To those of you who have been dealing with temperatures below 25 degrees for months now and still manage to find motivation to work out, I give you a gold star. It is a billion times harder for me to get out of bed and drive to the gym when it is cold outside.
This morning, it was in the 20s as Ryan and I drove to the gym (I’m pretty sure this is illegal in Florida) and all I wanted to do was crawl back under my warm blankets and cuddle up with Ryan and Sadie until the sun peeked over the horizon and started to warm things up a bit around here.
Once we began our warm up and I started to sweat, I felt 10 times better and the cold wasn’t so awful anymore. Sometimes simply getting to the gym is half the battle. (I actually think it’s probably more like 90 percent of the battle.)
For today’s workout, I focused on strength training and targeted my biceps, triceps and shoulders. My workout looked a lot like this biceps + triceps workout, but in place of the cardio burst exercises, I completed a shoulder exercise such as front shoulder raises or mac raises. <— Learned that one in BodyPump!
Breakfast this morning began with a hot cup of coffee and a creamy cup of Greek yogurt sweetened with a bit of honey.
(That mug makes me want to drop everything and go back to Sanibel!)
I also ate a clementine but was still hungry and heated up a mug of oatmeal with egg whites, sliced almonds, banana and almond milk.
Hunger = Satisfied!
Now I’m off to the gym again to work and teach.
Once I am done with work for the day, I am driving up Jacksonville to meet up with my family for a road trip. We’re driving to Raleigh, North Carolina today to spend the night at my aunt’s house before we head on to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Due to some health concerns, my grandma (Mimi – the grandmother behind my favorite sugar cookies!), moved to Raleigh after Christmas to be closer to my aunt and I’m traveling to her house in Gettysburg with my family to help move and go through some of her belongings.
I hope the trip will be fun but I know it will likely be emotional since we’ll be going through my grandmother’s house knowing that her house – the house my mother grew up in and the house I’ve loved visiting for years – will be sold in the coming months.
Silver lining: I will be able to see my aunt, uncle, cousins and grandmother in Raleigh tomorrow.
I hope you have a fabulous Thursday! Stay warm!
It’s -8 where I am right now which is absolutely crazy! I am frozen the second I step out the door. I’ve been going to hot yoga and that’s been really appealing because I get in there and it’s so warm plus I know I’ll get a good workout! I’m actually looking forward to going tonight as it’s a relief from the cold!
ok i LOVE going to the gym, but with as cold temperatures (and as much snow) as we’ve gotten in st louis, i’ve been enjoying more at home workouts than ever before! we do have a treadmill in our basement, but i also incorporate lots of lunges, push ups, and core work in my nice warm cozy home 🙂 🙂
safe travels! hot oatmeal is definitely in order on a chilly day like today!
I’m ok to go to the gym in cold (even though I have to walk to my gym 15-20 min each way!) but I really hate going in the rain.
Have a good time in Raleigh and enjoy seeing the family!
I can relate to your story as we went through the same thing with my grandfather. It was tough, but the right decision. Be sure to pack plenty of warm clothes as it is colder than normal here in Raleigh!
It was 6 degrees here with a wind chill of -11, and I’m sad to say that I woke up at 5:30 to go to the gym and crawled right back in bed! You’re totally right- getting to the gym is 90% of the battle.
Also, thanks for the video about mac raises! I’m definitely incorporating those into my workout this afternoon.
And I’m sorry to hear that your grandmother isn’t doing well :(. When we went through my grandmother’s belongings it was so sad, but also very cool at the same time. I’m sure it will turn out to be a memorable trip for your family (in a good way!)! Also, I LOVE North Carolina. I’m so jealous that you get to go this weekend!
P.s. I’ve loved your blog for years. Thank you for always being so positive and motivational!
Thanks for the positive words, Susie. I do think the trip will unearth a lot of wonderful memories, for sure! I just hate knowing it may be the last (or one of the last) times I’ll be in her house. I think I’ll miss the smell more than anything!
I understand how you feel about your grandmother’s house. My parents have been living in the same house for 30 years and they’re trying to sell it now. I had to say goodbye to the house I grew up in when I left after visiting for Christmas and I can’t imagine going back – it’s going to be so weird!
On another note, I would give ANYTHING to drive to the gym! Haha I live in Chicago and I have to walk 15 minutes to get to my gym every morning and my motivation is definitely waning!
I hope you guys can make the best of this weekend, I’m sure it’ll be very hard!
Whoa in the 20s in FL? I didn’t even think that was possible!! Good luck on the trip this weekend- just think of all the happy memories and enjoy the time with your family!
I usually workout in the evenings and it’s definitely a challenge getting home from working, then getting myself to leave to go to my Zumba class when it’s so darn cold (it was 2 degrees this a.m.!). I make myself do it though because I remind myself how good I feel afterwards. It’s definitely worth it!
