Good morning, my friends!
This morning I received an email from Catherine, an elementary school teacher from Connecticut. She is working with a group of people to organize a race to honor the victims of Friday’s tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut – a 5K or possibly 10K or half marathon. The race will have a virtual component on the same day for those outside of the Connecticut area and will likely take place in the spring. Planning is still in the works, but you can stay up-to-date by visiting this Facebook page.
Christmas in Sarasota
Since the words weren’t flowing this weekend, I have a little catching up to do from our Christmas weekend in Sarasota.
We left Ocala on Friday night to meet up with my in-laws for dinner at Puccini’s, a seemingly nondescript Italian restaurant.
The restaurant is located in a strip mall and from the outside you’d never know it was even open let alone beautiful inside!
My mother-in-law read about the restaurant on Yelp! and told us it was a “hidden gem” in Sarasota and she was absolutely right. We sat at a table right next to Chef Rich’s prep station where we watched him cook every meal and appetizer that was served in his restaurant.
Chef Rich was really friendly and enthusiastically answered all of our questions about the food and his background. He said that he sees Puccini’s as a modern Italian restaurant featuring fresh fare with options other than boatloads of pasta and red sauce. He buys his fresh produce daily and everything I tried tasted phenomenal. (I highly recommend his grandmother’s gnocchi, the mussels and the scallops!)
On Saturday morning, I had an eight-mile run on the books to stay on track with my half marathon training plan.
I wasn’t in the mood to run when I first awoke, but after a light breakfast and a cup of coffee, I felt much more energetic. I relaxed and digested for an hour or two before heading out to knock yet another long run off the list!
Sadie and I completed eight miles in just under one hour and 15 minutes (9:22/mi pace) and had a really good run. Don’t get me wrong – running eight miles is never easy for me – but running gave me time alone with my thoughts and was a great outlet for me that morning. Plus, Sadie seemed to have a ball and watching her enjoy life always makes me smile.
Sadie Claus even made an appearance this weekend!
We spent the rest of the weekend at my mother-in-law’s house soaking up quality time with loved ones.
After eating a fabulous dinner on Saturday night, we gathered in the living room with Ryan’s grandparents to open Christmas presents.
It was really wonderful to be able to be around people we love so much last weekend.
I love the idea of the virtual run. Excited to see how that plays out, and even more excited to participate! Catherine, good luck on all the organizing!
me too! i’m glad it gives everyone the option to participate.
Virtual runs sound like so much fun! I definitely want to participate! It looks like you had a great weekend with family 🙂 Your dog is precious!
That’s so cool that you got to sit right by the chef and watch him cook! And Sadie looks ridiculously adorable in her Santa costume. You’re also lucky she loves to run, AND wear outfits. You got a winner there.
Sounds like a great weekend! 🙂 I love that you got to sit next to the chef and watch him cook. If I am at a restaurant where you can sit and watch the chefs cook, that is where I want to sit! I love watching cooking.
I love how they want to add a virtual component to the run – it’s a great idea!
Sadie Claus is just precious! haha… I need one of those for Lucy now. 🙂 And that restaurant looks yum. It seems like I find my new favorite restaurants on Yelp. What did we ever do without people who reviewed places and products?
Julie- thank you so much for posting the link for me!! We are so excited at all the people who want to help us with this. I have been reading your blog for a while and really appreciate all the support you give to causes like this- thank you for sharing ours!
my pleasure! thank you so much for reaching out to me. i hope the run is a huge success!
Thanks for sharing that link for the run – I am excited to participate!
I found an Italian gem this weekend too… I love fresh restaurants!
Love the idea of the run for Sandy Hook. Thanks for sharing the link!
Glad you guys got to spend the weekend with loved ones. So important this time of year, especially after Friday.
Love the picture of Sadie! We have the exact same outfit for our beagle : ) A picture of her in it definitely went on our Christmas card this year haha
That run is a great idea! I would love to participate!
I think a run would be a huge success. Sounds like an awesome plan!!
That run is a great idea to help those in Connecticut. Just wondering, did you ever have date night where you gave Ryan your two year anniversary cotton gift? I don’t recall seeing a post on it and I’d love to see what you came up with!
