Since the room was pitch black and I couldn’t see a clock from the bed where Ryan and I slept on Christmas Eve, when I awoke a little before 7 a.m., I was convinced it was around 3 a.m. I figured I’d have to remain in bed for another few hours feeling rather restless.
When Ryan rolled over and said Merry Christmas and started talking to me, I asked him the time and he said it was just before 7 a.m. – a perfectly acceptable time to wake up on Christmas morning! Hallelujah!
We hopped out of bed and took Sadie outside to go to the bathroom before making a surprise coffee run for the family in our pajamas.
Everyone seemed pretty excited to have a hot, festive drink to sip when they awoke! I don’t think I ever blogged about it, but a couple weeks ago, Ryan and I tried eggnog chai tea lattes at Starbucks and I highly recommend you snag one before they’re gone for the season. Oh my word.
Before everyone emerged from their bedrooms, Ryan and I retreated into quiet corner of the living room to exchange our gifts to each other.
It was a very Merry Christmas for the Fagans!
Once my grandma was up and about, my dad made mimosas for everyone and we did our Christmas Vacation-style drumroll for him as he put the angel atop the Christmas tree.
Then it was time to eat breakfast and open our stockings.
Monkey bread!
Cheesepuff casserole! (I still need to share this recipe with you guys.)
After breakfast, we moved in front of the Christmas tree to open our gifts. I love watching my family open their presents!
Perhaps the most memorable present-opening experience of the day yesterday occurred when my dad opened a brand new iArm!
You can walk around with your iPad attached to your arm, making it the perfect little gadget for work, running or even eating, since you can attach basically anything – even a plate of food – to the iArm!
Sooo… did I fool anyone???
My mom bought the above iArm gift box as a joke to see how my dad would react and it was awesome! To my knowledge the iArm doesn’t actually exist, but you can buy fun prank gift boxes featuring ridiculous products like it at
My mom, sister and I had way too much fun looking at all the different prank gift boxes online yesterday. Our favorite was the Crib Dribbler.
A perfect baby shower gift!
Ryan and I stayed at my parents’ house long enough to enjoy a fantastic dinner with my family before driving back to Ocala.
It was a wonderful Christmas!
OMG those prank boxes are awesome!!! I wish I would have known about them before christmas, I’m definately going to get some of them for next year.
Do we get to find out what you got from Ryan and what you gave him?
I love Sadie’s jammies!!!!
You totally fooled me! I was thinking wow I want one of those…haha so fun!
Haha, those prank gifts are hilarious! I cant wait to check out the website to see what other ones that they have to offer! Glad to hear you had a great Christmas!
Oh my goodness, you have to be kidding me with Sadie’s pajamas. That may be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!
Haha I totally believed the iArm until you said it was a joke. That’s a pretty cool idea though! What a fun Christmas 🙂
omg, the prank gift boxes are awesome! I only wish I had heard of this before Christmas!!! I HAVE to remember this for next year!
I was thinking that was the dumbest thing ever! Glad to see it was only a joke. LOL
Those prank boxes are too funny! I will have to keep this in mind
My sister in law got me one of those prank boxes!! I was so confused opening up my present! It was the shower head that doubles as a coffee maker so you can save time in the morning by drinking coffee while you shower! Hilarious!
OMG Sadie’s pajamas are hilarious!! 🙂
We had a wonderful Christmas too. I can’t believe its over!!
Looks like a great Christmas!! And I’ve been seeing those prank boxes and LOVE them. I’ll have to remember that for next year… 😉
That photo of Sadie and Ryan is heart melting! Im a dog Mom too and it is so sweet to see other couples who treat their dogs like kids!
I think you guys missed Sadie’s calling-she is totally dog model material 😉 So cute!
lol that is hilarious!! i was like what?!?!
I actually got the Crib Dribbler box this year. Rather, my son did but he could have cared less about opening presents. It took me a minute to get it, sadly, but was grateful to find a cute little puffer vest inside.
