Good morning!
I hope you are all feeling rested after a long holiday weekend! The rest of our weekend passed by a little too quickly, but we were able to squeeze in some quality time with my father-in-law and had a great dinner with our friends Kylee and Hadi who were in town from New York.
On Sunday, the highlight of my day came when I opened up all of our mail from the weekend and saw that the festive adult onesie that I ordered a couple of weeks ago finally arrived!
My girlfriends and I bought ridiculous onesies to wear for SantaCon in two weeks and I am pumped! We got our onesies from, but if you’re in the market for an adult onesie and are willing to spend more money than we were, this Rudolph onesie is waaay too amazing.
This morning it was back to our usual routine. I’m not sure about you guys, but Thanksgiving seemed to last a full four days for me, so it felt good to sweat a bit this morning and get my heart pumping again.
Today’s workout looked like this:
I made sure to take as long as I needed to complete some of the strength exercises to ensure that I didn’t sacrifice form as I got tired. (I broke a few of them up into three sets.) It was a great workout and left me feeling sweaty and accomplished.
Breakfast this morning incorporated some leftovers.
I made a batch of scrambled eggs and added leftover ham, corned beef hash and breakfast potatoes from Saturday’s brunch with my in-laws. They’re not big on leftovers and since I am a leftover lover, I happily accept whenever they offer to send some delicious food home with us. It was a great morning meal!
Cyber Monday Deals
I must admit I am a bigger fan of Cyber Monday than Black Friday since I seem to do more and more of my holiday shopping online with every year that passes. Here are a few discounts I’ve seen pop up today:
- 30 percent off everything at with coupon code CYBER30
- 30 percent off at Old Navy with coupon code CYBER
- 30 percent off at Kate Spade with coupon code CYBER30
- 15 percent off + free shipping on orders over $75 at Macy’s
- 40 percent off + free shipping at Express
- 40 percent off at Gap and Banana Republic with coupon code CYBER
- 30 percent off at J.Crew with coupon code MONDAY
- 40 percent off + free shipping at Guess with coupon code OURGIFT
- 40 percent off select designers at Saks Fifth Avenue
- 40 percent off PRO Compression holiday compression socks with coupon code SNOW
- Free bargain BICBand + free shipping on orders over $40 at with coupon code BigSale
- $9.99 SoliBeat DVD with coupon code shakeit
And now something to make you smile…
Here’s a video I saw this morning that serves as a great little reminder that the simple things in life are the best things…
Have a great Monday!
that onesie is hilarious! I need one!
I wore it all around the house and Ryan couldn’t stop laughing at me. 🙂 I’m kind of in love with it.
hahaha…love the onesie!
Awesome workout! Love the onesie!!! They’re huge over here! As in really popular! 🙂 I always ask but what sort of weight did you use for the different exercises?
I didn’t go very heavy today, but this was enough for me to feel the burn and sweat!
squats = 65 lbs.
low rows = 50 lbs.
kettlebell swings = 25 lbs.
clean and presses = 25 lbs.
Heavy enough!! Thanks for the run down! Think I might try this one tomorrow!
So, a 25 lb. barbell or 25 lb. hand weights?
oh my god someone needs to get that reindeer onsie! if it wasn’t soo much money I would totally buy it as a bad santa gift!
I know!!! I wish it was cheaper because I’d be all over it.
That onesie is awesome! You and your girlfriends had a great idea of getting those to wear to the SantaCon. Holey Moley, that workout sounds like a great one! I feel like I defiantly would be tired after doing that! And that Husky video is adorable :).
I kind of love that Christmas onesie.
I’m thinking I need to get one. Anything holiday themed like that I’m all over.
I’m totally going to be on that site today.
Oh my gosh I love that video! The simple things really are the best! And my family and I LOVE holiday onesies! They make Christmas morning THAT much more fun.
Onesies are soo cute!!
They should replace the ugly sweater party for sure!
P.S- I wonder what guys think of ’em on us? 🙂
You’re the only person I can think of that could pull off that onsie! 🙂
I love that the owner was getting so much enjoyment too 🙂
Love the onsie!! 🙂 You are going to look awesome for your race!
Cute onesie! I love Cyber Monday. Thank you for the rundown on some of the deals out there!
Oh gosh, that onesie is fabulous — I need one!
That onsie – AWESOME!! I get too hot, so a onsie would kill me!
omg, the husky! I could spend hours watching adorable dog videos on youtube
you and me both! 😀
Thanks for posting those cyber Monday deals! That’s perfect. I need to get to work on my Christmas shopping!
I love that onesie! Ahh I can’t wait for Christmas!
