Tuesdays = Cardio = Sweaty
Another super schweaty workout!
Today’s workout began on the treadmill with this 25-minute doozy:
Minutes | Incline | Pace |
0-5 | 5.0 | 3.8 |
5-10 | 1.0 | 6.5 |
10-20 | 1.0 | Alternating 4.5 for one minute with 8.0 for one minute |
20-25 | 8.0 | 4.0 |
…followed by 10 minutes on the stair master and 15 minutes on the elliptical.
Once my workout was done, I headed upstairs to find Ryan in the weights room. As I was walking up the stairs, he was walking down the stairs – perfect timing! I motioned for him to go in front of me, saying, “Ladies first,” because I’m nice like that.
Ryan then told me that he learned that as a man, he should walk in front of a woman walking down the stairs in case she falls, so he could be there to brace her fall. I then said, “So I guess you walk behind the woman when she’s walking up the stairs in case she falls backward, right?”
His reply? “No. We walk behind her walking up the stairs for the view.” How charming. He’s a butt guy fo’ sho’. (And, as a proud member of the IBTC, thank goodness.)
When it came time to decide what to make for breakfast this morning, the decision was an easy one thanks to all of the fresh summer berries I had on hand.
Oatmeal and summer berry parfait, please!
I layered Greek yogurt with cold oatmeal, raspberries, blueberries and sliced strawberries to make the parfait.
It looked like the Fourth of July!
My discussion with Ryan this morning about walking in front of a woman who is walking down stairs to ensure her safety got me thinking about chivalry on my morning walk with Sadie.
I consider myself a fairly independent person, but I’ve always, always appreciated traditional chivalrous gestures. I think they’re polite, respectful and courteous and should Ryan and I ever have a son, I want to raise a boy who opens doors for women, offers his coat to a woman who is cold and helps carry luggage at the airport. (Of course I would also want to raise a helpful and courteous daughter.)
During my family’s vacation to Europe last May, my sister and I were constantly impressed with one of the husbands on our trip. He was incredibly attentive to his wife, always helped people load and unload luggage and went the extra mile to make sure his wife was safe and comfortable. Leslie and I actually asked him if his parents engrained that in him or if it was an effort on his part. He said it “wasn’t an option.” Apparently his dad taught him that women are to be treated with respect and adoration.
While I appreciate it when Ryan opens a door for me, I feel totally awkward when guys open and close car doors for me. It makes me feel pretentious and just plain silly (unless they simply beat you to the car door after a date and open it for you to hop in). Still, I’m all for chivalrous acts. I don’t think they belittle women, but rather show that a man respects a woman enough to go out of his way to help her.
Question of the Morning
- Do you appreciate chivalrous gestures? Why or why not?
i loveeee chivalrous gestures… like opening the door for a date or girl and all of that.. im defs independent so i wnt them to order for me and those sorts of things, but little things i love!!
love ur cardio day 😀
woops! I DONT wnt them to order for me*
I don’t think guys have to be over the top, but I definitely appreciate the little things. For example, when we’re walking or running on the street, my fiance always run on the side closest to the street. He also insists on sleeping closest to the door in our bed so that he can “protect me.”
ryan does the sidewalk/street thing, too! i had never even heard of it before him!
I do that for my dog, haha!
I totally appreciate chivalrous acts. I am a little old school in all my thinking though, so it’s not surprising. I would rather a guy that is too gentlemanly than the opposite. I feel like there aren’t as many guys that know how to treat a woman these days. Of course, I don’t totally blame the guys, I think women have let men get away with acting like jerks, so we’re not helping the situation either.
PS- love the all-American parfait! Perfect for July 4th 🙂
me too! i like tradition and “woo-ing.” 🙂
I think chivalry is nice. It shows good manners and that you were raised well. But, I have the same expecations for females, too. (In so far as holding doors, etc.!)
I hear you on the IBTC thang – and my man seems to have the same interests as Ryan! 😉 He is a gentleman though, and I was impressed on our first date and even these days how he always opens doors for me and other sweet little things that really mean a lot to me!
