I spent the morning studying for my personal trainer certification. As an advertising and public relations major, I haven’t taken a science class since my freshman year of college (and that was a basic pre-requisite class), so a lot of the science terminology (osteoblasts, what!?) goes right over my head.
I want to take my time with each chapter, take notes, create a personal study guide and absorb the information. Every chapter is taking me a lot longer to get through than I initially anticipated, but that also makes me feel better about the certification I chose since it seems very comprehensive and detailed. You better believe I repeated this morning’s “determination now or regret later” mantra in my head when I found my mind wandering.
Lunch was a welcome break this afternoon and I reheated a bowl of chili leftover from Sunday night’s dinner.
The chili was essentially my simple summer chili, but with cannellini beans instead of the kidney beans and broccoli florets and carrots added to the mix.
Flavorful and filling!
Coming up in August
Whenever a new month hits, I peek ahead at my calendar and check out everything I have on the agenda for that month. Inevitably something jumps out at me and gets me excited for the month ahead!
This month I have quite a few things planned that I’m really looking forward to, noted in chronological order below:
- Indoor triathlon
- Beauty and the Beast musical with my mom and sister
- Crafty day with Laurel
- Katy’s baby shower
- Taste of the Nation in Orlando (You can use the code ONEDAY get 25 percent off your ticket if you care to attend! I had the best time last year and cannot wait to go again this year. If you live in Orlando, love food and want to help raise money for the Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida and Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida – they get every dollar raised – feel free to use the coupon code, valid today only, and join me!)
- Leah’s bachelorette party in New Orleans
August should be a fun one around here!
P.S. The July Book Club post will be up soon!
Question of the Afternoon
- What are you most looking forward to in August?
My mom’s birthday is in August so I love this month! 🙂
Jason Mraz concert on the 25th! But I am really looking forward to the beginning of September when I go to Chicago for the first time and fall in love with it and beg my boyfriend that we move there!
I live in a suburb of Chicago . . . you’re going to LOVE IT! 🙂
I agree; you will LOVE Chicago!
I also am from the burbs!!
I grew up in the ‘burbs. Chicago is a magical city and I love it! You will too 🙂
i miss chicago SO much!!
any must see’s or must eats??
Great idea about looking forward to what exciting things are to come. I like it!
So here’s what I found: Two of my favorite people are getting married this coming weekend, I’m teaching my first health and wellness seminar (nervous!), and I get to meet my new students (I’m a high school teacher) for the upcoming year. There’s a lot going on!
I’m most looking forward to being in London and attending one of the Olympic events!
Your upcoming month sounds fantastic! I am feeling a tad envious 🙂 I am interested to hear your feedback about an indoor triathlon…It sounds a little odd to me but I live in Seattle and it is cold 11 months out of the year.
I am thinking about getting PT certified but the thing that scares me most is all of the science and anatomy studying… I love that you are so committed! I need to follow your lead 🙂
I’m looking forward to a trip to Long Beach Island for my good friends bachelorette party!!
Oh what a fun month you have coming up!! I love parties with friends 🙂
This month is a huge one for me….I will be competing in my first Half IronMan!! I can not wait! I’ve trained a lot, cried some, and sweated my butt off in prepping for it. So it should go swimmingly. Haha 😉
I have a lot of fun things planned too! Mountain creek water park in nj, MOMA in NYC, a week in Punta Cana and 3 nights in Savannah GA …yay for AUG!
Sounds like such a fun month that you have planned! 🙂
I’m looking forward to the 17th which is my wedding day! We are leaving for our week long honeymoon the next day. So I’m looking forward that as well 🙂
Sounds like a great month! I’m looking forward to going to Vancouver for the Sea Wheeze half marathon, going to a fitness conference I attend every year, and my birthday!
I’m studying for my boards exam to become an occupational therapist right now so I can definately relate to the “determination now, regret later” mantra! Good luck with your studying 🙂
You do have a fun August planned! I’m looking forward to August because I am going to three concerts, my Dad is coming to visit, and I’m going to a friend’s engagement party. Also, at the end of the month, I’m starting a graduate certificate program at George Washington University. I’m really excited and nervous at the same time. It’s been three years since I graduated from undergrad, which feels like a decade ago. So I’m expecting to be a little rusty at first, but hope it all works out!
I’m super excited for the Healthy Living Summit later this month! I’m also excited to have a month that’s not crazy planned out. It feels good to have some weekends open to do whatever I want.
I’m going camping from the 13th to the 15th, and possibly up to a cottage on a lake from the 24th – 26th. So exciting t oget some chill time in nature!
Im looking forward to running my 4th half marathon in Alaska!
you have a lot of fun things coming up! I have one big week in August, where I go home to Kansas City, drive to Colorado, and then fly to Boston for HLS! AHHH! Haha.
