Good morning! I hope your Monday is off to a good start.
I had a wonderful weekend at the beach with some of my favorite people.
We celebrated my friend Laurel’s birthday and had a great time catching up in the sun. We ate cupcakes and I also had my first chicken and waffles experience at Metro Diner (um, delicious)! They top the Belgian waffles with strawberry butter and mix a little hot sauce into the syrup, so it’s sweet and spicy.
I have a bunch of early shifts on my work schedule this week, which is a bit of a bummer. I ended up falling asleep for two hours in the middle of the day yesterday and as someone who never naps, I was so happy I had a chance to catch up on some sleep. (To those of you who work the night shift or have little ones who need your attention at all hours of the night, I tip my hat to you!)
I am having a hard time falling asleep when I get into bed early at night and waking up at 4:20 a.m. leaves me feeling more than ready for a normal wake up time by the time the weekend rolls around. I’m hoping I’ll be able to get a good night sleep and fall asleep right when I crawl under the covers tonight!
I arrived at the gym before 5 a.m. to open and worked through the morning. Now I have a super short break before it’s time to work again. I’m teaching a functional class today and spent some time creating an upbeat playlist and six quick, sweaty circuits last night. I hope the class likes it!
Breakfast this morning included a bowl of overnight oats that I prepped last night. I polished off the last of a container of freshly ground almond butter from Earth Origins yesterday and mixed the oats in the container to get the very last of the almond butter.
Topped with walnuts and shredded coconut!
I hope you have a great week!
Question of the Morning
- If you could create your own hours at work, what hours would you work?
- Have you ever had to regularly wake up ridiculously early for work or work the night shift? How did you handle it?
Im suprised you didn’t mention Cory M. in this post. So sad.
Wow, I don’t know how you start so early! Way to go, girl! I don’t have to work super early or work the night shift (phew!), but sometimes I feel like I’m doing both – I currently work about 8am to somewhere between 10pm and 1am (we have a break for dinner in there but I have to eat with my team 80% of the time). It makes working out in the morning super important! If I could choose, I would work 10-4 (hehe, not quite a “normal” workload).
I LOVE my hours now (8:30ish – 5ish). I had a super early server job at a hotel restaurant about two years ago and I woke up at 4 a.m. to workout and got to work around 6 a.m. It was brutal.
I must tip my hat to YOU because I don’t know how you do it, waking up that early in the morning for work. I’m sure it will continue to get easier, and as time goes on, you’ll probably get to establish your own hours!
My ideal hours would be 10 to 6, enough time to get a lot done, including my workout BEFORE work.
When I was in in PR in NYC, I went to the west coast several times for work. One time, I had to wake up at 2:30 AM to be at a studio by 4 am for interviews in NYC. I then had to work an event until 8 pm the same day. Needless to say, I was exhausted!
As a nurse, I work a rotating day/night schedule every few weeks, so I feel i have no sense of normalcy. They are the standard 12 hour shifts, too, so that also makes it hard. I am not a good day sleeper, and would stress myself out about working out before night shift, but quickly learned that sleep trumps working out for your body. Working out on days isnt really an option when I am up at 5:15 and out the door by 6 and not home until after 8pm! Eating gets all kind of crazy as well. I have just had to learn to go easy on myself, and be thankful to have a job that I love.
I totally understand how you feel! I am a nightshift nurse and sometimes I get so upset about my sleeping/eating habits because I can never have a normal life. The hardest part for me is figuring out when to eat and how much to eat so I’ve been tracking my calories with but I have no clue how many calories I should be taking in since I run a TONNNN! I like your comment about going easy on yourself and being thankful, I definitely need to try to do the same!
Yum! I’ve only had chicken and waffles a couple of times, but it is a genius combination!
I would choose 8:15-3:30. I’m a teacher so my days are between 7/8 hours of class time but I’m always staying an hour or so after work and/or bringing work home with me. If I could start at 8:15 I would force myself to get up early and work out before work so I could have time to shower and still be to work in time to get the day started. I love working out in the morning and it would be so nice to feel energized starting my day and not have to muster up the energy for a workout AFTER I leave work.
My previous job was 7-2:10 and it was AMAZING being out so early even if I stayed an extra hour, which I did most days, I was still out before 3:30! I’m definitely a morning person though so I love when it’s summer and I’m not on my school schedule that I can work out first thing in the morning!!
I haven’t been able to sleep for the last 4 years…so I’m a zombie 24-7 and its affecting my body and brain.
I remember when Jenna at “eat live run” worked at a bakery at 5:30 or so each morning, wasn’t it? And kath’s husband has a bakery also?
I don’t think I could ever be satisfied. There’s always a good and a bad about any kind of hours, so I guess there is no perfect (or maybe I’m just indecisive 😉 ).
When I was in beauty school I’d work from 4am-8am then go to school from 8:30-5. You better believe I was in bed by 7:30-8 every night. I was pooped but it was nice to know that I didn’t have to go to work after school!
I would love to work earlier in the morning. I think the best hours I’ve had were 7-2. I would get enough sleep but also have enough time in the afternoon to get things done.
