All of the Christmas decorations are still up. We’re slacking!
But we did make some Christmas returns, so the day hasn’t been a complete waste.
At around 11 a.m., we took Sadie on a three-mile hike for her morning exercise.
She’s was lovin’ life and the 60-degree weather. It was chilly enough that she wasn’t panting, but cool enough that she had that extra pep in her step and ran all over the trails like a goober.
Post-hike, we came home and showered which was eventful. I have to shower with a plastic bag tied around my left hand to keep my glued-up pinky out of water, so soaping the bod is an adventure. Ryan helped me wash my hair on Saturday, but let’s just say I’ll probably be sportin’ some greasy hair for the next week or so.
Once we were clean, we ate a quick lunch of New Year’s Day dinner leftovers.
I actually liked the black-eyed peas even more after that sat in the fridge for a day. They were extra salty and flavorful.
We then headed out to do some Christmas present returns.
I requested a Starbucks run since Ryan and I both received Starbucks gift cards for Christmas from our mothers. Sweet!
I ordered a grande peppermint mocha and complimented the barista on the best peppermint mocha I’ve ever had from Starbucks. She did an awesome job and it was extra foamy!
With a burst of caffeine, we hit up a few stores to exchange and return gifts.
First up was Barnes & Nobel where we went to return a cookbook Ryan bought for me. It was a gorgeous cookbook, but the recipes were crazy detailed and called for a bunch of obscure ingredients, so Ryan understood when I explained that I loved it (the photography was incredible!), but that I would likely never use it.
Gotta love all the diet books out for the new year!
We returned the cookbook and nabbed the second book in The Maze Runner series, The Scorch Trials.
We ended up finishing The Maze Runner last night and can’t wait to begin book number two in the series. I know I said it yesterday, but you’ll love these books if you’re a Hunger Games fanatic. (For my fellow readers, I’ll do a full review of The Maze Runner series once we finish all three books.)
Our second errand took us to Gander Mountain, which deeply excited Ryan. Outdoor equipment galore!
While there, I just about peed my pants when a rogue mannequin arm scared the crap out of me!
Ryan obviously found this hilarious.
After a pit stop at the grocery store to stock up on a week’s worth of food, we’re finally back home and ready to tackle the Christmas décor!
Sadly I don’t think our half-lit mini Christmas tree will see another Christmas.
I plan to listen to Mannheim Steamroller’s Christmas CD one final time as we pack everything up, so that should make the process a little less depressing!
I sliced my finger open last summer trying to get the pit out of an avocado. Instead of cleaving the pit, I cleaved my finger! My husband had to wash my hair for days…that’s love right there 😉
Ouch!! cleaving your own finger is no fun~hehe, but I think it’s so sweet when men wash their gf’s/wife’s hair!
Awe. think of it this way: 355 days until Christmas 2012! That means roughly 325 days until the decorations can come back out!
LOL at the pic of the arm on the ground and the one of Ryan! This post’s title deceived me because I thought it would be about Christmas itself somehow returning/making a comeback haha. And those leftovers do look EXTRA good! I love food that’s just as good/better left over.
aw, i WISH that was the case!
I’m currently procrastinating my Christmas decorations too. It’s so sad! I have a friend who takes all of hers down on the night of the 25th…like whoa!
I can’t listen to anymore Christmas music…I want to but it hurts my heart. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.
Ooooh is that a lulu jacket I see?! I got the define jacket in black and grey striped! So cute. Ps Happy New Year.
yes!!! 🙂 one of my favorite christmas presents this year!
we took down Christmas decor this morning. i was a little sad to see it all come down, but after it was all put away, i felt so relieved! it was nice to have everything back to normal and know that life will slow down a bit these next few months.
Having read both the Hunger Games trilogy and the Maze Runner trilogy, I think you’d be extremely into the Gone series by Michael Grant. Same kind of dystopian concept: teenagers thrown into a horrible world and have to figure out how to survive. I DEVOURED the first four books and cannot wait for the last two to come out.
PERFECT! Thank you! We were hoping for another recommendation for similar books. Thanks, Liz!
I’m kind of a huge dork for young adult dystopian/post-apocalyptic stuff, despite being 30 years old and having an English degree. 😀
Ah love your long black running tights! I’ve been looking for a good pair since I’ve been back, but they seem kinda hard to find in Florida. Where do you buy yours?
thanks! they’re nike and were a gift from ryan for christmas last year. i believe he got them from sports authority.
I’ve added the maze runner to my list of books to read!
haha the random arm is hilarious! And I’m glad you mentioned the Maze Runner- I just put it on hold at the library. I finished The Host by Stephenie Meyer yesterday and am already in withdrawal lol so I’m looking forward to something new
i hope you enjoy it!
