The countdown to Christmas officially begins!
(Click here to listen to a lil’ acapella Christmas music a la Straight No Chaser – my favorite band – while you read the rest of this post to get you in the holiday spirit.)
I am still trying to decide whether I prefer acapella Christmas music or instrumental holiday tunes (think Mannheim Steamroller or Trans-Siberian Orchestra). Who am I kidding? I love all holiday music.
Post BodyPump, I came home and made myself a festive yogurt bowl for breakfast using 1.5 cups of plain Chobani yogurt as the base.
I topped the creamy yogurt with fresh blueberries, half of a sliced Granny Smith apple and two large spoonfuls of homemade cranberry sauce.
I flippin’ LOVE cranberry sauce!
Speaking of cranberry sauce…
Last week, in preparation for the Thanksgiving potluck held at my office on Tuesday, an office email was went out to all of the employees detailing what each person was bringing.
Upon seeing that two guys signed up to bring cranberry sauce together, one woman sent an email out saying that they better bring several cans, because she loves cranberry sauce.
To this, I replied “CANNED? It better be homemade.”
This email was then sent by a fellow coworker, illustrating my point.
Cranberry sauce should look like this:
NOT like this:
Well, the guys took the emails seriously and made homemade cranberry sauce. They even took it to another level and dispersed the sauce into clear cups and garnished each one with an umbrella.
It was delicious and b-e-a-utiful. 😀
And now it’s time to work, work, work!
had almost the same breakfast except mine involved pumpkin as well as homemade cranberries I love them and make them for myself to eat !
Yay for it finally being December! …even though I’ve been listening to Christmas music for weeks… 🙂
Hahaha I TOTALLY agree on your cranberry sauce stance!! Sauces should not be cylindrically shaped! We have a holiday potluck coming up at work too and I still haven’t decided what I’m bringing… gotta get on it soon! Have a great day 🙂
Your breakfast looks delicious and so fresh! Yum! If you love cranberry sauce you should try it mixed in oatmeal or mixed in pancakes (my fav!).
I totally agree with your cranberry sauce ideals! It should never come out of a can or be the consistency of jello. It’s just wrong.
We woke up with snow today…no better way to start the countdown to Christmas!
I’ve actually never had homemade cranberry sauce before! I’ve only had it from the can. The homemade cranberry sauce you have looks amazing!
Ditto. And probably why I avoid cranberry, looks nasty in that shape!
Nothing beats homemade, especially when the usual comes in a can – cranberry sauce in a can is just nasty when compared to cranberry sauce that’s been a little slaved over 🙂
I’m SO excited to countdown to Christmas! 😀
Rabbit rabbit (it’s December 1st, and it’s good luck!)! There is something so genuinely bizarre about the shape, texture, and taste of canned cranberry sauce. It gives me the heeby-jeezbies just to see a picture! I’m so glad you convinced your team to make homemade cranberry sauce. Mama Pea just posted a delicious-looking cranberry-blueberry sauce recipe!
December 1st also means the 1st night of Hanukkah for me!
Happy Hanukkah!
Cute countdown
I agree except Trader Joe’s makes an amazing cranberry sauce. Some store bought ones do taste close to home made!
Your breakfasted lookes yummy, as always!!!! I’m soooo excited about Christmas too!! It’ll be my first one in the States in 3 years, so I get to spend time with my relatives that live here!!!!
Happy December! Love countdown calendars =)
Straight No Chaser’s “Let it Snow” is fab!
I won’t lie to you.
I like canned cranberry sauce.
Everyone has skeletons in their closets.
YAY YAY YAY!! I love this season.
I love canned cranberry sauce, but in a completely different way from homemade. Canned is more like candy to me, while homemade is a gourmet dish!!
Thanks for introducing me to Straight No Chaser! As soon as I heard them on your blog from the concert you went to, I knew that my family would just love them. I’m surprising my parents on their anniversary by taking them to a concert in Melbourne right before Christmas. I’m so excited!
they will LOVE it!!! seriously the straight no chaser concert we went to was one of the best shows i’ve EVER seen. of course the guys are amazingly talented, but the show was also entertaining and funny. i hope your parents love it!
The photo of canned cranberry sauce made me want to gag a little bit. yuck! But homemade cranberry sauce? In yogurt? YUM!!
I agree about the cranberry sauce. If you’re just going to open a can, why bother?
Homemade cranberry sauce is da bomb! We had some at Thanksgiving and I just finished the last of it yesterday.
I’ve been putting homemade cranberry sauce on top of my hot oatmeal and then adding pom seeds to the top also.
It has been the best breakfast in a long time!
I love both canned and homemade cranberry sauce. We always had canned as a kid so it’s nostagic!
I’m going to see SNC tomorrow night! Yay!
Whats your Fav Cranberry Sauce recipe? I made some for Thanksgiving but it called for orange zest and the juice from the orange and came out a bit to “tangy” for most tastes.
the “whole cranberry sauce” recipe on the back of the bag is my fav. it’s so simple… just water, sugar & cranberries.
That’s awesome that they took on the challenge! Love the little umbrella additions too – very cute! Also your yogurt bowl looks to die for!
I love cranberry sauce! The idea of eating it from a can horrifies me! It has to be made fresh! 🙂
Cranberry sauce and Greek yogurt is my favorite! 🙂
I agree – homemade cranberry sauce FTW!
I am seriously freaked out by canned cranberry sauce! I mean the lines from the can are STILL on it!!! gah it scares me!
I totally agree. Canned cranberry sauce should be illegal. Yuck.
Is that one container of Chobani 1.5 cups? I always think the individual Chobani’s are never enough yogurt so I always have one of the big containers on hand so that I can add more 😉
that’s actually the 16-oz. size, so i scooped out approx. 1.5 c. from it. 🙂
hi, my name is erica….and i love canned cranberry sauce. :/
Julie-love the blog!
by the way, between the cranberry sauce at the work potluck and movember-your company sounds so fun! Where do you work?
i actually keep my place of employment a secret for safety reasons, but i work in downtown orlando. 🙂
any chances of getting the homemade cranberry sauce recipe posted on the blog??
haha i wish it was something amazing, but i just use the recipe on the back of the bag, it’s the “whole cranberry” recipe that calls for boiling 1 c. water & 1 c. sugar before dumping in the berries and letting them open on the stove for 10 min. (i cut back the amount of sugar by a bit though!)
I love love love cranberries but I am with Rachel (above) on this….any chance we could get a recipe….I am a putz in the kitchen and have no idea how to make it
On a side note….I am an almond butter fanatic….I buy the all natural one at Trader Joe’s that has the flax seed and sea salt in it—I eat it by the multiple spoonfuls lol
gah i wish we had a trader joe’s around here! the recipe i use for the cranberry sauce is the one on the back of the bag! 🙂
This is it!
Woohoo for the Christmas countdown beginning!! 😀 Turns out it’s only 23 days ’til Christmas, though. I had to looks it up when writing my post this morning..cause really, it’s confusing. I guess it’s all in what you countdown to, though! But hey, less days isn’t all that bad. 😉