I love any and all acts of chivalry! I’ve never been a feminist and believe there really ARE some things guys should do and girls shouldnt HAVE to do. Garbage duty is one of them lol
so love this Julie 🙂 I def agree with you I appreciate boys being chivarly. My fiance on our first date, I said that it wasn’t going to be a ‘date’ yet he still payed, opened the door for me, and picked me up at the door, all because he said his dad ‘raised him to respect and care for any woman, dating or not’ He’s def one of those guys that will do anything and everything for not just me, but any of his friends that are woman. It makes me feel so proud and hopefully will raise our kids (sons if it happens) the same way 🙂
he sounds like a keeper!
Haha, I always thought men walked behind women so they could look at their tush while they walk up!
I agree, I believe chivalry will always exist as long as father’s raise their sons to be a gentleman. After all, the men who were raised that way are the ones we all want!
I do like acts of chivalry up to a point. I like when guys hold doors open for me and things of that nature. But opening and closing the car door is a bit much for me. That makes me feel uncomfortable.
Love the breakfast parfait! So pretty 🙂
I do appreciate some chivalrous gestures. When we go hiking I like it if my guy checks to see if I need help getting up a steep rock and makes sure everything is okay. I like to feel like my guy is looking out for me because he cares, not because he thinks I can’t do something myself. That’s when I don’t like chivalry!
i like that too! when ryan and i go scuba diving i REALLY appreciate that he helps me with my tanks and all that heavy equipment. it’s such a pain!
I absolutely appreciate chilvarous gestures — chilvary isn’t dead! Though rare, when you see chivalry in action, it’s a beautiful thing.
I couldnt agree more. When I have a son I want to teach him all of these things as well. my fiance is very chivalrous, and I love that about him. He’ll open car dorrs for me (mostly on dates or special occasions, bu sometimes just because.) And he always gets the door for me. I dont think its pretentious. It makes me feel like he really cares anout me and my well being.
I would say my husband is more thoughtful than chivalrous. He really does think of everyone else first. He was completely raised that way (his whole family is like that). So not only do I have a great husband, but great in-laws too 🙂
Um can I just say that your breakfast looks amazing???
About chivalry, I definitely appreciate it, but sometimes too much makes me feel sort of uncomfortable….
I love chivalry. It shows that a man is there for YOU not for your goods. Ryan sounds like such a sweetheart, and I agree 100% — should I ever have a son, I will raise him to be a chivalrous prince <3
I’m on the same page – I absolutely love chivalrous geusture and my mom always taught me to look for certain qualities in a guy to see if they are worthy enough of me, hehe. #1 Opening the car door! #2 Coming to the door the take me out (instead of just waiting in the driveway) #3 and ALWAYS ALWAYS greeting my parents when he walks into the house.
I moved to Atlanta 7 months ago and it’s definitely nice to see some Southern gentleman down here. Although my boyfriend is from the North, he has always taken very good care of me.
I love chivalrous gestures! When boyfriend opens my car door, I’m all smiles 🙂
I think certain gestures are really nice, like opening doors, but if the guy is always finding ways to help me and it gets too much, then I’d start to feel a little helpless. Like I couldn’t take care of myself!
And LOL I loved your tweet on Ashley’s bazoombas last night. I was pretty confused too, since I am also a member of the IBTC 😉
i know!!!! i need to get myself THAT bra.
way to rock that treadmill this morning and that parfait looks delicious!! 🙂
when it comes to acts of chivalry i really appreciate the opening of doors, pulling my chair out, and things like that, but like you said it makes me feel sort of awkward at the same time! i feel like it’s really sweet but at the same time i don’t want them to think that i’m some sort of prissy princess. lol. i guess i’m more just self-conscious that people will think i’m high maintenance, but i think that’s mostly in my head. that said, i HATE people who just order for me, when it comes to my plate leave the decisions up to me…recommendations welcome but i make up my own mind for the final cut. 🙂
Hahahaha! Loved Ryan’s comment about the view from behind – so funny! I’m in a coffee shop right now on my laptop and it made me laugh out loud – and probably look very silly! But totally worth it! 😀 I love chivalrous gestures – they make me feel special, and they’re nice and thoughtful 🙂 xyx
I do appreciate chivalry…I am Southern girl through & through….BUT it is hard to find these days!
Your breakfast looks great! I am still anticipating your muffin recipe 😉
I LOVE chivalry! It will never die in my mind. I think I am very old-fashioned in this respect, but have been raised by parents who were a perfect example of respect, attentive relationship behaviors, and overall “gender roles” from back in the day.