I understand how you feel with a very early shift. When I worked as a barista I would work 4:30-1:30 and even though it was nice to be done early I would still take a 30 min nap during my break and also nap after work. That was the only way I felt like I was getting enough sleep.
When I travel for work I have to work really weird hours and it can wear you out fast! I just take rest when I can get it, even if it means napping at weird times.
When I used to work at a restaurant, the opener was on vacation so for a week I had to be at work by 6 and by the end of that week I was dead, I have no idea how you handle it!
Totally random but I just had to say that I’m going swimsuit shopping today and really loving your green top black bottom combo. I may have to give it a try.
If I could, I would work 8am-11am and 1-5pm. That 2 hour break rather than 30 minutes I have now would enable to hit the gym in the middle of the work day — the hardest adjustment for me as I start my career is getting used to sitting around a desk all day. I get so restless!
I am a bread baker which requires me to be at work between 2 30 am and 4 am most days. It’s hardest in the summer when the suns still shining and birds chirping to get to bed early! But I love my job!
Yahhhh dang. Waking up in the 4 o clock hour is tough. I do it 1x/week to teach a fitness class in the a.m. I actually don’t mind it–I can do it about 3x/week, but more is WAY too hard. hah. I like working 8-4 best! Sometimes its 9-5 though (I work from home). I like my evenings–to teach and/or just chill/spend time with the hubby!
Kudos to you for waking up so early so often! I don’t know about you but this weekend was a tough one in Florida because of the Zimmerman trial. Lots of tension in the air!
Working in a hospital always gives you crazy hours! I currently have a 2 1/2 hour commute to work and I have to be there at 6:45 in the morning. I leave around 4:50 and get home around 9:30 p.m. It’s a long day but I love my job! I’ll have to start looking to move closer!
I used to work ridiculous hours in my first job and my sleeping schedule was thrown off SO bad. I would work some days from 4 PM -2 or 3 AM, and then the following day I would have to come in early around 11. It was pretty rough, and I’m a little embarrassed to say that coffee fueled my life then. I love my hours now-I work 8:00-4:00. I can still get in morning workouts if I want, and I have a little extra time in the afternoon. Although I wouldn’t mind 7:30-3:30, I don’t think I can get myself together and in the office that early every day!
I know waking up that early is tough. When I used to work at an investment bank, I had to be at work around 7-7:30 am, but the time I got off was always unknown (sometimes 6pm, 9pm, 11pm). To deal with the stress, I just had to workout which meant morning workouts for me. My alarm used to go off at 4:45 am. When I could, I got in bed around 8pm and fell asleep before 9 so I always got 8 hours. Then again I didn’t have a husband or a dog at the time and think that could make it hard! Sooner or later, your body will get used to it (or just more so…)
Ive worked evry shift under sun and moon but fave was 5am-1230pm…and i hate mornngs! Once i got in routine twas awesome…no crowds or traffic when runnimg errands
After reading your blog for over a year, I finally made my first batch of overnight oats! You’re right, it takes a while to get used to the consistency and the fact that you’re eating cold oats instead of warm. I may need to play around with it to see what I think tastes best, but it was fun trying something new for breakfast! Thanks 🙂
I work 1-6 ish most days, suits me perfectly…early morning workouts, blogging and cooking, and work….dinner time and then early to bed 🙂
I would LOVE to have a normal schedule of 8-5. I currently work three jobs, waiting tables, coaching a cheer squad, and a personal trainer. Many times I’ve had to train clients at 530am while taking 23 hours of college. Thankfully that client is a teacher and this summer isn’t bad at all. I do wish I had weekends and evenings off though. I work almost every evening and it would be nice to just go to the movies on a weekend, but nope, work awaits.
If i had it my way, I’d probably work from home and start around noon – wake up, relax, workout, shower, and get some work done! I work one day a week 1-9 and it’s my favorite – love it so much more than 9-5
I actually slept the best I’ve ever slept when I was waking up at 4:30 and working out. But it has to be consistent….now that it’s summer and my schedule is open, my changing bedtimes make it harder. Waking up and going to bed at the same time every day really makes a difference.
I get up at 4:45 so I can workout before my job (starts at 7:15). Honestly Target brand sleep aid is a miracle worker! I fall asleep early enough – like 9pm and I don’t wake up groggy!
I’m a shift worker so I work early mornings and overnights. I work 2 days, then 2 nights, then 4 off. My shifts are 6-6, so I am usually up by 4:20am…a little earlier in the winter on days I have to shovel snow, clear off the car, travel in a storm, etc. I love my shift work, but I definitely had to train myself to get used to the sleeping schedule, which included learning to nap before my night shifts. Sleeping during the day, after a night shift, is a whole other ball game, but I definitely have tricks that I use to help with the obstacles of shift work and sleeping. I wouldn’t want to change my hours, and I enjoy having my 4 days off to get stuff done…plus when I take a rotation off for vacation (which I’m currently on!) I end up getting 12 days off!!