I just finished the 3rd Maze Runner book. Loved them. Other good YA dystopia I’ve read: Matched, Birthmarked, and Uglies, all the first book in a series. And Divergent…which I think you may have already reviewed on here? Yeah, I’m a nerd 😉
yes! loved divergent. and THANK YOU for the recs!
best cookbook ever:
Better homes and Gardens. I got it for christmas. I am a college student so I need recopies to be simple, yet delicious. This book is perfect! And it has lots of tips like for entertaining and with wines and cheeses, also how to set a table for 3 different occasions.
you won’t be disappointed!
(ps I am not a home and gardens rep lol this sounds like I am)
I’m really excited about reading The Maze Runner now that you compared it to Hunger Games! There are so many books on my must-read list, it’s getting out of control!
Hey Julie, I live in Hawaii and have been reading your blog forever and I’ve always noticed Ryan wears an Outrigger Canoe Club t-shirt quite often. Just curious how he came upon them since it’s a club only on Oahu- it’s one of my favorite spots to hang! Love your blog btw!
ha! yes! his dad’s girlfriend got it for him. she lives there for 1/2 the year! he loves that shirt. 🙂
I was wondering if you ended up getting your Lulu Stride Jacket for Christmas! Great color too!!
Also wanted to ask, do you and Ryan take turns reading out loud to each other? My husband and I only read one book together, but he felt funny reading aloud and I had to read us the whole thing! Silly dude! I am reading The Help on the Kindle Fire my hubby got me for Christmas. I really love everything about books so I never wanted and eReader but I really do love it!!
yep! we always take turns. we both prefer being read to, so we have to keep it even. 🙂
I always thought you both just sat with your heads together reading silently and had some sort of secret code for when you were ready to turn the pages 🙂
Peppermint mochas are my favorite! I better sneak a few more in before they disappear until next year!
Hahah that arm would freak me out too! Hilarious 🙂
My Christmas tree is still up as well. I had big plans to take it down today, but I don’t think I’m ready quite yet. Good job on tackling yours!
Hahaha that hand lying in the store is hilarious. I would have freaked out too. haha.
We do not take our Christmas decorations until after the 6 of Jan … as per Italian tradition you wait for the Befana to arrive, as well as the three Wise Men … so I still have a few days to go …
I need to check out the Maze Runner series–I love dystopian novels! I went through the Hunger Games series in less than a week, but I was SO disappointed with the last book!
i wasn’t a big fan of the last hunger games book either!
Just started reading your blog. It’s great! After my knee surgery, I used dry shampoo. It comes in an aerosol can and works well to get rid of that greasy hair look when you can’t actually shampoo.
ah! i need to use that!
Julie – when you walk Sadie at the parks.. do you leash her?
At our local park so many people walk their dogs off leashes, but there is so many animals around (squirrels, deer, etc) … that I don’t see how their owners wouldn’t worry they’d take off and chase one just as a natural instinct!
we usually let her roam off leash on our hikes b/c she naturally doesn’t ever go more than 30 feet or so from us (vizslas are called “velcro dogs” b/c they always stay close to their owners). she’s taken off after wild turkeys and deer before, but comes back really fast when she gets too far from us. we’ll leash her up when we get close to water though b/c of gators.
A hike sounds like so much fun!!
By the way, did you watch the Rose parade? or is that a California tradition only…
Have a great day 🙂
no! is that connected to the rose bowl?
Its a parade near the rose bowl…where floats are all covered with flowers! Its so pretty!! I wish you could watch it.
Here’s a link if you want to see some pictures:
Hope you’re doing better! 🙂
When you mentioned the Rose parade I got so confused <- because I was thinking of the big one in Oregon that takes place in June. lol
I love how Sadie hugs you, it’s so cute. I guess they’re called Velcro dogs for a reason:)
I’m currently reading the Hunger Games and am so in love with them! I’m definitely going to look into reading The Maze Runner series. And I hate taking down the Christmas decorations, never fun,
Oh man now I really want a peppermint mocha! Those things are fabulous. I totally would have freaked out if I saw that mannequin arm haha. I just may have to start reading that series…I LOVE The Hunger Games! I also recently read a book called Shatter Me (by Tahereh Mafi)- it was amazing! It’s supposed to be the first book in a trilogy but sadly the second book won’t come out til next year. I definitely recommend it though!
awesome! thanks for the rec, lindsay!
Will just finished #3 of the Hunger Games series and was wondering what to read next, so this is just in the nick of time! Thanks Julie, I’ll give him the heads up
you MUST read divergent if you loved the hunger games. it’s awesome!