That iArm looks perfect!
Love the iArm too bad I didn’t know of this before … the crib dibbler would have been a fantastic prank at my friend’s baby shower!
Happy Holidays!
i totally fell for that!! i saw it and was gonna send the link to my fiance ASAP, it should totally exist. haha. can’t believe i thought it was real…and wanted one… haha.
it looks like you had an amazing christmas! and that monkey bread looks soooo good!!
What a delicious Christmas breakfast!
Oh my gosh too funny!! I totally thought you were kidding, but then you went on to explaine it so thought hmmmm he really did get that… You fooled me! That’s hilarious tho. Totally doing that next year!! Merry Christmas!
The Idribbler had me laughing so hard. That is amazing!!!
Hahaha, prank gift boxes are a GREAT idea! My father-in-law is the biggest practical joker I know and would totally appreciate something like this lol! I will have to remember this for next year!
Looks like you guys had a lovely Christmas!
Haha, I love the faux gift box idea! It amazes me the things people are making millions off of these days!
Totally feel for the iArm device! The Monkey bread looks amazing!
OMG HAAHAHAHAHAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! iarm is HILARIOUS!! merry christmas julie!
I thought the iArm sounded a little ridiculous. I’m glad it’s not real! That crib dribbler thing is pretty cool though.
Glad you had a great Christmas! That monkey bread looks so good:)
I love all of the family traditions you guys have. You all seem like such a super tight family, that’s so awesome.
Those boxes are hilarious!! I totally should look into the Crib Dribbler one for my sister’s baby shower! 😉
Okay – those boxes are the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time! The best part about that iArm is that I know people who would probably think that is an awesome invention and be stoked about a gift like that. Some people are really attached to their electronics, you know? hahaha
Hahahaha I KNEW that was fake. That’s so ridiculous haha.
You had me fooled! Oh monkey bread looks good- this is another recipe you’ll have to share 😉
I got one of those for my fiances dad! It was an iDrive though. You put it on your stearing wheel as you drive. works perfect for driving a boat too! hahaha
Just tried the eggnog chai from Starbucks! Sooo yum! Have a great day, its chilly here in tampa!
isn’t it great!?! so glad you liked it!
Do we get to find out what you got Ryan and what he got you? Monkey bread sounds so good now!
I think I saw those prank boxes on some news show. Funny! You have such a cute dog and I love when you dress her up. I usually like furry dogs but Saddy is so cute and has so much personality. Happy Belated Christmas and good New Year wishes!
Those prank gifts are too funny!! I need to remember that website for future reference. Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas 🙂 I’m sad it’s over!
My family also does monkey bread every Christmas morning!! A wonderful tradition!!! 🙂
Hahahaha I thought the iArm had to at least be a gag gift, that just looks ridiculous!
Y’alls monkey bread looks incredible!!!! What is y’alls recipe?? I bought all the ingredients to make it this Christmas and never got around to making it but I want to make it this weekend and thought I may use your recipe since it looks so good!
Sadie in her PJ’s = too precious! 😀 I’ve never heard of those prank gift boxes and I LOVE them! What a simple but genius idea. I am so going to scope out the website. Hehe. I’m so glad you guys had such a wonderful Christmas.
Oh I love the prank box IArm. You definitely had me. I thought wow, what they won’t make to make money – but then thought that would be really a handy thing to have!!! You have a bridge to sell me too??? LOL Looks like Sadie had a ball over the holidays. Does she open her own gifts?
Thanks to your previous post, I made monkey bread for the first time ever! It was soooooo freaking good!!!! My family was very impressed, ha ha. Little do they know how freaking easy it is to make!
OMG – I pretty much now need to get prank boxes for every single party I ever go to. Those are hilarious.
Those boxes are hilarious! Can you imagine being the person that makes them up! Glad you had a great Christmas Julie!
who found the pickle this year?!