I’m heading to Myrtle Beach tomorrow for a long weekend with my boyfriend’s family. And I’m REALLY looking forward to mine and my boyfriend’s trip to Italy next week for 10 wonderful days! 🙂
Wow you have a busy month ahead lady!
If I lived in Orlando, I would SO go to Taste of the Nation.. I’ve always wanted to!
I’m looking forward to my first wedding anniversary which is next Monday!
My beach vacation is this month! I can’t waiiiiiitttt
YIKES that is expensive! Thanks but even with 25% off I couldn’t pay that much…
My wedding 🙂 August 11!!!!
Back to school for my kids. Is that wrong? ha!!
Oh yay! I’ll get to see you at Katy’s shower. And here I thought I had to wait until September 🙂
Hmmm nothing too exciting happening for me in August lol hopefully I’ll get some days off from work to go to the beach 🙂
I’ve always wanted to get my training certification. I’m a scientist, soon to be Dr. (PhD) so maybe it would be way easy?? I need to look into this…
I’m most looking forward to this weekend! I’m going to visit my roommate and best friend from college. I haven’t seen her in about a year, so I’m beyond excited! In a few weeks, my husband and I are getting away for a weekend too which will be a nice break together. It’s going to be a great month ahead!
Yellowstone! I am going on a road trip from the SF Bay Area to Yellowstone. Can’t wait to see buffalo 🙂
A possible change of career! …going back to study is tempting me; really want to do something I love.
This month I start my new job–it’s my first “real” job after graduating from college in May (teaching 4- and 5-year old preschool). I’m nervous but excited!!
I am looking forward to next week. We are headed to the beach for my birthday! Your chilli has sparked a craving! Yum!
I’m going to HLS for the first time so I’m pretty pumped up about that. Also celebrating my dad and step dads birthdays this month. Should be a good one.
It will probably pass by way too fast though! Seems to be happening every month this year!
I studied the NASM textbook too and I had a hard time with some of the science stuff too, so I actually looked up videos on youtube that helped explain it so much! I learn better with a visual!
Niice! So much fun stuff in store for you! Which means, fun for us readers as well 😀 And osteoblast….hmmmm anything to do with bones and ligaments?! hahaa not sure. but that saying is so true, doing our best in the present is sooo much better than regretting it in the future.
My first baby is due on August 25th!!!! And my birthday is second to that event on the 15th. Fun stuff!
A LOT! My fiance’s birthday, my uncle’s retirement party, finding a job (ALMOST THERE!). also going to Orlando to visit my aunt for Labot Day weekend!!! 🙂 Wahoo! Busy month.
I’m jealous of you August “fun list” haha all I have planned is school starting, two more semesters and I’m all done!!!
Enjoy your fun-filled month 🙂
In just two weeks I’ll see my boyfriends and best friends after being away all summer! Definitely the thing I’m looking forward to the most.
Wow what a busy month you’ll have!
I am seeing Beauty and the Beast this Friday! Wooooo!!!
Going to Kenya! Woot Woot!!
Ohh I have GOT to make that chili asap! It looks delicious and is such a treat since chili is usually a winter thing! I like that idea of looking at your cal for the month ahead! I have some fun things happening this month but am most excited about going to the INDY race in Sonoma! It’s going to be awesome!
It seems like you have tried tons of different workouts, so I was wondering if you have ever used kettlebells and if so what you think of them? Thanks 🙂
I am really looking forward to August, mainly because I just finished my Master’s thesis and defense (today actually) and I will be free from school! I am going to NYC this weekend with a friend from school to see a Broadway play. And then I have a job interview next weekend. So August is definitely a life-changing month for me and I’m really looking forward to what lies ahead.
I am most looking forward to continuing to train for a half marathon with my dad in October, and planning my wedding for next May. But what I am looking forward to MOST is seeing my little brother for the first time in 13 weeks as he graduates on the last day of August from Marine Corps bootcamp and finally fulfills his dream of being a Marine. My father and I are training to run for him. I ran my first half marathon last year while my fiance (then boyfriend) was also at bootcamp. It helps us all get through the time away from them as they are both close to us since my fiance and brother grew up being best friends.
Sounds like a great month! I’m looking forward to starting CrossFit and a trip back west to visit my best friends from college at the end of the month.. I’m SO excited for that!
osteoblasts think osteoporosis, involves bone!
My grandson will graduate from Air Force basic
training the end of August and I plan to travel to Texas to see that.
What a fun month you have ahead! And an indoor triathalon!?!?! Have you ever done a tri before? How fun!!! Goood luck 😀
My first half marathon!!!
My birthday is on the 14th. August is my favorite month! I’m also looking forward to Ironman Canada on August 26th. Can’t believe it’s only 25 days away! My husband and I have been training since last September. My mom’s birthday is also in August.