Try convincing yourself to swim… outside… with snow all around the pool! LOL. Actually it is not that bad, I warm up in the indoor jacuzzi for about 5 minutes til I am so hot I feel like I might throw up, then I run outside, trying not to slip on the ice and jump in the pool. The pool is probably 60 degrees warmer than the air and feels great once you are in.
I feel ya on the cold temperatures thing… I think it gets easier as time goes on though – you just get used to it. I also have a couple tricks that help me. 1) Turn on/warm up the car for a few minutes while you’re getting ready. 2) Preset the coffee so I know it’s waiting for me when I get out of bed. 3) Wear sweats over my leggings/shorts to the gym.
Safe travels! Hope your trip is enjoyable!
I go to college in VT and I’ve been walking to the gym at 6am when the temperature is -11 with a real feel of -31! I envy the “cold” you guys get in FL!
I’m in raleigh! And from PA originally.
It’s 12 here this morning so be ready…. If you’re up for a kick butt workout, you can try a class for free at East Coast Boxing – its amazing!
I’m so thankful that I have a gym at my house. If I didn’t I would definitely have a hard time working out!! YUM! Love clementines! Feels like forever since I’ve had one (although it’s only been maybe a month )!
It was 0 in my car this morning outside of Boston. I actually like to work out in the cold more than the heat. At least I know I’ll heat up, when it’s hot I am just gonna get hotter.
I wrote an article for a newspaper on selling my parent’s house a few years back. It was hard to realize that I would never walk through the door again and someone else would be living there. Do you have pictures of the hosue, Julie? That has helped me. Feel free to read my article on my Blog: It’s the one called Everyday Messages.
thank you for sharing! i definitely plan to take a LOT of pictures this weekend!
hope the trip goes smoothly and that you’re able to enjoy some family time. it’s flipping freezing here and i’m still trying to figure out how to stay warm while walking the dogs. so far we’re at ear warmers, hat, scarf, two pairs of gloves, boots, down jacket, sweatshirt and two pairs of pants 🙂
Stay strong at your grandma’s house- I’m sure it’ll be tough, but your family will be going through it together! 🙂
I live in Raleigh! Be careful there have been some icy roads and people here don’t know how to drive of course. I hope you enjoy family time. I don’t know how long you’ll be in town but there’s so much to do! Let me know if you want any suggestions! or has things in raleigh to do!
Chicago has been in a freeze-zone for weeks now … since there is nothing really to do outside, gym is my only savior to get all the energy out and get some blood flowing!
So sorry to hear about your grandmother, Julie. Oddly enough, my own grandfather moved to Raleigh to be closer to my parents two years ago, once living on his own (so far from family) became too much of a burden. It was definitely hard to say goodbye to his and my grandmother’s house; if it helps, though, his new apartment still has that familiar smell of their old home. 😉 And being so close to family now has been a huge blessing for everyone — I hope it’ll be the same for your family, too! Enjoy your road trip —
Best wishes for your trip! I went through a similar exercise when my grandparents sold their home a few years back. I still miss having holidays there, but as time goes on you build new traditions and memories without ever forgetting the old ones. Hopefully your grandmother’s home will become a place for another family to create wonderful memories!
I love honey and Fage!!! One of my all time favs! As you may know, here in the Chicagoland area it has been sooo cold and snowy, but I’m still hitting the pavement outside! Gold star for this teacher? yes please 🙂
I think getting to the gym is more like 99.999999% of the battle for me. Especially when it’s a blizzard! I was stormed in yesterday so I completed a few round of the minute workout app, which I discovered on here- so thank you!
I am a regular pumper, and I HATE the shoulder track, but LOVE me some mac raises!!
I actually feel worse for the Floridians living in the 20 degree temps than the Northeasters living in the single digits! I need to start making those oatmeal eggwhites. Did you already do a post of your pantry staples? If you didn’t…could you? 🙂
We’re also cleaning out my grandparent’s house (down the road from you in Mechanicsburg, PA!) and it’s very emotional, but also interesting seeing what they felt was important to save after all these years (the answer is apparently EVERYTHING. Grandma and Grandpa Packrat!) but it makes me miss my grandmother all that much more.
Haha, my brother lives in FL now and he’s stopped calling me to complain if it’s “cold” (aka below 40) when today here in MN, where he grew up, it’s -19.
I’m always proud of myself and my fellow workout friends for leaving work and going right to workout instead of going home to hibernate.
20 in Florida- that is awful! I mean its 6 degrees here in Connecticut but its New England and almost expected. Motivation to get to the gym is hard. But you are right once I am there SO much better. What is really tough is this weather and my long runs. I cant long run on a treadmill but snowy roads and single digits. 🙁
It’s always so hard to get out of bed when it’s so cold! Though I also have a hard time taking off my sweatshirt at the gym because it always feels so cold, but I have to remind myself that in about 2 minutes, I’ll be wishing I left it in the locker and didn’t have to lug the thing around with me everywhere. 😉
Awww I’m sorry your grandma isn’t going well but enjoy the time with your family! I used to live in Raleigh before we moved her and i LOVED it! Enjoy your time!