I do have to say that it is very important for a man to be attentive, and that is something that doesn’t even apply to chivalry! Also, I agree that car doors seem silly and stuff but I would rather feel silly than neglected! 🙂
I love chivalrous gestures! One thing my boyfriend told me is that it makes him feel good to do those things so even when I feel like I can do something myself, (open close the car door) I let him. I dont usually mind, and I think it’s cute, and I have friends who are dating guys who don’t take the time to do those things so it makes me even more appreciative.
There are many times when I am out with Craig when I think twice “that was nice of you.” It is not uncommon for him to grab most of the grocries or all of the heavy items, put his sweater or jacket around me when I am cold without me saying anything, always opening the door for me..I consider myself a pretty independent person as well, but when it comes to the important stuff (buying a car, investing money, etc.) Craig always feels the need to step up and take charge. I really feel protective with him. One act of chivarly though that he does not do is push my chair out for me. I think he has done it a few times and I have told him that it makes me feel a little dumb…just does lol!
I appreciate chivalry to a degree. I like having the door opened for me, but the car door is a little too much. I find it very awkward and makes me feel pathetic. 😉
I definitely appreciate chivalrous gestures. It’s like that bank commercial where one person sees someone do one nice thing and then they do a nice thing in return – I’m a big believer in that. If you treat people nicely, they’re more likely to pass it on (or give it back!)
Unfortunately working in NYC you don’t see a lot of it! Haha.
I love chivalry and I think it’s important! It’s what sets some guys apart and I agree it shows they are willing to go out of their way for you. The one thing I do still wish is that men would court women like they used to 😉
I appreciate them to an extent. Like you said yes, open the mall door for me, but the car door – maybe a little too much I am a grown up 😉
If I have a boy I also want to raise them to make sure they are aware of these simple gestures 🙂
Though I’m really independent, I love it when Dan does “what guys are supposed to do.” I find it to be a subtle way that he says I love you by just opening doors for me, carrying the grocery bags, etc. It makes me feel so protected!
I’m from the South, so ladies and gentlemen must have manners! It’s just par for the course. My mother-in-law gets mad at my husband if he doesn’t open the car door for me. The simple things really go a long way in my book.
BTW, I laughed out loud reading your reference to the IBTC…right there with ya, girl! 🙂
Hi, fairly new reader 🙂 Workout looked awesome! And so did breakfast. I like it when my husband opens the dor for me 🙂 It makes it feel like we’re still somewhat in the dating stage, rather than the married with a kid stage 🙂
I love chivalry! As long as a guy is doing it for the right reasons- if they stop doing it after they’ve “won” you over then I don’t like it because it’s not real. Thankfully, my boyfriend still does all of the nice things for me. It’s so cute because his mom is always telling him to make sure that he still does them. I’m glad he listens :).
I like chivalry to an extent too, my husband is really good about opening doors and helping with luggage and he would totally say what Ryan did about walking behind me up the stairs too!
another “butt guy?” 😉
yes but he has too be because I too am a member of the IBTC! 🙂
I love when my boyfriend does chivalrous things like discreetly pulling the chair out for me at a restaurant. He also always offers to carry my luggage or groceries for me and for that I am eternally grateful. I can carry it myself if I choose but its nice of him to want to help. Oh, and at the school I go to it is pretty well-known that you ALWAYS hold the door for the person behind you, whether they’re two feet away or 20. I really hope this doesn’t fizzle out with future generations because its such an easy act of kindness that people really notice.
I appreciate some chivalrous gestures for sure! My husband is a gentleman when it comes to opening doors (but only car doors rarely), offering me a jacket, running on the street side, etc. He also takes charge in difficult situations (like confronting our landlord about a problem) which I appreciate. His mama definitely taught him right. 🙂 He tells me that treating me with this kind of respect is second nature for him.
Great topic Julie!!! I’m on the same page as you – I appreciate it and I think it’s kind and courteous. These days (and I hate saying that because I feel like it’s what old people say!) a lot of the chivalrous gestures like holding doors etc are pretty rare amongst the groups of guys I know, so it’s actually sort of surprising when a guy actually DOES do it. I won’t complain! 🙂
I’m all for chivalry, but that seems extreme haha. I wouldn’t want to miss out on a good guy by acting pretentious!!
