At the gym this morning, I learned I have something to work on.
Tricep push ups. Oh goodness.
I felt so incredibly weak as I attempted to do three sets of tricep push ups on my knees at the end of my workout. Sure, I saved them for last when my arms were already fatigued, but they were killer for me!
I began my workout with two rounds of the killer incline walking workout I did a couple weeks ago. It’ll make ya sweat!
Then it was time to rock my upper body with this workout:
In retrospect, saving the tricep push ups for the end of the workout was probably a silly thing to do because I was already quite tired and I had a really hard time getting through all 15 repetitions three times. But it felt really good to challenge myself!
When we arrived home, I had one thing on my mind.
Egg + Jelly + Cheese
As always, the cheese was the best part.
Ooey gooey!
Christmas Car Costumes
Yesterday my car got Christmasified!
Sadie judged me during the entire process of transforming my car into a road reindeer, but now she can’t wait to go for a ride in my reindeermobile.
I’ve been eyeing reindeer cars for a few years now, and this year I finally bought one back in November in anticipation of the holiday season. Yes, I know this is ridiculous.
Ridiculously awesome.
Now I just need the “My Other Car is a Sleigh” bumper sticker!
In case you’re in the market for a Christmas car costume for your ride, here are some other options available for you festive crazies friends:
And, if you can believe it, they also have car costumes for many other holidays, including Easter, St. Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Independence Day and more!
oh my gosh I LOVE your car costume!! I’m so jealous!!
$14 on amazon! 🙂
I love the feeling of sore muscles after a hard workout! Loving the car accessories.
I love your car costume. I have debated getting one for years. You need a wreath for the front too:) And triceps pushups are no joke! They are my least favorite part of BodyPump.
Great workout! Can you pl explain Mac Raises- I googling them but had no luck!
i learned about them in bodypump & now they’re one of my favorite shoulder exercises. here’s more info w/ a picture demo:
I absolutely LOVE those christmas costume cars! Wish I could get them here!
Wow, I’ve never seen anything other than the reindeer car costume, but these are awesome! Not sure I’d put them on my car, but I still like the idea!
the car is great. Where did you purchase? 🙂
I LIVE the elf car!
Haha! I love that you got a costume for your car! Too cute 🙂
I love that reindeer car costume – its so adorable! I hate pushups. I still have to do them on my knees. They are killer!
Ohh I saw a reindeer car like the last week!
I saw this reindeer costume on a huge manly truck the other day! Haha
It always turns out that when i up my weights in bodypump, and am feeling extra good about myself, that the instuctor adds in the triceps pushups and i am back to feeling weak! Those pushups are my weakness for sure.
Holy smokes–that is hilarious and awesome!
It feels so good to push yourself to the end of a hard workout–good job! Triceps pushups are so killer because you’re moving your entire body weight with 2 very small muscles. Hard stuff but it works 🙂
Lovin’ the egg and cheese and jam combo too–soooo good!
That arm workout looks great! I am going to try it tonight!
I have seen people with car decorations before, and they usually have a license plate from a warm-weather state. Poor Michigan =(
I like the reindeer one the best, your car is going to look awesome 🙂
Wow, I had no idea that there were so many options for car costumes! I’d only ever seen the reindeer one! It’s been unseasonably warm here in NH for December, but the cold weather/snow is supposed to start making its way this way by the end of the week… just in time to Christmas-ify our house! (I know, late this year!)
Hahah I love the elf car… 🙂
I like the antlers!
My triceps have been BURNING ever since the trainer beat on them on Thurs.
The Kidless Kronicles
haha, I love car costumes. When I was in high school I had these giant candy canes hooked around the rear-view mirrors of my parents beat up van that I drove. They were not meant for that, so probably pretty unsafe… Funny though 🙂
Tricep pushups own me. Actually, all pushups of any kind own me.
You’re car costume is hillarious! I would totally point and giggle if I saw you on the road 🙂
try some yoga!! those chaturangas will whip your triceps right into shape 🙂
oh, Julie. I love you, but I’m really glad I don’t have to ride beside you in your reindeerfied car.
…unless we blare some Hanson/N*Sync Christmas. then I might be swayed.
OMG my boyfriend and I share a car – I should totally do this!
I have the reindeer costume on my car! I love them! They make me smile every time I see them on there! Funniest it when you are driving and you see the shadow of yor car…You can see the antlers 🙂
I have a hard time doing any type of pushup. Thanks for sharing your walking workout!
Hahaha, there it is!! I love it 🙂
I think yours was the best choice – cause a reindeer car actually needs two things sticking out! Two of the same snowman thing or something looks a bit silly… ahahah
I’ve seen the reindeer one around, but the elf costume is too funny!
I’ve seen the Easter Bunny cars!! And I think dressing up your car is cute. I bet you even have a name for your car, don’t you? haha
The title of this post cracked me up right off the bat.. I always think cars decorated for the holidays (or sports games) are so hilarious to see.. they remind me of big, overwgrown puppies with bows on or something haha I don’t know why.
Oh my gosh, I love this.
I am especially fond of the Elf Car. I really want one of these.
Also, don’t feel bad about the tricep pushups.
I’m pretty sure I can do about 3 on my knees at the BEGINNING of a workout.
My triceps definitely need work!
I bought TJ blueberry goat cheese for my egg sammies. So good!
reindeer is clearly the superior car costume option.
So cute! I love the reindeer car costume, but the elf one is a little creepy. :S
so cute! I have seen the reindeer before but never the others. I would be afraid I would accidentally roll down my window. I have a New Orleans Saints flag I fly out my window on game day and I can’t tell you how many times I have rolled down my window and it has gone flying off and I have had to go get it in the road. Whoops!
Tricep pushups always kill me!
Hahah.. sweet carstume..
I was hoping the antlers would be for Sadie. I want to my pups in ridiculous costumes, but they don’t do clothes! The pull them off themselves!
I love it. 🙂 It’s so much fun to go all out for Christmas!! I started playing Christmas music way before Thanksgiving. 😉
I love the reindeer car! Definitely the best out of all the options!
my mom always puts decorations on her car..its kind of awesome (used to be embarrassing of course) i think you definitely need the elf costume!
Christmas car costumes are so adorably cute. My son would get a huge kick out of this!
I have also seen something called “Carlashes” that make your headlights look like eyes. Pretty funny!
pinned that workout! tricep push-ups are always a killer for me, too
I’ve been working on my tricep push-ups for a while now and still have to do them on my knees!
Haha your car costume is kind of amazing! Sadie should feel like a lucky girl in it- now she just needs to put on her costume too!
Where’s the dreidel and star of David costume?! ; )
haha YES
Sweet and savory [cheese and jelly] is my faveee combo!!! Looking forward to making some chocolate dipped pretzles with crushed candy canes!
Too funny – yesterday in church, our pastor was talking about christmas car costumes. It was hysterical.