Today’s breakfast was so good… in theory.
My hopes for this meal were high.
I made English muffin French toast using coconut milk in the egg batter mixture instead of regular milk. I was so excited about this idea and figured the French toast would have a delicious hint of coconut flavor.
Not so.
The coconut flavor was completely lost. Such a bummer! At least the French toast was still delicious. Maybe adding a drop or two of coconut extract would help?
The good news? Sub-par French toast is better than no French toast!
Some of my more successful French toast recipes:
- Banana Almond Stuffed French Toast
- French Toast Casserole
- French Toast Strips
- Peanut Butter Stuffed French Toast
- Pumpkin Peanut Butter French Toast (<— Can’t wait to make this one soon!)
Today’s workout began with 20 minutes on the treadmill that looked like this:
Minutes | Speed | Incline |
0-2 | 4.0 | 1.0 |
2-9 | 6.5 | 1.0 |
9-10 | 6.8 | 1.0 |
10-12 | 6.5 | 1.0 |
12-13 | 6.8 | 1.0 |
13-15 | 6.5 | 1.0 |
15-17 | 6.8 | 1.0 |
17-19 | 6.5 | 1.0 |
19-20 | 4.0 | 7.0 |
I completed slightly more than two miles and worked up a nice sweat.
Then it was time for this upper-body workout that included three sets of 15 – 20 repetitions of the following exercises:
- Superset One: Chest press + Bicep curls
- Superset Two: Upright rows + Tricep dips
- Superset Three: Ryan’s awesome shoulder move + Incline bicep curls
- Superset Four: Tricep pull downs + Side shoulder raises
- Push-ups
- One minute plank hold
I really liked this combination of exercises. The incline bicep curls may be popping up in a lot of my future upper-body workouts because they really made my biceps burn!
Off to revamp some of the pages on the blog that desperately need attention… like basically every single one of my recipe pages.
that looks super yummy regardless of maybe how it tasted at the time Julie 😉 xo
I have to agree with you. There is no such thing as bad french toast. Your breakfast still looks delicious! From one foodie to another, definitely stop by and check out my first giveaway. It’s something I definitely think you’d be interested in winning. Who doesn’t love fancy food products?
Glad the french toast still tasted good!! And omg pumpkin peanut butter french toast?! I’m checking that out right now! Speaking of coconut milk- have you ever tried the so delicious coconut milk creamer for coffee?? It’s amazing!
Julie- you were my motivation this morning! I wanted to cry ‘uncle’ after squat number 20 but I reminded myself you did 100 yesterday and just sucked it up! This breakfast looks delicious!
woohoo! i hope you can walk later today! 🙂
I am sorry it wasn’t coconut-y enough, but it still looks delish! I love coconut. I bet if you added the coconut extract the next time you make it, and drizzled chocolate on the top your breakfast would taste like an almond joy. Yum 🙂
Yeah I really don’t think you can truly mess up french toast — and if you cover it in enough maple syrup it will taste amazing anyway!
I am a coconut milk addict! I would definitely try the coconut extract and then maybe sprinkle a little toasted coconut on top, too! When I was in Hawaii (9 years ago), I had macadamia nut pancakes with coconut syrup, and I am STILL thinking about them!
I love any kind of french toast, you can never go wrong making that in the morning.
Sorry it didn’t turn out quite like you’d hoped!
I think that regular coconut milk (canned), the coconut extract, or a sprinkle of shredded coconut should do the trick. 😀
i agree! that’s my next mission!
I was going to suggest sprinkling toasted coconut on top, but I was beat to the suggestion several times. 🙂
Maybe you could “stuff” it with a mixture of cream cheese flavored with coconut extract and toasted coconut…or use that combo to smear on top of the french toast…these are obviously less healthy options!
haha it does sound like a good idea in theory! I’m sorry it didn’t work! But that’s how recipes work – trial and error!
I bet coconut extract would totally make it taste coconu-tty, or using flakes of coconut!
I enjoy a good french toast, so I need to check out your other recipes 🙂
You are totally right! Sub-par french toast IS better than none at all.
Have you tried making your French toast with coconut oil in the pan rather than butter or whatever you use? When I make pancakes in coconut oil they always have an amazing hint of coconut flavor.
oooh yum! great idea!
I’m sorry that your french toast didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to. At least it still looked pretty 🙂
coconut milk is a sensetive thing on the stove… desecated coconut or coconut flour in the egg wash might help bring out the flavor…
aside from how good this looks, my favorite thing about this post is the food face you made on your plate. WIN!
Sorry you couldn’t taste the coconut! Maybe coconut milk is too mild? Coconut extract definitely sounds like it would help. Add some pineapples on top and you have pina colada waffles!
Did you try cooking it with coconut oil. That should carry the flavour for you.
i should definitely try that!
Sometimes I add almond extract to french toast or pancakes, but coconut would be bomb too 🙂
that looks like a great workout! i’ll have to try it sometime.
I wish I had time to cooke french toast or anything for that matter in the morning before work! Soooo jealous!
