The extreme chill in the air meant only one thing this morning… I needed a hot breakfast!
I mixed a pack of Kashi creamy vanilla hot cereal with half of a scoop of cinnamon protein powder and microwaved it until it was steaming! I enjoyed a hot cup of honey lemon tea and a tangerine on the side.
The tangerine was juicy and tasty, but I definitely prefer clementines. Not only are they seedless, but they’re easier to peel too!
After digesting for about an hour, Ryan and I bundled up and went to the gym to warm up even more.
I did 30 minutes of light cardio on the elliptical while reading a magazine before taking a Zumba class. I had the best time at Zumba! The instructor was really into it and had amazing energy. I felt a little goofy swiveling my hips at first, but eventually let go and had a great time doing the salsa and other upbeat dance moves.
Do you feel self conscious during group exercise classes?
I feel self conscious during group exercise classes if I canot seem to catch on to a routine. Classes like step where it seems like everyone who goes is a regular and knows the choreogaphy by heart make me feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t “get it.”
Post Gym Activities
After the gym Ryan and I ran to Target to pick up some essentials… and a bag of peanut butter M&Ms. The bag didn’t last long and we polished it off while waiting for our lunch to bake in the oven. Dessert before lunch… that’s how we roll. 😉
Thankfully lunch should be done soon. I’m hungry and though those M&Ms were delicious, they didn’t do much for my hunger.
After lunch I have plans to meet up with some girlfriends for pedicures before heading to my friend Ashley’s wedding with Ryan tonight.
Ashley and I worked together at the Orlando Museum of Art when I first graduated college. She’s the graphic designer for the museum and is super creative. I can’t wait attend her wedding tonight. 😀
I hope I can stay warm the rest of the day!
What a fun morning! I love that you had dessert before lunch! Classic! 🙂 I am stil wanting to try the cherry m&m’s…have you seen them?
I could only wish I was in FL today, our high here in Iowa is 5…..oatmeal looked yummy:)
I always get nervous my first time taking a group class. But everything usually turns out okay in the end. I never tell the instructors that it’s my first time in class when they ask everyone – too embarrassing!!
fun time at the gym! I took my first zumba class last week! it was fun, the instructor needed to talk more but it was really fun! I hope to go again!
stay warm!
warm breakfasts on a cold day are the best. & i sometimes do feel a bit slef conscious ing roup exercise classes so i usually just giggle a lot
Have a fun time at the wedding!
Have fun at the wedding 🙂
As for group fitness classes i am the worlds most uncoordinated person at the gym, I look horrible in classes. Oh well. At least I am there working out.
what is that first picture? looks like…..