The mn cold makes it very hard to get up sometimes!! I hope it warms up there. Scott and I are going on a cruise in a week in a half that is leaving from Miami. I’m hoping for some warmth and sun.
I live in the Raleigh-Durham area! I know you’ll be busy but I’d love to meet up with you someday when you are in the area!
When I got in my car at 5:50 this morning, it was -1. Brr! I almost declared it a rest day, but remembered how skipping a workout puts me in such a funk for the rest of the day!
We are going to be doing the same with my Grandma soon…it’s heart breaking. I’ll be thinking about you and your family!
I’m snickering to myself because I’d love to see 20 degree temps and that the workouts are inside.
More importantly, hope things go well for your family.
Going to the gym can be hard when living in freezing cold weather! Right now it is -20 degrees with the wind chill. Brrr!
Good luck with your drive today and going through your grandmothers things. I’m sure that will be hard but you have such a positive attitude you will do awesome!
I’m so sorry that your grandmother is not doing well. I hope you are still able to have a nice weekend with your family…despite the circumstances.
Welcome to my neck of the woods….PA! I’m switching places with you and traveling to Oviedo this weekend. Be prepared for below zero temperatures…at least Florida will seem really warm once you get home. 🙂
We have had non stop negative degrees for almost a month. I have become used to the frigid temps now, but the mounds of snow is a different story. I love keeping at home workout routines and DVDs handy for the mornings I wake up and can’t see anything but white for miles.
((Hugs)), no way I could have gone through my Grandmother’s house. That was my favorite place to be growing up and even though she has been gone for three years, I can still remember how it smelled to walk in her home and where everything was.
I am the worst with cold weather.
<3 hugs for you Grams
I definitely understand your desire to stay in bed … I live in Central New York and it was -20 degrees yesterday morning (wind chill was roughly -30 degrees). I go to the gym after work (come home just to change and grab my stuff), so it’s not as bad as getting out of a warm bed to go, but it’s still hard! I don’t think our temperature ever climbed above 0 degrees yesterday. I’m used to the cold because I’ve lived here my entire life, but this cold snap is definitely the worst we’ve seen in some time – and it’s supposed to remain cold into next week yet. At this point, 25 degrees would feel like a heat wave to us!
Sorry to hear about your grandmother, and the fact that her house will be going up for sale. For someone who grew up right next door to their grandparent’s house, I can just imagine how hard it is to know that she will no longer be living there. So many good memories though, ones you will never forget and will always cherish. Wishing you and your family the best this weekend …
It is so haaaard to workout when is cold outside, but after a nice warm-up it’s easier! Enjoy NC and Pennsylvania!
Good luck with the trip this weekend. I know that you and your family will have the strength to get through this time. I agree, my motivation has dropped completely with the cold weather and my cravings for comfort foods has majorly increased.
In Toronto yesterday it was -26 Celsius which is about -14 Fahrenheit…. 20 Fahrenheit would feel balmy right about now 😛 And I walk everywhere!
I live just outside of Orlando, and I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning! Snuggling in bed is perfect on chilly mornings. Let alone going outside to get to the gym. I love the cold weather, but I love it more when I can be in jeans and a hoodie!
Happy Thursday!
For me, getting to the gym is 99% of the battle. I never regret it once I’m there…but sometimes, when it’s -10 degrees out, getting there is hard! (Hard = impossible!) Best of luck with your grandmother’s house. Like many other faithful readers, I can relate. I cried ten times MORE when we cleaned up and sold my grandmother’s house than I did when my family moved out of my childhood home. But despite all of the crying through that process, I also remember A LOT of laughter. We found so many random things and as much fun as I had reminiscing, I also had fun listening to my parents and aunts/uncles reminiscing about their childhood too. Best of luck and our thoughts are with you!
I’m going through a similar situation with my grandma. Good luck this weekend. It will be difficult, but it will also be fun to tell stories & reminisce about all the good times you’ve had in her house.
It was -3 when I got to the gym this morning (-20 with windchill). I am so lucky that my gym is attached to my condo, so I don’t have to bare the cold. I have no motivation to get in the pool right now though since it is so cold. I have to give myself a pep talk to get in:)
I have never commented before but have been an avid reader for a few years. Your pictures of coffee cups always make me want to have a cup right at that instance.
Prepare for the cold as Pennsylvania is going to get colder these next few days!!
I definitely agree with you that it should be illegal to be cold in Florida. I live in NJ, where it’s been freezing and way too snowy lately. My husband and I were in Orlando at Disney last week and were kind of bummed that it was in the 60’s. Even though the lows each day were about 20 degrees higher than anything we’ve seen in a while. I was actually complaining that it was so cold! Clearly, I need to get a better grasp on reality and learn something about perspective!
Enjoy your trip and definitely try to think of the positives. Ugh, it has been so cold here lately too (here being southern CT/northern NJ area). My car read 4 degrees yesterday morning and 8 degrees today! I didn’t want to leave my blanket but I had to go to work. Sacrifices.