I love how your workouts have shifted! Maybe I’m reading into things, but you seem to be becoming a huge fan of functional workouts rather than cardio + weights! 🙂 PS- that video is adorable. I sent it to my fiance, although Lord knows he doesn’t need another reason for us to get a husky! 😉
That onsie is adorable. I saw something similar last year at JCrew and it was so freaking cute! I just wish it would get colder in Florida so we could enjoy all the winter cute clothing. Good girl for getting back on track with your workout this morning! I am going to get back this week full steam. Nothing like a long weekend to fuel you up 🙂
Happy Monday!
OMG I love onesies, they are seriously the cutest things ever! I am on a mission to find a freakin onesie now! Thanks for sharing <3 C
omg that video is adorable – I’m sending it to everyone!
I love my footy pajamas!!! I am cutting it into a romper to wear for a race next weekend!
Haha, such a cute onesie! Fun and festive.
I LOVE cyber monday…. I’m working on all of my christmas shopping right now!!! I was trying to do the bic band promo but what qualifies for the free bargain band?
Also at GAIAM they have 20% off and free shipping! I got a purple everything fits gym bag for myself and a black one for my mom!! (of course now that I bought it it will be the one time that I win a giveaway 😉 But I’m sure I could find someone to give the extra bag to if I win your giveaway)
That video was too cute! I’m so guilty of spending hours on YouTube watching ridiculously cute animal videos. I can’t get enough!
That pup seriously just warmed up my little heart!
I LOVE it. The Rudolph onesie is fantastic!
BAHA I love the onsesie!! Definitely taking advantage of the Kate Spade discount code!! My favorite.
That onsie is hilarious and you look absolutely adorable in it!!! I’m also going to Santacon this year and I’m so excited!! I still haven’t gotten my outfit yet so I’ll have to get on that!
Also, Thanks for letting us all know about the great deals! Hopefully I’ll be able to get a little shopping in today!
A Little Look Inside Me
Hahahaha, after having dealth with onesies for the past 5.5 months with my daughter, I just can’t help but bust out laughing at the thought of an adult sized onesie. It looks so comfy but knowing myself I’d probably restless and all uncomfortable in it! 😛 And oh noooo cyber monday? I already clicked on some of your links and I’m scared that I’ll actually find something I like, haha!
I have a leopard-print onesie and it is the comfiest (and most ridiculous-looking) thing of all time! I’m a big fan of the festive onesie 😉
Also, I think I am going to bust out that workout after work tonight – thanks for sharing!
OMG that onesie! Too funny. I personally need to find an ugly Christmas sweater for a party in a couple weeks… any suggestions on where to score one? I’m thinking maybe Target?
I saw some pretty stellar ones at WalMart recently! Also, check TJMaxx or Marshalls… sometimes you can find a real gem there!
Ooh good call – I’m going to check this weekend. Thanks!
Thrift stores! Especially the little ones run by charities (goodwill and Salvation Army get picked over pretty quickly!) My husband and I found three amazing ones at a random thrift store in Florida for $2/each.
That onesie is the cutest! LOOOOVE!!
You just reminded me I forgot to get bananas at the store! I knew breakfast was missing something!
I’m in love with your onesie and THANK YOU for posting a link to the Cyber Monday deals! I was wondering which stores were having free shipping etc. and which ones weren’t. Very helpful.
I love onsies!!! My roommates and I have plans to get them for ridiculous Christmas “family” photos. Ha!
LOVE that video! I was seriously cracking up. I bet my coworkers that I was crazy ;).
My husband & I just bought matching hoodie/footie onesies, so don’t feel bad 🙂
That reindeer one is amazing!
There are rumbles of them canceling SantaCon here in NYC :-/ I’ll cross my fingers it doesn’t happen!!!!
Oh my gosh that onesie is awesome!
Love the onesie! That huskey video was also adorable. Dogs really remind us to just enjoy ourselves, don’t they? Too cute!
How are you going to use a public restroom with a onesie on?! Haha. I have a hard enough time in bars with a romper in the summer, trying to keep the straps from going in or touching the toilet!
Love the onesie! I am working on my squat form. Only did the bar today, but getting very low. I realized that even though I used to lift 90-95lbs, my form was way off! Thanks for talking about importance of form when lifting 🙂
I ordered that onesie for santacon last week!! I seriously can’t wait to wear it!
You are always having so much fun! Christmas onesies at SantaCon? I love it! My best friend has a pretty sweet Grinch onesie she wears for the holidays…maybe it’s time I get on this footie PJ train 🙂
that looks like a good and sweaty workout!!
I have a onesie but it’s not footed! 🙁
Aahhh that Husky video was amazing! Brightened my whole day! 😀
Oh my goodness, dying laughing at the onesie picture. You are ADORABLE in it! Clicked the link to the reindeer one…AHH! I wish they had my size, I would definitely order it…and then I would buy a baby one for Gabriella, just to be ridiculously annoying! Hahahaha