Divergent was amazing…read that a long time ago too and its not fresh in my mind. Would like to buy it, but too pricey. The library was my answer there.
Ever read The Book Thief? Very very good (understatement).
no! i almos picked it up yesterday though! i’ve heard amazing things!
I love how much fun you and Ryan have together…you two can always turn a normal activity into something fun! 🙂
ha! i always feel like that about you and keith!
I love that in 60 degree weather you wear clothes that I would wear in 40 degree weather. However, you are making me rethink what is going into my suitcase tonight!!
it’s supposed to be in the upper 70s this weekend. 🙂
the rogue arm reminded me of this game stop commercial…so ridiculous but it cracks me up!
Slightly off topic but I LOVE your beige-ish boots. Where did you get them? I have been searching for a pair exactly like yours.
thank you! i got them on sale through they’re the Corso Como “Randy” Leather Tall Shaft Riding Boot.
awesome. thanks!
You got the jacket!!!!!
Love that colour.
Sounds like a productive day to me! Out of curiosity, what was the cookbook you returned? I love looking at cookbooks, but I am guilty of typically not making anything out of them and just checking out the pictures! My favorite cookbook is just the classic Betty Crocker!
i can’t remember the name… it was some seasonal cooking cookbook though!
I just ordered The Maze Runner — pretty excited!
For non-greasy hair, I highly recommend “Pssssst” it’s an Instant Spray Shampoo that you just spray in and takes out the oil/grease because it has a lot of powder in it to absorb it … Only don’t spray too much or you’re hair will turn white but just wipe it off then 🙂 Learned from experience! I use it when necessary or sick 🙂 You can find it at your local pharmacy most likely.
I also have been eating Egg Sandwiches for breakfast like you normally do and the jelly does MAGIC! I used to use just cheese (soy cheese) and an egg but the jelly makes it awesome! Thanks for the tip!
what color is your lulu hoodie? LOVE it!!!
Wow, Ryan reads too? That is so neat.
I MUST buy ham. There are no “organic” or whatever ones around me…but I have to buy it anyway. What kind did you buy? (on the label).
I read The Maze Runner last fall and loved it. Not sure I’m committed to reading the 2nd now though (its been such a long while since I last read it and my library doesn’t get newer releases very quickly).
I read The Violets of March after you mentioned it before. Not something I would normally read, so it was decent considering that…not my normal thing, but still a warming type of read.
I love that Sadie literally clings herself to you guys when you pick her up lol. I hate when I have cuts on my fingers, especially in the spaces between them. You never realize how much you use your hands until you feel every single thing that you do x10.
LOL at the mannequin arm! I got a skinny peppermint mocha from Starbucks the other day and it was delish! I love that their skinny drinks have a good amount of protein in them and not as much sugar as their regular ones!
Love your jacket on your hike! I have had cook books like that – I need simple and with not too many ingredients for me to actually use it. I got a simple crock pot recipe book for Christmas and love it!! Simple and perfect for busy on the go people like my hubby and I.
There are 12 days of Christmas! Leave up the decor and keep the music playing until the 6th- Epiphany!
It looks like you got the lulu lemon sweater after all!
If you want to wash your hair you could get a few latex gloves (lowes) and use some medical tape to tape up the end of the glove so no water gets in – or a rubber band at the base of the glove so no water gets in.
Gander Mountain is a pretty amazing store, if it weren’t an hour away from us I guarantee we’d spend a lot more time there (my bank acct is happy that it’s an hr away)
i love your sweater!! who is it made by?? you always have the cutest outfits 🙂
banana republic. thanks, lauren! i just updated the info on the fashion page, too!
I’ll have to check out those books!!
Oh man, I don’t blame you for putting off taking down Christmas decorations. Definitely a depressing process. It was super depressing for me this year, as my mom had me put most of my ornaments in a separate box so I can take them with me when I (hopefully) move out after I graduate in May. Life’s gettin’ real around here.
Hi Julie! If you don’t feel like buying dry shampoo, use baby powder instead! It works just as well for me. On a separate note, are you watching The Bachelor right now?? It’s the weirdest episode I’ve ever seen… Jenna is sobbing hysterically in the bathroom because some blonde girl supposedly said something mean to her that none of us ever heard. Said blonde girl is putting the moves on another girl while the rest of the ladies watch?? This is hands down the most disappointing episode ever 🙁 Everyone seems mentally unbalanced.
I saw a dog that looked just like Sadie today on my way to work! This dog was almost as adorable as Sadie.. 😉
I just read Violets of March in a day and loved it. So I’m taking this book rec and checking it out at my library too. Can’t wait!
***Barnes and Noble..!