Those of you who were readers of PBF on Sadie’s birthday last year may remember the epic battle between the cheeseburger and the vanilla soft serve cone. We placed both options in front of Sadie and watched to see which one she devoured first.
As expected, the soft serve didn’t stand a chance.
This year, on Sadie’s third birthday, we decided to kick things up a notch.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present the contenders: One double cheeseburger
And the birthday girl herself! We were actually pretty surprised with the selection she made.
Check it ooout!
(Click here to see this video on YouTube.)
We’re already brainstorming contenders for next year’s birthday battle!
Interested in a Fashion Page?
And now I have a little question for you guys!
When I asked for your input on things you would like to see more of on the blog in 2011, I had several requests for fashion posts and pictures of outfits I wear. While I definitely don’t consider myself incredibly fashionable in the least, I do love clothes! (For an awesome fashion blog, check out J’s Everyday Fashion!)
Some of the most common emails and comments on my blog ask me where I got a certain item I wore in a picture that I posted on the blog.
When I was talking to Ryan about ideas for a new page for the blog, he suggested a page dedicated to a “look of the week.” Well, I’m thinking it might be fun to randomly update the page with new outfits whenever I (or Ryan) happen to snap a picture of my entire outfit… whether it be once a week, several times a week, or a couple of times a month.
Of course, I would let you know when I post something on that page through my normal blog posts so you wouldn’t have to click on it all the time in hopes of seeing something new.
Also, from a logistical stand point, I’m not sure how to create posts for pages (internet savvy folks, is this even possible?), so I’m not sure it would work anyway.
I took this photo as I was leaving work today, figuring a post on the fashion page could look like this:
- Date: 1/20/11
- Dress: BCBG
- Lace camisole: Express
- Deep gray shrug: New York and Co.
- Brown tights: Old Navy
- Boots: Colin Stewart (via
- Gold necklace and bangle: Banana Republic
It’s very similar to what Ali of Food, Fitness, Fashion does and I’ve always loved that feature of her blog, though my fashion-related posts wouldn’t be featured on the main page.
Would this interest you? I don’t want to throw up a new page on the blog that’s “dead weight” and wouldn’t really interest you guys. If this particular idea is less than enthralling to you, do you have any ideas for other pages you would like to see?
Please let me know! I aim to serve. 😀
I love this idea!!
I also think this is a great idea. Ive been a fan of your postings and think you have a great style. 🙂
Lucky girl! Happy birthday Sadie! From me and Hunter. 😉
I do like this idea! Loved the birthday battle!
I think a fashion page is a great idea! And happy birthday to Sadie too 🙂
Happy birthday Sadie! we used to do the same thing with our sadie for her birthday! filet vs beef. She always went for the beef.
Love the outfit idea! Being a fitness instructor and mom I rarely EVER put on “real” clothes, .. let alone even know how to put together an outfit! so it would help me out! And your always dolled up so cute! Ps.. I tried learning how to curl my hair with a straightner.. I decided and my fingers.. that Im more of a straight hair girl! ha!
Maybe Sadie’s new years resolution was to eat healthier? 😉 Hahaha wow!
I’ve enjoy a fashion page! 🙂 Go for it!
I like the idea! We have similar styles, but you always seem to find the cutest dresses and skirts. I’d love to know more about where you find your stuff!!
Happy birthday Sadie! Looks like she enjoyed that chicken 🙂
I have to ask…what did Sadie eat after the chicken? Did she eat the bun or go for the burger?
she went for the burger and avoided both buns!
She must be on a low-carb diet 😉
I thought she’d go for the chicken, but I think that’s because it looked better to me- haha.
What a fun idea! I might have to steal it for my puppy’s birthday in March! She’ll be 2 🙂
That video just made me smile! I had no idea she was going for the chicken.
Would love the fashion feature because I’m always trying to figure out how to make my outfits more interesting.
Such a cute video! Thanks for the shout-out! 🙂
That video is so funny! What’s up with her leaving the bun?!?! So cute!
I LOVE that outfit!
Sadie is so cute! I love that idea – and more videos too! You guys are too cute 🙂
hahahaha I love how Sadie takes the chicken out of the bun! so cute!
Happy Birthday, Sadie! Love the fashion post idea, as I am one of the commenters often wondering about your outfits!!! 🙂 Do it, doll! You’re darling!
I did the idea- I love your pics of your outfits! You’re just so dang cute.