I am excited to be able to take part in the run, Newtown is only about 15 minutes from me. I think the race will have a great turn out in person and virtually! It sounds like you had a great weekend, it truly was important to be around family this past weekend!
The run sounds like a great idea. I am continually amazed that you can get Sadie to stay still long enough to take a picture. My Max won’t ever do that!
I just love your blog! Sometimes you put words to everything I’m feeling.
Thanks for keeping posting.
I know restaurants are all about the food, but I really really really appreciate it when they’re pretty too.
I love the idea of the run and will definitely be participating. I am a resident of Newtown, CT, and a Sandy Hook Elementary graduate. Hearing everyone’s thoughts and prayers about my small precious town has been so heartwarming. Thank you.
Ahhh the find spotting of Sadie Claus! I can’t wait for more sightings 😉
I love, love the idea of the virtual run. Thanks for letting us know about it!
That sounds that a fabulous time! It amazes me that Sadie is able to run for 8 miles. Very, very impressive!
Great job on your run! I always find a light meal and some coffee helps me power through long runs.
I’d love to participate in the 5k – even the virtual version!
Happy 1st Christmas! It looks like you had a great time with Ryan’s family! I’m so excited to head to my fiances this weekend!
That run is such a good idea! Love it. Thanks for sharing 🙂
I love spending weekends with my husband & family–it’s what makes life wonderful!
“Hidden gem” restaurants always tend to have the most delicious food & great atmosphere 🙂
Nice job on the run!!! I’m interested in doing the virtual run for Newtown, those poor kids :/
Sounds like a wonderful Christmas celebration, and the food looks delicious! I have a long run on the books this week that I am honestly not looking forward too, I hope it goes as well as yours did!
Thanks for sharing the virtual run, I think it is a great idea!
I am glad you had a good weekend! And I definitely agree about running helping to blow off a little steam and give you alone time when you really need it 🙂
And I really want to do the virtual 5k.. what a great idea!
Sounds like the perfect family-ey pre-Christmas, Christmas weekend (wow that was a mouthful)!
I was just wondering what distance during your training do you start carrying energy gels etc? I’m training for my first half and I’m only at 6 miles for my long run but I’m thinking that by 7-8 I’ll need a little boost.
Any one in particular that you recommend? And also do you carry them in a belt/bag?
Sorry for all the questions!
The virtual race sounds perfect!
I will keep up with the information about the run! I love how the chef cooks in the open in that restaurant!
Family time is alway the best medicine when times are tough! I would love to participate in the virtual run and can’t wait to get more info on it.
Looks like you had a great weekend! I love spending quality time with the fam and trying new restaurants 🙂 Good job on your run too!! Way to power through.
Nice going on the 8-miler!!
Well done on the long run! That restaurant sounds amazing, nothing better than when you can see your food being cooked fresh by someone skilled!
Wow, that’s awesome you guys are working to get this race together! And oh mannnn I was kinda craving Italian today and that picture alone is making me weak in the knees….haha.
Love the virtual run idea. I can’t wait to participate.
Also, how cool that the chef is out hanging with the customers! I’d love to drive from Texas to visit him 🙂
I am always impressed with how you manage to get Sadie out there on long runs with you. I love my Butters, but he loves to stop and sniff way too much! One 2 mile run\walk was enough for us…even taking him on a half-mile warmup walk before the Turkey Trot was frustrating. We’re hoping a few obedience classes do the trick–I spend a lot of time running these days and I’d love to be able to be able to help him get some exercise while I’m getting my exercise!
That restaurant sounds amazing!
I love Sadie Claus!! The outfit is so adorable 🙂
I’m so impressed with your long runs! I visited Ft. Lauderdale a couple weeks ago and the humidity really got to me on my 3 mile run. I was wondering then how you do it!
I love hidden gem restaurants! That italian place looks magical. Yay for family time.
Oh my gosh, I just snorted at Sadie Claus… That is too funny! She’s quite the sport.
Omg. love Sadie’s santa outfit thing. Adorbs!
Hi! A little late, but just wanted to tell you how nice it was to meet you at the Turkey trot this Thanksgiving! Our family went to Puccini’s for Christmas Eve dinner and I think it was one of our favorite memories as a family! It is amazing! Thank you for the recommendation! We are now looking at it for a potential place for my brothers rehearsal dinner! Happy New Year!