It’s pretty sweet:)
I would love to work from 6:30 – 3:30 p.m. (hoping I didn’t have much of a commute!) I like “school hours”.
I’ve worked third shift for 9 years as a lab scientist in a hospital. Unfortunately I’m pretty much stuck on nights because everyone in my lab pretty much works there until they retire and I’m one of the younger ones. I also work in probably the best hospital anywhere around the area where I live in Ohio. I’d love to move to another state, though, so hopefully I can find a position on another shift, or get off nights quicker there at least. I’m grateful for a stable, decent paying career, but working nights does get old. I feel crappy on work days (daytime sleep IS NOT the same, even though I always sleep almost 9 hours) and don’t do anything besides work & sleep those days either.
Elisabeth- I also am a lab scientist working the night shift! We work 2200 to 0630…I’ve been on the shift for 7 years. It is definitely hard to get used to. I usually work out in the morning when I get off. And get up around 5pm. The gym is empty and it makes me tired enough to sleep during the day. Working night shift definitely requires more sleep than other shifts! I’m always so scared I’m never going to get enough sleep so I end up feeling like I sleep alot!! Stick with it though! I never thought I’d get off nights and I just got promoted to manager so I’ll be switching to days anytime now. Which is going to be another huge adjustment!
Right now I work 8-5 (at least) and I really like that because it’s not too early and I get off before it’s too late, but I think 7:30-4:30 would be great because I’d be off a little bit before everyone else and might have to sit in less traffic that way 🙂
Thank you for the recognition to us new parents, haha! Oh mannn I never thought I’d love to take naps until now. 😀 And omgness, I want to try those waffles so bad!
I used to work crazy hours. I opened at my old job, (a gym!) so I would have to be there by 4:45 am to open up at 5 am. I live about 25 minutes out from the gym, so in order to get everything done in the morning I needed to (and still doing a lot of prep work at night) I would be up at 3:30 am M-F. Most days I would be off at 12 or 1 (pm) at the latest, so I would get my workouts in when I was done working. The only good thing I can attribute to that schedule was that I got a lot of studying/homework done during those shifts…what else am I supposed to do at 5 am? 🙂 I did miss my morning workouts, though, and now that I have more of a ‘normal’ schedule, I am up and at the gym at 5 am, but to work out! Yay! Take it from someone who knows those morning shifts are tough! One thing I would say to try is simply just going to bed earlier so that you get an adequate nights sleep. Even if it means winding down earlier, its worth not feeling so sluggish the next day! Good luck with everything! I love reading your blog, I have gotten quite a few healthy recipes and workouts from you. And Sadie is the cutest! She is hilarious. Dogs are awesome 🙂
I’m SO not a night person. But as much as I say I’m a morning person, I don’t thing I’m a 4 am person, so I tip my hat to you! Those oats are to die for! I’m definitely going to have to try the coconut and oats combo. I’ve been loving your functional circuit workouts, so I’m sure the class will too! Feel free to share! 🙂
I’m a nurse and work nights (7p-7a) in a Nicu at least 3 days a week. I’ve been working nights for almost three years and i guess I’ve gotten used to it. I’ve gotten to the point where I can sleep pretty much whenever. I switch my schedule back and forth on my off days so I can be a normal person which takes a lot of discipline. After my last night of work I only sleep 4 hours (max) so I can go back to bed that night with my hubby. It can be tough but I really don’t like getting up early so working days seems worse in some ways.
When I was in college, over the summer holidays I’d work nightshift (8pm – 5/6am). It kinda sucked having to go to work when everyone else was going out at night, but it was glorious waking up in the middle of the day and having a whole afternoon to enjoy in the summer!
As many of you have commented, I am also a night shift nurse and sometimes sleeping during the day can be a huge task! Luckily I work 12 hour shifts and even though they get long, I have four days off! But let me tell you.. You need those 4 days off as a nurse, especially being a night owl! I usually sleep from 8:30 am to 2 and then find myself awake for a few hours before I can get a little nap in right before work. I don’t mind the night shift and the biggest down side would be time away from my husband. I have worked on that shift for 3 years now and am pretty used to it but don’t see myself doing it for the rest of my career.
I used to train early monings at the gym until a year ago (I did it for 5 years, 5 days a week). It’s definitely exhausting after a bit. You just have to make sleep a priority or it messes with you physically and mentally. I had a baby 9 months ago and now I am working part time training, but not as early. I now am working on growing my blog so basically I am doing the opposite of what you’re doing. You have so many followers! I need to re read some of your blogging tips.
Good luck with the early morning shift!
Its like you read my mind! You seem to know so much about
this, like you wrote the book in it or something.
I think that you can do with some pics to drive the message home a
little bit, but other than that, this is wonderful blog.
A fantastic read. I will certainly be back.
I just started my new job about 4 months ago and have been needing to get used to 5AM wake-up for 6AM work start time. It was rough at first, but I really enjoy this since I am done with work by 2PM. I feel like I have enough time in the afternoon to work out, run errands, and prep dinner so once the boy gets home, we can eat and relax! 🙂