Hello, my friends! I hope you had a good weekend and are checking in this morning after two fun and relaxing days. Our weekend began around 10 a.m. on Friday when my mom, Chase and I picked up Ryan’s mom and grandma at the airport.
It was so special to see Chase with his grandma (we think Diane is going to go by Memaw) and great grandma (we were calling her Grand Bubbee all weekend since Ryan calls her Bubbee) and we spent the majority of our weekend hanging out around the house, enjoying quality time with family.
Chase actually wore real clothes this weekend… It was a miracle! (Fear not: Naked baby is back in full force today.)
Ryan joined us at home after work on Friday and we threw some filets on the grill for a delicious dinner that included roasted potatoes, asparagus and a tossed salad. We crashed early on Friday night but woke up at around 6:30 a.m. on Saturday ready to begin another fun-filled day!
(Pic from my Instagram on Friday night!)
Ryan joined me on a 60-minute walk with Sadie and Chase on Saturday morning before he took his mom and grandma into Davidson for breakfast. My mom and I were initially going to meet them in Davidson with Chase after breakfast to walk around the farmer’s market and local shops, but Ryan called to tell us there was a triathlon in the area and the town was packed and parking was basically non-existent. Navigating around crowded Davidson with a large stroller as our first big outing with Chase didn’t sound like the best idea, so we stayed put and did some research on the computer for an upcoming family vacation we have planned in the mountains in October. We’ll get Chase out and about eventually!
Everyone arrived back at our house in the late morning and we spent hours chatting away and enjoying quality time together. Oh how I wish our families lived closer!
It’s kind of crazy to me how quickly time can pass when you’re lounging around with a baby, but somehow the hours ticked by in a flash and before we knew it, we were sitting down at the table digging into a delicious salmon dinner. We totally lucked out this weekend because Chase slept soundly through dinner giving all of us the chance to sit up at the table together while he snoozed in his Rock n’ Play.
Our Sunday was spent around the house as well. My mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law caught a 9:30 a.m. flight back to Florida and aside from a long walk with Ryan, Sadie and Chase, I spent a good portion of the day moving from one chair to the couch to the next chair. Chase was quite the active little dude on Sunday and seemed to need a lot of attention (and breastmilk!) throughout the day, so baby duty took over in full force! I suppose his two semi-sleepy days on Friday and Saturday caught up to him and left him with a lot of energy on Sunday!
I was very grateful for a bit of a breather around 2 p.m. when Chase chilled out a bit and I was able to take my first nap since he was born. Oh happy day!! My nap was just under an hour, but it was amazing. I could barely keep my eyes open on the couch so I decided to take everyone up on their offer to watch Chase and try to get some shut-eye. As someone who has the worst time napping, I was pleasantly surprised when I fell asleep within two minutes of crawling into my bed. I guess I needed the sleep more than I thought!
On Sunday night, Ryan and I insisted that my mom watch Hook with us since she’d never seen it before and that movie is all kinds of amazing. Ruf-i-ooooooo! It was a great way to end the day and we got into bed around 9:30 p.m. It was a bit of a restless night (as usual these days) but Chase is now about 20 minutes into a morning nap, so I’m thankful I had the opportunity to check in with you guys a little earlier than I have been able to lately.
I hope all is well with you!!
Oh brill that you got in a nap! You’ll definitely be needing some more of those to catch up!!!
I’ve been following along on your new-mama adventure : ) and I love catching up on your news. Congrats on the nap, finally!!
I feel you on family living far away! We’re 5-6 from both sides of ours, and I know once we have our baby in a few weeks that I’m going to be begging my parents to retire a little closer to us 😉 Has your mom been able to come visit pretty regularly since he’s been born? How long did she stay with you right after his birth? I was talking to my mom this weekend about what “the plan” might be!
Aww! Love that first picture. Smug little happy guy. He is so close to smiles 🙂
Pretty photos! You guys look a a happy loving family 🙂 Congrats on your little munchkin!
x M.
I LOVE Hook! It makes me smile to hear that someone else loves it, too. Love seeing these pics of Chase. I can already see that he’s growing & changing from his newborn pics.
Oh my goodness, Chase is growing so quickly. You both are doing so well! Sounds like he has hit a growth spurt with all the eating and sleeping. I noticed this with my son whenever it was his monthly anniversary. So needless to say the week of his anniversary I would already be prepared to spend the days cluster feeding ;0)
Amazing how much more alert and “grown-up” Chase looks in just 3+ weeks! Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend, Hooray for naps!
Those pictures are so amazing! Such a great weekend and I’m glad everyone’s meeting baby Chase 🙂
Ok, that picture with Grand Bubbee couldn’t be any cuter! Adorable!
He is such a cutie!! He looks so much like Ryan in that first picture!
So glad you had such a lovely weekend and a nice nap! I am really bad at napping but everyone tells me to just wait until one day I have a baby and then I’ll see 😉 I remember visiting Davidson on a college tour eons ago and it was a beautiful town!