Ahhh i had a hunch that’d she’d go for the chicken… no idea why I thought that, though! Glad she was able to enjoy both 🙂 Hilarious about the buns!
I’d totally be down for a fashionista page! You always wear the cutest clothes!
Such a cute birthday dinner idea for Sadie! I’m totally doing that with my dog on her next birthday 🙂
I love the idea of a fashion page. It is one of my favorite topics! You always have such cute clothes, so I think this is a great addition to your blog. I am looking forward to it!
That video is so cute! Surprising choice Sadie…what a trickster.
Did you guys eat take out too? Or was that just Sadie’s special treat?
I got a vanilla soft serve cone 🙂
great video – Happy Bday Sadie!
think you should definitely do fashion posts – I recommend that they be incorporated into your regular posts however often… instead of a separate page! Mostly b/c I selfishly subscribe via Google reader and am not sure how I can subscribe/if I could to different subpages / if it would alert me 🙂
yes, yes and yes! i always love your outfits and i need some styling help:) great video and happy birthday to your baby girl, sadie!
I love the fashion idea — even more frequently than once a week. 🙂
love the fashion pic – yes, definitely keep posting! i put up one of myself today too oddly enough…i hope to keep to it whenever the inspiration strikes 🙂
Haha, that video is just what I needed tonight. 🙂 I love how she darted for the chicken! Too funny.
Wow – chicken over the burger?!?!
I would love a fashion page! Yes, please 🙂
I think its a great idea! I always love your outfits and would love to see more of them. Gets me more inspired in the morning when i’m picking out my own clothes
Go chicken! Sadie’s so cute!
Yes to the fashion page/posts 🙂
I love the fashion idea! If the other outfits are as cute as that one (and all others you wear), then it will be awesome!
So cute, Julie!
When my pup got put down a few years ago, we bought him a cheese burger and he had a piece of icecream cake for his last meal! We miss him very much and it makes me smile to see how much you love and cherish, Sadie!
Happy Birthday Sadie! I think incorporating your outfits into your blog is a great idea!! I like the idea of just being on the main feed instead of a seperate page! Thanks for asking our thoughts! 🙂
I think the fashion idea is awesome!
YES!!! I love the idea of a fashion section. You always look so cute!! 🙂
I agree with everyone else…I would love to see a fashion page! I always really like what you’re wearing, so it would be great to see more!
The video was too cute! 😀 Love it!
Super cute outfit! 😀
I hope Sadie got the burger too, after the vid stopped. You could have a category called ‘fashion’ that just shows your posts with your outfits. Then you can have a page that shows all the posts categorized as fashion.
If blogger will let you!
I also vote for a fashion page. And for workout fashion advice. You should see what I wore to the gym on Wednesday. You would laugh. Hard.
That video is just way too cute!!! Way to go Sadie for choosing the grilled chicken!!!
Ok, IMHO, I think an “extra page” would be dead weight. I just dont see why you would create a seperate page on the blog for daily/weekly/monthly fashion pics. I say this because the way you just did it in this post actually works out quite well. You can just “tack it on” to the bottom of one of your current posts…or if you dont like mixing the two together, why not just create a seperate daily post with that? Tho you are usually an AM and PM writer so this could easily mesh well with the AM one..I dont know..just a thought (or two) that was going through my head when you asked. I do like the Outfit looks (and your format for it) idea tho. :o) Seeing other gal’s photos actually gives me some ideas (bc I SEVERELY lack in the fashion dept. haha)
Ah ha ha! That’s so funny that she chose the chicken. My dog LOVES the beef patties from In N Out Burger, so I think he would have picked the burger. 🙂 I love the fashion idea! You always seem to dress so cute.
Good choice Sadie! Happy birthday!!
I would love a fashion page. I think you always look so cute!
I would love to see the posts no matter where you put them…front page or separate page. 🙂
I love the idea! If you’d feel comfortable, I’d also love if it included the prices of current pieces so I know if they’d be reasonable purchases for me. =)
Love the video!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happ Bday Sadie!!
Love the fashion idea!
Yes to the fashion! Please do it!
I think a fashion page is a great idea! You always have cute outfits on. 🙂
This is amazing, i HAVE to do this with my weim!!! she would go NUTS!! And yes, fashion please 🙂
Yes to the fashion page–love how you presented it too. I need help in the fashion department lately, so it would be great to see how you put things together. I agree with everyone else–you always look so cute.
A fashion page would be great :).
Happy birthday Sadie!!