute lately!!
thank you! yes, it’s still curled w/ the straightener.
Your smoothies always look soooo good! I will definitely be making one tonight. I had a little bit of fun last night to celebrate an award win for work AND now I’m a bit hungover. Thus, I think a good smoothie well make me feel better later 🙂
That smoothie looks delicious! I too love to eat!
Sorry about the instructor change! That sucks 🙁 what doesn’t suck? You’ll be in Chi-town with your girlfriends this weekend!! Have tons of fun!
I think I would be overwhelmed in real life by some of the best group exercise class instructors that I’ve had, but that’s what makes them great at 6 AM!
Haha, I love that you have smoothie on your knuckle too!!
I’m always bummed when I have a different teacher, even if the replacement is really good. I get used to one’s routine and energy, and switching it up sometimes makes me focus more on the teacher than the class itself!
your smoothie overflows remind me of waterfalls…green waterfalls i guess?
Great smoothies!! Do you usually have a mid morning snack too? If so what are your ideas for them.
~Thx Have a great weekend!!
Volume is definitely essential when it comes to smoothies.
Your hair looks so pretty!
thank you, kaitlyn!! 😀
That smoothie looks delicious! I absolutely love your hair! The curls are so pretty! I really want to try curling my hair with a straightener like how you did! 🙂
Yummy smoothie for a hot day!
Enjoy Chicago this weekend! 🙂
Bummer about the instructor switch-a-roo. I was really upset when they changed spinning instructors on me.
Instructors to me really make a class! It’s throws everything off when they change or even when there’s a sub. Hopefully the new one will grow on you though. Have so much fun in Chicago!
What a yummy looking smoothie! I definitely agree that instructors make the class. It all depends on their attitude and energy for what they do.
Aw, hope the new instructor is great too! Instructors really make or break the class for me, and I always go back to classes if there’s a great instructor. I like ones that have good music, are fun & upbeat, and motivating.
I’m an eater, too. I always feel more satisfied when I have an overflowing bowl of something 🙂
Haha, nice bowl!
Bummer that you weren’t feeling energy from your instructer.. that is sooo key for motivation.. especially in a boot camp!
My sister just started reading your blog as well and we can’t wait to try one of your smoothies today!! 🙂
Your smoothies always look extra delish when they’re overflowing!
And look at your adorable blue napkin! Love!
Have a great weekend 🙂
Is it the xanthan gum that makes your smoothies look so thick & delicious? I use a lot of the same ingredients in my smoothies but they never look quite as drool-worthy:) I totally agree that an energetic, motivating instructor who uses great music motivates me to work that much harder!
YES! The xanthan gum is KEY for thick smoothies!
I’m going to be in Chicago too! Well just until Saturday at 3:30 — I’m planning on a run or a Yoga class Saturday morning though!
Have fun in Chicago!! Your smoothie looks awesome— I need to try some of your recipes soon!
Have you ever been to Core Power Yoga in Chicago? It’s the absolute best hot yoga studio I’ve ever been to. You leave completely drenched & it’s the best workout I’ve ever had! The one in Lakeview is my favourite.
Your hair looks so pwetty!!
Boo! I also hate when that happens, especially when I love the instructor. Oh well, at least you still got a great workout in!
Have a great time in Chi-town…its such a great city…I am SO excited to be running the Chicago marathon there in October..a great excuse to visit!
I looove smoothies!!! 😀 Hope you have an awesome time in Chicago!
I somehow missed the post you did on this question (5/25 post). Sorry! I’ll pay better attention next time. 🙂
Of all the smoothies you make, which would you say is the most nutritional and which is the most tastey? I’m thinking I want to try the smoothie thing and would like to start by using some of your recipes. Thanks! 🙂
I’m sure you’ll do great w/this new instructor! B/c you’re already motivated enough.
Are you a slow eater Julie? I really am, and I’m not sure if it’s b/c I like to eat long and savor every bite, or what it is haha. but I just like to eat, plain and simple too. 😀
your smoothies always look so delicious! They really are so awesome for breakfast on a hot morning!
Yay for Chicago! 🙂
Can’t wait to try my new blender! This smoothie has got to be on my list to make! 🙂
overflowing smoothies = me happy 🙂
ohhhhhhhh that smoothie looks SO good. i think i’m going to have to bite the bullet and buy some xanthum gum, i’ve never used it before! does it add taste, too? or just thickness?… do you think it’s worth the price?
just thickness! i think it’s definitely worth the price. it’s not cheap, but i’ve had the SAME bag for more than a year now!