It’s also great to start a family walk tradition so early, my family used to do after dinner walks every weekend when I was little and go around the neighborhood meeting other families doing the same. Some of my best childhood memories are from those walks.
Sounds like such a fun time! Glad they got to come meet little Chase, such cute photos!
The picture of Sadie PROUDLY sprawled over your lap made me laugh. I’m sure she takes advantage of any moment when Chase is not in your arms. You JUST took your first nap since his arrival? Wow. I bet it felt really good.
Has Chase settled into a sleep routine yet or is this something that will happen over time?
Oh yes, Sadie goes after all the love she can!! 🙂 And he doesn’t have a real routine yet — we’re mostly up every 2 hrs for nighttime nursing, but sometimes it can be hourly…
What a wonderful weekend with family. I bet the nap you had on Sunday had to be absolutely incredible! Hope you have another fabulous week!
Chase is seriously the cutest baby!! I think one of the most precious things is seeing a baby with their great grandparents <3
OMG that first picture is adorable!! What a precious moment! Congrats to you guys! 🙂
That is my favorite picture from the weekend! I’m so glad Ryan’s grandma was able to visit and meet her great grandson!
Love that sailboat onsie!!!
He is soo sweet! That first picture – totally melting over here. All the cuteness. Congrats, mama!
I’m so glad your family is getting the chance to meet Chase! I’m sure he’s loving all the attention 🙂 And a nap sounds heavenly! Love that you took advantage and took one!
Oh my God! Chase is such a handsome little boy!! In that last photo he looks just soo you, Julie!!
william has that sailboat onesie hehe carters has the best stuff!
Glad to hear your got your first nap!!!
Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I love the pictures of Chase with his Memaw and Grand Bubbee! He is just adorable, with those beautiful blue eyes 🙂
Congrats, beautiful pics!!! Keep up the good work! You are a rock star!!
Love Chase photos! He’s becoming more like an infant and less new born! I have a 9 month old now and I can barely remember those nights of constant feeding, isn’t that crazy!? Soon enough you’ll be getting longer stretches of sleep. I will say that it’s amazing what we as women can do! How we can function on 2 hour sleep increments blows my mind!
So great that you were able to get a little extra rest and nap! Have a great week, and definitely keep the Chase updates comin’ 🙂
I’m Jewish and referred to my grandmother as Bubbe and my great grandmother as Bubs, but Grand Bubbe is nice too!
Gosh, I remember that first post-baby nap. SO GOOD. It was so hard for me to just let someone else watch him (even if he was sleeping!) and even harder to let my brain shut off and fall asleep once I laid down.
He is just the sweetest!!!
sounds like an amazing family weekend <3
Such great pictures! Having a newborn can be exhausting but it gets easier…until they start high school! 🙂
I love reading about all of your Chase updates!! Our daughter is due in a month and it’s been so neat to follow along with your pregnancy and now with the arrival of your new babe. It’s making me really excited!! Thanks for sharing everything.
ha ha, I have to laugh at the pic of Sadie on your lap – she is TOTALLY claiming you as her own during that pic. “MINE! MY mom! MINE!” lol Velcro!!
I’m glad you had such a great weekend with family and that you were finally able to get a nap! Napping is the BEST! I have a hard time falling alseep for naps too. Thanks for the fun update.
He is so handsome and precious Julie! <3
Your comment about lucking out with Chase sleeping through dinner made me laugh! Figuring out when the heck to eat dinner was the trickiest thing with a newborn! I remember just praying that my little girl would sleep long enough for us to make it through a meal during those first few months! It’s the littlest things that feel like a treat when you have a newborn, right?! Glad you got to enjoy a nice sit-down family meal 😉
Wow, in the up close pic of Chase where his head is to the side, he really reminds me of your dad!
Yay for nap time! Glad you had a relaxing weekend with the visitors. 🙂
Chase is so adorable! We just found out we are expecting and I am loving all your great information and updates! It has also been fun to watch Sadie. I’ve had my puppy for almost 13 years and I am not sure what her feelings on her new role will be! =)
He’s absolutely adorable! You can really see the love and happiness in everyone’s faces in the family photo.
So happy for you and your little family! Chase is so very cute!
I have a question- how are you handling and keeping it all together with all the people coming and staying at your house?
Our first is due in November and I am almost sick thinking about anyone other than my mom coming. Maybe I am over thinking it but I just don’t want to entertain people and i know that is what it is going to turn into.
Tips to handle those people around ALLLLL the time and NOT lose your mind?
When I was a new mom, a friend recommended Janet Lansbury to me. Just like to pass it on to parents in the newborn stage http://www.janetlansbury.com
Sounds like a great weekend. I loved those early days with family always around and sneaking a nap and watching my family love on my daughter. Cherish every moment cause ye really do go by as fast as everyone says!