I’m not a big fan of coconut but like the readers above, I figure coconut flakes would do the trick. Looks like you had an awesome workout! I never really had a name for one of the shoulder exercises I do, but ever since you posted it as ‘Ryan’s awesome shoulder move’, that’s what I’ve been calling it!!
I think coconut extract is a great idea. 🙂 I’ve been using cartoned coconut milk in my smoothies and sometimes the flavor is completely lost or just oh so barely there. I want a bang of coconut!
Especially now that they discontinued the coconut syrup at Starbucks. O.O
I will so be the crazy girl carrying around coconut extract in her purse.
That’s why it was already on my list of things to buy at the grocery store this morning. 😛
That does sound like a great idea! Too bad it didn’t turn out to be so. 🙁
I made english muffin french toast this weekend too using Target’s thick cinnamon raisin english muffins and it came out AMAZING!
It’s so funny you thought of that because I thought it was such a genius idea! Haha. Great minds think alike i guess 😉
I can’t remember the last time I had French toast. I love it though, so I guess I’m overdue!
Thanks for the workout. It looks like a keeper.
Maybe some coconut sprinkled on top? 🙂
I was excited to try coconut milk as well, only to be disapointed with the lack of coconut flavor.
Incline bicep curls???
Mmm, I love French toast although I rarely make it for some reason. I finally had some this past weekend at brunch, and it was DELISH. I read somewhere once that French toast is actually pretty good for you, because it has a decent amount of protein thanks to the eggs + milk. 🙂
I agree: Some French toast better than none! 🙂
Too bad on the french toast. I have about 1/4 of a can left from last night’s dinner. I was hoping you were going to say it was delicious and then I’d be set for breakfast tomorrow 🙂 I think the extract is probably the way to go. That stuff is strong!
Great workout, Jules! And SO GLAD you are updating your recipes…can’t wait! 🙂
Question: What kind of syrup do you use? I can’t decide if I should buy sugar free syrup or 100% maple syrup.
i use maple syrup 🙂
Coconut milk has let me down too when I was looking for that rich coconut flavor! I did buy coconut extract AND almond extract and use them together. This adds that “nuttiness” Coconut extract alone doesn’t really have what it takes…almond seems to be more potent! Give it a try!
i love all your breakfast ideas! my boyfriend is always so disgusted when i add jelly to an english muffin with cheese/eggs/sausage/whatever… and he refuses to try it! he has no idea what he is missing out on. thanks for the breakfast inspiration! 🙂
Which is funny because coconut oil lends to MUCH coconut flavor, IMHO…. Oh, the mysteries that those enigmatic coconuts contain in their hollow holes….
French toast is hands down my favorite breakfast food, though, and I’m always wary of using other breads (especially disk shaped ones) for the base. Is this a regular habit and, does it work as well despite the crusty side of the emuffs?
Coconut extract and me are pretty much BFF’s! 🙂
Did you cycle these moves? Otherwise, that would be like a THREE minute plank, which would REALLY hurt. But if you DID hold a three minute plank, you’re my new hero.
no, no! i rested! 🙂
I agree, subpar french toast is much better then no french toast!
I’ve never tried using english muffins to actually make french toast before, but its an interesting idea! I’ve used the sandwich thins and they work pretty well. If i’m wanting a really rich version of french toast then CHALLAH bread all the way 🙂
You’ve inspired me to get some supersets into my training, they kick butt each time!
Loving that treadmill workout… I’m going to try it tomorrow along with another set of 100 squats!
Coconut always has such a delicate flavor. I love putting the extract into sweet bread to get a Hawaiian flavor, but I have to put in twice as much for it to come through.
Have you ever tried coconut syrup? It’s the bomb!
no! that sounds fantastic!
Hmm I bet coconut milk + coconut flakes + coconut oil would be delish! I’m going to experiment with that.
Maybe some coconut extract would’ve been good? 🙂
I made your jam +cheese +egg sandwich combo today!!!! seriously amazing, thanks for the inspiration! maybe some coconut flakes?!
i have trouble tasting the coconut flavor in straight up coconut milk! almond, rice and coconut milks all taste the same to me.
Sorry to hear your french toast didn’t turn out the way you hoped! It was a very creative idea and maybe the extract will give you more of the coconut flavor you are looking for. I love coconut too – have you ever tried the Kellogg’s FiberPlus(R) Caramel Coconut Fudge bars? Those are pretty much one of my absolute favorite snacks!
This looks like a great workout, I’ll definitely try it! When you say superset though, do you mean like do 15 chest presses then instead of resting do 15 bicep curls? Or combine them and then rest in between sets?
i do 15 chest presses then 15 bicep curls right after, rest and repeat!
Just checked out the Awesome Shoulder Move – and loving Ryan’s video debut! How’s he getting on with that website he was putting together – I haven’t missed the memo have I?!
I made stuffed (PB and banana) french toast this weekend. Best idea ever.
You could also top it with some grated coconut, that will do the trick.