This evening was spent doing Sadie’s least favorite activity. Nail clipping! Ah!
Sadie is the worst about letting us clip her nails. We had a little “incident” when she was a puppy involving clipping a nail too short and ever since then she gets all huffy every time we try to do it ourselves.
Now we let the wonderful people of PetSmart do it.
Once her nails were clipped and her ears cleaned, she earned a Beggin’ Strip treat and we were on our way home.
After arriving back at our apartment, I prepped dinner while Ryan put away the dishes. I chopped up a head of cauliflower and four carrots, tossed them in olive oil, salt and curry powder and roasted them in the oven along with pork that I placed in a baking dish, sprayed with cooking spray and topped with one chopped onion.
We let everything cook in the oven at 375 degrees for about 30 minutes while we took Sadie on a walk around out neighborhood. We arrived home to an apartment that smelled fragrant and felt warm and cozy.
I immediately scooped the veggies and pork into two bowl and we dug in!
Sometimes the best dinners are the ones you make up on the fly by throwing together a bunch of stuff from the fridge.
Time to chill with Ryan and Sadie before digging into Mockingjay and hoppin’ into bed. I haven’t been sleeping well lately (I blame this intense book!) and hope tonight yields a more peaceful sleep!
yay im the first one to post!! haha well i just want to say i love your blog and always look forward to reading it 🙂
When I saw the title of the post, for a second I thought you might have gotten your hair cut. Do you ever think about cutting it short?
no. short hair and i do NOT get along. the shortest i’ve gone is just above my shoulders and it wasn’t pretty.
We had some roasted cauliflower last night – I’ll have to try it next time with curry powder! Have a great night!
Totally thought you chopped your hair when I saw that title! 🙂
Ah! I need to get myself a Sadie to run with! You’re so lucky!
I love making dinners like that… 🙂 Have fun with the book, I really enjoyed that one!
Luckily, my dog lets us trim her nails. But my uncle’s great dane on the other hand, not a chance. Thank goodness for the lovely people at Petsmart 🙂
Too funny! We had an incident with puppy koda that involved a nail but too short, too. Now I take her to get them clipped, but now that I think about… it’s been wayyyy too long since we’ve had that done! oops
Oh my dogs HATE nail clipping time…which actually reminds me it’s about time for that. Sorry pups!
I like pork, but always forget about it! Looks like a good dinner!
Haaa I totally thought this post was about a haircut. We’ve been warned about clipping happy’s nails… have yet to do it ourselves as the vet has done it the past two times, but I think the next time we are going to try it! makes me nervous, but I’m sure we’ll be able to handle it. If you have any words of the wise, feel free to offer!
Just avoid the part where you can see your dog’s blood/flesh come into the nail. That’s the danger zone!
FYI lady ….
Lionsgate sent out a press release yesterday confirming that The Hunger Games will hit theatres March 23, 2012 directed by Gary Ross. Shooting is to begin late Spring or early Summer.
Yay! 🙂
We had a lab for 13 years and we NEVER cut his nails…we’ve got the scratched hardwood floors to prove it. And believe me, swimming with a long-nailed puppy always yields some serious scratches!
I was up until 1:30 last night because I just HAD to finish Hunger Games. Can’t wait to move on to the next book…even if it is a little on the slow side!
I actually liked Catching Fire a lot & didn’t find it slow. It is definitely a “middle” book, but it’s really good!
My cat used to fight me something fierce every time I tried to clip her nails. I had to force her down and then it was a battle to get hold of her paw.
Now, she’s older and she finally decided to just give up the fight. Much easier -for both of us. 🙂
Julie, I notice you’re always the one prepping dinners! Does Ryan ever take charge?
My Rascal “acts out” sometimes when we take him to Petsmart to get his toenails clipped. Once, he actually pooped right in the floor in protest, which is something he hadn’t done in a long time. It was definitely out of spite. I know his language all too well, the little booger.
I really need to start reading The Hunger Games! It’s sitting on my dresser just begging to be read! 😀
Yes you do! Then we can have bad dreams together!!
When I first read the title of this post I thought “Oh no! Julie chopped off her beautiful blonde locks!” Then I realized that you had Sadie 😉 haha!
Enjoy your evening!
It’s really great how Ryan goes along with all of your healthy foods. I feel like my guy friends always want super “manly” unhealthy foods!
My dog HATES getting groomed too. Even when I try to do it myself haha 🙁
My dog doesn’t like being groomed either and unfortunately for him that’s on the agenda for today. :/
ahhh the nail clipper!! what a nice treat for SAdie though.. i never get my dogs’ nails clipped.. oops!
that looks yum – what cut of pork did you buy? it looks super lean! i never know how to cook pork.
Ah I can’t remember what it’s called. I think they’re lean boneless chops though…
cool, thanks! meat in london is generally pretty bad quality unless you really search (and pay lots) so i’m pretty under-educated about meats!!
Yum! Curry-roasted cauliflower is sounding pretty tasty!
Aww poor Sadie! Our family dog would get so nervous to get groomed. So now my mom has a mobile groomer come to the house to groom him. He is SO much better now that he knows he is just outside the house.
I love roasting veggies! Roasted cauliflower sounds amazing! I don’t think I’ve ever roasted cauliflower.
Wednesday night is pork chops night at our house so we had that right there along with you last night. :o)
When it comes the gross stuff about having dogs — poop cleanup, sticky stuff in the fur, eye boogies, etc., that’s all on me.
But I cannot for the life of me cut their toenails. I hold the clippers and just as I’m about to squeeze, my hands take on a mind of their own and won’t do it. So, Lucas takes over that role. 🙂
i LOVE your blog julie! i was an avid ready for such a long time, and you inspired me to start working out & eating better. i know run regularly, and i’m making better food choices too!
ps. the comment with sadie and the stick that says, “omg let’s get BFF braceletsss!!!” was hilarious. you crack me up!
I think this is the second time I have read that you put your dinner in the oven and then go on a walk. I just want you to be wary that this is a huge huge fire hazard. Sure, you probably won’t burn your house/apartment down but it is always a huge possibility with drippings from food or other items that can cause a grease fire. Clothes dryers running unattended cause a lot of house fires as well 🙁 Be safe girl, I don’t mean to lecture but I don’t want you coming home to issues either (that insurance won’t cover!)