Tonight is a chill night in the Fagan household. Ryan and I have an eight-mile run on the books tomorrow morning to keep up with our half marathon training plan, so spending the night on the couch watching Jersey Shore on DVR and flipping through magazines sounded like a perfect evening to us.
Dinner was nice and simple tonight!
I made buffalo chicken sandwiches for us to eat, only we were out of the parmesan cheese that the recipe calls for and I used cottage cheese in its place.
It was good, but the buffalo chicken sandwiches are much better with the parmesan cheese. You better believe parmesan cheese is on my grocery list for this weekend!
On the side we enjoyed roasted cauliflower that I made by tossing the florets in olive oil and seasoned salt. The seasoned salt was a nice change from my usual garlic salt on the cauliflower.
After dinner, we threw the ball around in our backyard with Sadie before enjoying the evening air in our screened in porch, away from the summer bugs!
Time to relax. See ya after our long run in the morning! (<—Yes, I am trying to psych myself up. Eight miles seems awfully daunting right now. I wonder if we’ll have another unexpected running buddy tomorrow?)
I don’t know if it’s the season changing (shich you probably aren’t getting), but all of this week I have felt like staying home and eating soup! Then again, I live in Colorado and Fall is quickly approaching!
I’ve got 8 miles scheduled for tomorrow morning too! I’m nervous! Longest distance I’ll ever have run. Good luck to you!
how did it go???
Woo hoo! Good luck on your run tomorrow! 🙂 Rock it!
I love that Ryan is doing the long runs with you! I have 9 on my schedule and not really mentally prepared for it yet… Happy Running!
After a crazy week, I’m happy for a chill night in. Especially since the weather dropped about 30 degrees in one night. Warm apple cider and a movie on the couch was what I needed! Enjoy your warm air and your run tomorrow morning!
Goodluck with your 8miler tomorrow!!!! I have to get 18 in tomorrow morning. I just signed up for a half-marathon, so I’m going to run that and tag on 5 miles at the end. (My) Ryan said he’d ride his bike alongside of me to keep me company 🙂 Yayyyy!
you’re hardcore! good luck!
Thanks, Julie!!!! It was *so* fun and went really well! Ryan even ran a mile with me (and then switched to his bike). Hope yours went well, too!
You will do great tomorrow! I’ll think of you when I”m running my 10 miles 🙂
You’ll own that run..i have a batch of Maple Syrup Pumpkin icecream in the icecream maker as we speak, and a batch of Milk Chocolate Honey Goat Cheese icecream chillin in the freezer up next are going to be a soild reward after my 12 miler tomorrow morning… goodluck!
We had a glorious chill night in as well! Early bird sushi and grocery shopping for these wild kids 🙂
You don’t have an 8 mile run – you have back to back 4 milers. Makes it much more managable!
i love that thought!
Your night is pretty much EXACTLY our night except Real Housewives on DVR (and minus an 8 miler in the books for tomorrow! ha).
Have an awesome run tomorrow!
Good luck with your 8-miler!!! I have 20 on Sunday and I feel the same. I definitely WON’T regret it when I’m done though 🙂
don’t worry about the run – you’ve got ryan there right beside you – lucky girl! haha i’m starting to get nervous about how I’ll fare on my longer runs training for my 10 mile! but I’m used to doing it alone so hopefully my new playlist (made it today) will help!
Good luck on your 8 miler! I’m sure with Ryan there you guys will motivate each other to finish strong 🙂
You should try putting sumac on your roasted cauliflower! It is SO amazing!!! A little EVOO, S&P and Sumac and you have the best roasted cauliflower ever!!
i’ve never even heard of that!
Julie, you are gonna rock those 8 miles! Plus, I’m sure having a running buddy will totally help the time fly! Hope you’re having a great Friday night 🙂
Have a fantastic run tomm!
Ryan runs too?
And, yes, anything is better with cheese IMHO.
he’s training for the half marathon with me… well, he’s just doing the long runs. 🙂
Good luck tomorrow- you’ll definitely be able to get thru it! Mind over matter 🙂
It always helps me to break the runs up in my head. Two 4milers=easy, one 8miler=hard. I am sure you’ll be fine though. Having a running buddy always helps too.
I like that!! That’s smart!!
Still looks like a great dinner! I’m not such a huge fan of cottage cheese, so I’d probably sub goat in there instead myself 🙂
You’re going to rock that run in the am, lady! Have a good time and just take it easy and listen to your body!
You and Ryan should set a no-speaking ban till your run. That way you guys will have LOADS to talk about and the 8 miles will fly by! Good luck 🙂
Good luck on your run. Don’t even think of the distance just enjoy the weather and time with your husband and you will do great!
Good luck on your run! Do you guys run about the same pace? My husband runs sooo much faster than me!
On a side note, October is National Fitness Month and my local park district is offering 6 free fitness classes- including BodyPump!
I am so excited to try BodyPump! And for free!
ahh! you’ll love it!
Hope you and Ryan have a great run today! 🙂
Chill nights are the best…I plan on having one tonight! 🙂
Have fun with the lonngg run! Good luck 🙂
Best wishes for your long run! 😀
Dinner looks good! I want to buy some cauliflower. I tried mash cauliflower the other night at a restaurant and I am dying to make it at home. It was so good!
Good luck on your run! 🙂
Lesbi Honest…
“Does that turn you on?” “NO!”
One of the best episodes I’ve seen in a while!
Jay and I were like, umm…should we watch? No, we can’t watch…but wait, I can’t stop looking!
It was a total train wreck!
we LOVE adding cottage cheese on anything….I made chili this week and put cottage cheese on top instead of sour cream…it was SO good!
I had a night in last night as well! Sometimes those are the best!