Oops, I meant to comment on Meg’s lol 🙂
Hi Julie!
We had a lady come to my sorority last year to speak on modern day chivalry and we were told if a guy doesn’t open the door for you at a car you should just wait until he does. I then thought of how funny it would be waiting patiently outside a car door for a guy already inside who was probably wondering what I wad doing just standing out there.. And how high mantenance he would think once he found out what I was doing. Good luck lady… I don’t need a guy to open a car door for me and I certainly wouldn’t wait awkwardly outside of one just prove a point in the name of chivalry. 🙂
i would love to see someone do that! haha!
Ah, if I could find a way to make all my meals Red, White, and Blue for the next few days, I would. I just imagine it’d make for very odd looking sandwiches and the vegetable options would be low (Blueberry Tomato Whipped Cream Sammies, anyone?)
I like chivalry to a certain extent but I know it bugs my beau since he’s a good southern boy and I’m a fiercely independent lady. Once, when I had a broken foot, he came home to find me laying at the foot of my bed, having fallen down trying to carry a plate full of burger and sweet potato fries in one hand and a full glass of water in the other, and hopping back to the room on one foot.
He just shook his head, helped me up, and tried not to laugh.
There are definitely times when this Miss Independent could afford accepting the chivalry of her knight in shining armor.
I totally appreciate little things like that! My husband will always take a heavy bag off my shoulder, open doors for me or clean the kitchen after I’ve made dinner. His mother raised him right 🙂
I LOVE little acts of chivalry! I agree wit h you that it does not belittle women, it makes us feel respected and special. Of course, I hold doors open for people to be courteous and allow people to go in front of me, but it still feels great when someone does something chivalrous for me!!
I love all the little things my husband does, he always makes sure I’m happy. On our first date the car door thing threw me simply because he was the first to ever do it, now because of loading up kids all the time he cant but when we go on a date it just makes the night more special for me.
I definitely appreciate a thoughtful gesture, it’s always a nice surprise.
By the way, your breakfast is so beautiful today! I love the colors and textures. 🙂
Chivalry are such a turn-on! I love gentleman! Although I agree about the car door, it would be cute initially but eventually start to feel funny!
I love it! I love when Keith goes out of his way to be a gentleman. He always holds my chair for me, opens my car door and lets me have the last bite of dessert! 🙂
I definitely appreciate little acts of chivalry — it’s how I knew my boyfriend was a keeper! Before him, I settled for guys who disrespected me and took me for granted. I knew Dustin was different when he automatically does chivalrous things without even thinking about it — he opens doors for me, carries luggage, walks closer to the street, etc. 2.5 years later, he still does these things every day and ALWAYS tries to beat me to the car so he can open the door for me. It’s a little game he loves to play now.
The best part is when he does it for other people, though, not just me. He’ll open a restaurant door for me, but if there’s even a party of 10 behind me, he’ll wait and hold the door open for all of them to go through first! I think it shows a lot of character about him, and I get a ton of compliments about what a great guy I snagged 🙂
I’m very independent, but I LOVE chivalrous acts! I appreciate them so much more having gone to a southern university where guys ALWAYS opened doors for girls. I feel like it’s silly to sit in the car to wait for a guy to open the car door for me, but I do appreciate it when he opens it for me when I’m getting IN the car, and I like having doors opened for me or guys letting women in/out of the elevator first.
I don’t expect it to happen all the time, but it’s nice for guys to go the extra mile to be kind and polite.
Attentiveness is one of my fave qualities in a man… so though I also consider myself independent, I am always a fan when a guy shows he is thinking of others…especially his lover!
Chivalry all the way! (to a degree…some things I would feel awkward about if someone did for me all the time.)
I do appreciate chivalry on occasion.. but I also like to prove my independence.. I will lug ALL my luggage through the airport.. just to prove that I can. I can be stubborn like that.. quite often!
Such a coincidence that you wrote about this today as one of my girlfriends just forwarded me this recent huff post article on chivalry as a form of sexism:
it’s definitely something interesting to think about, however, at the end of the day, I think when a gentleman opens a door for a woman he’s not trying to suggest that she can’t do it herself! It’s simply an easy way to show that you respect someone and want to make them comfortable. If someone finds that offensive, they should probably chilllll out.